Chapter 51

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|Karlie's POV|

Mikayla and I looked back and forth at each other from time to time as we watched them make incisions here and there. After about 7 hours of watching and waiting continuously they removed the baby. They shook the baby trying to get a breath out of it and the doctors looked at each other and mumbled. Haley looked confused and she didn't seem to know what's going on and Mikayla and I didn't either.

Just then they rushed the baby out of the operating room and into another room. They hooked the baby up to IV's and gave it an oxygen mask. Mikayla ran over to the baby in the room as I ran into the room where Haley was.

"W-what's going on! Where's my baby?!" Haley said as she sobbed uncontrollably. "I don't know, I'm sorry. All I know is that they're trying to save it. Do you know the gender of the baby?" I asked. She shook her head yes and said "its a girl".

Mikayla ran in with tears in her face and rushed me it of the room in a panic. "T-the baby-it's d-dead. Its dead" she sobbed as she fell to the ground and cried. I hugged her as I cried as well and I said between sobs "I-it was a g-girl" and she kinda laughed a bit "well she fought for her life until her very last breath" she said as she wiped her eyes and I wiped mine.

"We have to tell Haley" I whispered and she nodded. We went back into her operating room and sat in the chairs silently next to her bed. "What's wrong? Is she okay?" She asked as soon as we sat down. "H-Haley, she's gone" Mikayla told her and Haley turned pale. "N-no that's not true. She alive! She has to be!" She screamed as she cried even more. "she died because she was a premature baby, she was born to soon" Mikayla said and she just curled up in a ball and started crying even more.

"What about Leo?" She asked as she wiped her eyes. "I'll go check on him, in sure he's out of surgery" I said as I went over and looked through the window of the operating room. "They're still operating on him, he's a fighter" Someone said behind me and I looked back to see the EMT from earlier. "oh, hey, yeah I know" I said as I looked back over to see Leo with a breathing tube down his throat and several doctors and nurses around him operating.

"He might not make it. Its a miracle if he does" he said as he leaned against the wall. "I don't you telling me if my nephew will live or die. That's not something I want to think about right now" I hissed at him. "I know I'm sorry. No body likes to hear that, but it's the truth" he sighed and he looked over at me. "your a very supportive aunt" He said. I looked over at him and smiled shyly. "Thanks, I know he'll make it though" I said and I looked over to see Cegan talking to Mikayla.

"I know he will" he said as he walked away and patted my back. I smiled as I looked down at the floor and back to see Leo waking up. I smiled as the doctors left and I went inside. "hey buddy, how you feeling?" I asked as I texted Mikayla to come inside his room.

"I feel like shit" he said as he rubbed his shoulder and I rushed over to stop him "don't do that, you could puncture it again" I said and he just laid back down. "this is bullshit, I was supposed to be Mom's hero and Cegan stole my thunder" he grumbled and I laughed. "Trust me your mommy's big hero still" I said "And ours" Cegan said as she ran in and hugged her brother her immediately flinched at her touch. "sorry" she whispered and Mikayla came in.

|Mikayla's POV|

Cegan ran into Leo's room immediately hugging Leo who looked like he got shot all over again, but he slowly hugged back and she apologized.

I went over and sat next to Karlie as I held Leo's hand. "is mom and the baby okay?" He asked. "Leo, the baby's gone. shes gone" Cegan said looking down at the floor with tears streaming down her face. I wiped her tears and Karlie looked down at Leo's hand which was basically strangling her's. He then broke down into tears and We all hugged him as he sobbed onto our shoulders.

He eventually calmed down after we comforted him and he rubbed his eyes. "I wanna see my mom" he said and we looked at each other. We nodded and we got a wheelchair. We helped him into it and we wheeled him down the hall. He looked around to see all the other patients and he seemed sad for them. We eventually made it to Haley's room and we wheeled him inside. "Hi mom" he smiled and she looked up from her fidgeting hands.

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