Chapter 20 : let's start all over again

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“Take a sit , they are recording “ Jenny said and when I turned , One direction were recording , Zayn was the one singing , his voice gave me chills , And tears in my eyes , it’s so touching and so amazing he looks so much sexier singing his high notes are the best , I can’t get my eyes of him , I want to be with him , I want to be able to be with someone and that someone is Zayn  

"They are good aren't they" Jenny said and get me out of Zayn's charming voice in my ear , it's so comforting and took me away to a dreamland 

"Yes they are " I smile 

"Look Who is here ? " Harry and Louis say , they just get out of the recording box 

"Hey guys " I said and they throw themselves at me 

"Slowly you guys , Sandy hates Hugs " Jenny said 

"It's ok " I said and I really feel great and safe with those guys they are so nice to me  even when I was so rude with them yesterday 

"You're lucky , you just woke up " Niall Said 

"Yeah , When it comes to sleep I'm a record breaker " I said , Jenny confirms and they all laugh 

"Well , You must be friend with Zayn then he is a sleep lover too " Liam Said , I smile and look at Zayn who still talking with a guy in the recording box 

"Sorry Guys I was such a boring person yesterday " I said and bit my lip , I have to stop this habit my lip hurt from biting on her all the time

"It's Ok Love , Harry told us " Louis said and turned to Harry , they really tell everything to each others , did Zayn told them about our kiss , it was not really a kiss just an accident

" Don't look at me like that , they knew something was up , and I couldn't help letting them think that you are just a boring person " Harry said 

Just then Zayn joined us and I can tell that he is hesitating to talk to me or not , So I will just do the first step 

"Hi Zayn " I smile at him 

"Hi , didn't know that you were her " he said 

"I was listening to you recording , you were amazing " I said 

"Really ,  Why we didn't get that compliment " Harry raises his brow

"Sorry you really were so good all of you , I told Jenny right Jenny ? " I said and look at her 

"Yes she did ! take it easy on her fellas " Jenny said and they laugh 

"We have to go Liam , the girls are waiting for us " Louis said and they both looked at each other 

" Oh yes and Niall we should go talk to Simon " Harry Said, Jenny Zayn and I , are looking at them they were strange somehow 

They all head out and Jenny also went , after she said that she have her meeting now , I stand their with Zayn , It's so awkward I don't know what to say and he also looks so confused and don't know what to talk about 

"Can we talk ? " We both said at the same time and smiled , God his smile is so addictive 

"You first " He said , and we both sat on the couch , the couch is not that big so we are really close to each other 

"Okey, So I really am sorry for saying some stupid things last night , I don't know how to control myself when I'm angry " I said and look down 

He lifted my chin with his hands , they are so warm and soft on my skin "Hey you don't have to be sorry , I should be the one to apologize I should've told you about myself , I was just selfish only thinking about me and didn't even thinks about how will you feel when you find out " 

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