Chapter 32 : FINALLY YOU !!

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" Miss me Right ? " Nate was lying down on my bed and I was drying my wet hair

" No , and I still did not forgave you for what you have done to me " The bruises that he left on wrist are almost gone , but the memory is still fresh in my heart

" I'm so sorry but I get Jealous and lost my temper " I still don't know who the hell told him that this guy tried to kiss me , It was inside the Univ. , won't ask him because I'm sure he will find away to get away with another lie

" Well you don't have the right to do that each time you get Jealous or lose tour Temper , The next time I don't know if I will hide it from Sam or my Parents and It will be no next time " I snap and he stand from on the bed coming to where I am

" I'm Sorry okay , I Promise you it will be the last time " he smiles letting his deep dimples Drilling a hole on the side of his pinkish cheeks , hitting right away on my weak point

" Hope too " I let out a fainting smile and continue drying my hair

He then titled his head to make his lip closer to mine , before I turned my head to avoid it , he crash his hard lips on me giving me a forced passionate kiss , his kisses were always like that hard , strong, forced and tasting cigarette , they were passionate and exciting but there is always something missing .


I shot up straight in bed, I was heavily breathing and soaked in my sweat , I looked all around me, trying to get a sense of where I was. Few, im in my room. and Those nightmares are back , I wipe the sweat on my fore head and stand from my bed , it was five am , three hours until my class , So I still have time to have a Run , It's been a long time and I need it .

I put on yoga pants and a black hoodie , It's the first week of March and the weather is still not warm in London at least , I did my hair in a ponytail and get out of my room . Jenny is still sleeping and I carefully made my way downstairs because It was dark and I was stupid enough to slip or fall ...

I start running in between the beautiful standing trees and the raising sun , it was a little bit cold but refreshing , the air was playing with my ponytail and tickling my neck , The district was quite and the only thing that echoes is the dogs barking , I was running a little bit harder than I should , cause I almost tripped before a hand catches me from falling right on the Pebbles road .

" Watch out , you really did not lie when you said you are stupid " Zayn's voice sent chills on my warm body , he was the one to catch my falling bag of bones

" But you are always here to rescue " I'm a little bit surprised of my courageous first steps

" Don't get use to it then " Zayn said , he snap actually , he is acting really weird and talking with no emotions like if he switched them off

" I won't " I bit my lip and looks at him

he was posing his back on a Tree , wearing only a black Top and shorts , his black shiny heat is messy and his beard has grown since the last time I saw him that close

" Yea " he nods and start dugging around in his pocket for a minute before dragging out a fag and lighter. I raised an eyebrow as he lit it and took a long drag.

" I didn't know you smoked." I said through my teeth as I crossed my arms

" You don't know a bunch of things then " he said letting the smoke get out from his breath taking pinkish lips straight into my face causing me to go into a coughing fit , and he didn't apologize or even looks at me for the five long minutes that we stands together here

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