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I sat under the tree for quite some time till my breathing returned to normal and sweat went away.
The air is fresh and nature's smell is really nice.
I should have brought a book and a mat, I could really sit here for hours.

It's my kind of having fun this days, peace and quiet.

" Enjoying the view alone " His manly voice penetrated my ear canal and I jumped of surprise
" Hey" I replied
" Sorry for the surprise, I didn't.." he stuttered to find the correct words.
"No, its fine, I'm good. You know I'm chicken hearted" I admit and he laughs
" So you finally admit it"
" yeah! But don't get all excited about it, I meant just a little jumpy that's all"
" Well , be sure to taste your words before you spit them out" he grinned quoting me.
"That's mine you asshole"
"Stand by it then"
"Oh shut up !"

We laughed and talked for some time and sat quietly admiring each other secretly for the rest of it.
I surprised him secretly glancing at me while I was checking him myself.

He then smiled, my favorite smile of the world and the first level to fall for Zayn
"Why are you smiling?"
" The tension .. it is so sharp you could get cut"
" Yeah" I smiled agreeing, " it is seriously awkward"
He shifted turning his body to face mine

" It shouldn't you know, we don't have to be uncomfortable around each other" he explains while his eyes are so focused on mine and that is the second level to fall for him.

" I know and I'm so sorry about yesterday, I shouldn't have been so rude towards you, it's ridiculous you were there and I rejected you .. and to be honest I didn't want to .." And it is what happens when I get nervous under the look of his brown eyes.

He lifted his big tattooed hand and placed it on my lips to stop me from talking - I obviously did! And if you didn't notice this is level three in falling for Zayn's guide.
" I understand and I should be sorry because I trusted your so-called friend that was uncool from me" he explained and I'm still under his hypnosis

" I'm so sorry Sandra !" He whispered bringing me to his last stage and this is when I lean in till our foreheads stick to each other, his warm touch on my cheek while his lips were reaching to meet mine halfway.
I was hearing my strong heartbeat against my chest and this time it wasn't caused by my fear of a person but likely my excitement of love that I have missed.

I shiver against his gentle touch but as soon as we met, it wasn't innocent nor gentle anymore.. it was hot fiery, passionate and most demanding.

I couldn't resist the urge to go more and more if it wasn't for my damned short breath that led me to step away and fill my lungs to only go back again and connect our hungry lips together, more passionately.. his hands rested on both side just under my ear while mine were tangled around his neck, I was no longer on the grass but on his lap pushing his back to rest on the big tree, he chuckled and I turned red but it didn't stop me.

"Do you want to go to my place ?" He suggested
" Let us stay like this for a little more"
Sitting in between his firm legs, my back on his strong chest I couldn't get enough of his warm arms tangled around my body and his sharp shin rested on my head .. I wanted to stay more maybe the whole day and night or life. Definitely life!

I heard a laugh then my head bumped hard into something, my eyes were greasy and my head pounding.
" It's about time sunshine" his shadow standing in front of me, his long silhouette covered the bright sunlight from burning my eyes.

" Whoah, my head feels heavy. Did I sleep that much? "

" A bit yes, I did too .. I guess we were both much tired " he replied yawning
" Do you want to come for a coffee and maybe some food" I suggested ignoring the voices coming out of both of our stomachs
"Sure" He agreed with a smile

We both walked back to my place, its weird how I call it now my place .
Its so cold, I'm shivering .. I sighed reminded of california and the warmth of it.
" what?"
" what is what ?" I asked back confused
" you sighed so I figured you were upset about something" he observed battling his lashes together
" I'm upset of you actually !" I exclaimed and his eyes widened in surprise
" why ?? .. have I done anything wrong ?"
I stopped walking and so does he, I turned fo face him my small hands automatically rested on his both cheeks.
"How come you have such long and beautiful eyelashes while I dont !" I said in an annoying tone
He laughed hysterically and crushed his lips on mine, it was short and hard on mines like the kiss you give to a big cute baby.

"Your hands are so cold" I complained moving my face away from his grip

After checking them on his cheeks and confirmed, he entangled them with mine hoping for them to get warm and we were almost home.

We headed inside, it was so warm and cozy - I went straight to the kitchen zayn followed behind , he from time move away his hair from his forehead with a single hand move that make him look even more attractive than he already is.

" You're not cooking or what ? My handsome self is not going anywhere but I'm hungry as hell !" He smirks proudly
" Was is that obvious?" I hid my blushing cheeks behind a plate.
" So much, you're making me uncomfortable" he grimaced when I threw a towel in his direction and missed.
I mumbled a fuck you and turned to the counter hoping that my scrambled eggs will turn out as perfect as I hope.

" I will grill the bread and make coffee" Zayn suggested after he puts out his unfinished cigarette
" You need to stop that you know"
"What? Smoking" I nod agreeing
"I know" He shoved the bread in the toaster then faces me "And I will" he drew his lower lip between his lips gazing gently at me.

" I can see you" I declared hinting with the spatula on my hand to the side of my eye
" I'm looking at the eggs"
" What about them?"
" I've never seen scrambled eggs turning brown"

I slapped my forehead annoyed at my precious food, and how pathetic I look.

Zayn convinced me to just give up on the second ones insisting that he likes more cheese with bread and coffee than eggs and I couldn't be more relieved.

I have no mood left to stand in the kitchen.

" Next time I'll cook"
" I told you Zayn that I really make the best eggs why are you insisting on annoying me today?" I pouted anger flashing out of my eyes
" I'm kidding okey sorry" he batted his lashes before showering me with his sweet kisses.
" But I bet that my eggs will be more delicious" he sniffed in my neck and I shoved him aside after giving him a good head slap.

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