Chap 46 : All started with a Lie

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Even if I love driving - sometimes I just hate it .. Its awful,mind-blowing when there is traffic like right now .. I wanted to go with Jenny but she said she's way to busy to take care of me like if I am a baby .. I will just follow her around - to be honest its kind of annoying okey

Well it seems like I put on my best outfit for tonight high waisted pencil skirt matched with a white shirt my signature black converse. Oh and I also put on some makeup .. Let's say that I took out all my cards for the night Jenny or Melanie would be impressed if they saw me right now even mom and Sam .

Speaking of my sister from another mother, I should tease her by sending a selfie in the backstage- she will freak out .. I know she loves one direction and she would die to meet with them . If only she could come and stay here with me

.. She promised, I wonder what's taking her so long maybe her mysterious new boyfriend that she refuses to talk to me about .

Not that I asked her about him - but we tell each other everything including boyfriend , she even knows about what Nate have done to me and she weirdly blamed me ...


I stopped the car in front of a big barrier with two policemen on the sides , one of them is coming towards me .. He stands in front of the window .. Stupid me , I think I should scroll down the window.

" Fans are not allowed in here miss , you should go to the P0 area " what's P0 and I'm not a fan

"Hum - I'm not a Fan , I'm coming backstage, I'm Mrs. Waldorf Jenny's niece " seriously who cares

" Sorry - everyone can say the same , you need a pass or a note " of course everyone can say this ...

" Yes , I have a pass just wait " Jenny gave it to me this morning , I should have it , of course you put it in the bag Sandy ... Where is it ?

" Can you just park on the side , you have to ket cars pass " obviously- so embarrassing

I should call someone , Jenny first ring ring ring and voicemail .. Zayn is my second choice then .... Voice mail...Harry..voice mail too . Gosh what is it with everyone or is it just my stupid luck as usual ...

I get out of the car and leaned on it ; hoping that someone that I know will pass by , I was trying to recall everyone in the meantime Niall, Louis Liam or Harry .. I guess they are getting prepared for the show even though it still so early , I wanted to come by that earlier to talk to Zayn and spend some time with them . Whatever

Zayn's POV

The traffic is horrible and I'm a bit late , it still early for the concert but the fans will be there by now and I'll get into trouble with The security...

Lea is quite a good company, she kept talking to me about her home , family , friends etc .. I thought it will be boring but it wasn't, specially when she mentioned how close was she with Sandy in their young age but something happened and they stopped being friends ; I didn't want to ask why or what happened ! But I wanted to ask about what happened to Sandra back Home , why she said what she said to her yesterday about changing leaving her past behind and running here ...

" Can I ask you something ? " I'm hesitant about it but I'm confident that I want to know

" Yes sure whatever you want " her passion encourage me more to ask , she doesn't mind

" Why did you say yesterday that Sandy run away and she came here to change her life and forget whatever she wanted to hide in her past ? "

" hum .. " She stayed quite for minutes but only to remove her seatbelt and turn to face me " Well because that was sudden , I mean she disappeared for a moment last year for about a month or more only to reappear again assuming that she was spending holidays in Paris "

" I don't see anything wrong about that , I mean she went to Paris what's strange ? " that's not what I wanted to hear exactly

" Yes , but not in the case of Sandra and we were on the final weeks of finals in college and she was quite the brilliant student , she loves college so much and Nate , her ex boyfriend " This is the side of the story that I was seeking to know

but I feel somehow guilty to hear Lea say it and not Sandy

" Yes , Hum.. we are almost here , are you excited for tonight " I tried to change the conversation , I will for her to tell as I promised

"Yes I am , but you know when Nate said that he left her , I really felt bad for her after all I still have something for her ... And going to rehab is the last thing I want for someone I used to love so much " Rehab?! Is that what was it about , being ditched by her boyfriend and she became an alcoholist , she is so ashamed to tell me that .. I mean its bad yes , but not so bad to hide it that much

I was really angry at Sandy yesterday when she started fighting with her friend , I've never seen that side of her , and the girl was just fine at first .. I should've pick her up today , I wanted to be with her , I wanted this to be our first show together , I missed her of course .. but maybe its the better way for her to tell me what she have to ... well Lea told me but I want to hear it from her .

Sandy's POV

My skin is so cold , I'm shivering , maybe I should give up and go home , its not like anyone would notice that I'm not there ... I will give it a last try with the security , I already gave up with the calls

" Can you at least call someone for me ? " I ask from the security

" I'm sorry but I'm afraid I can't do that ." The guard coldly answered my hopeless question

" I'm really their friend , why would I lie and stay outside in this killing cold " Really who would do that

" I know you might be right , but if you're wrong , I might loose my job , please understand me .. " I'm going home , I'm disgusted of my self waiting here to see a someone who's not interested in seeing me .. if he wanted he would've just called or came to pick me up ..

I get into the car , I was about to start the engine when I saw Lea in the passenger seat looking beautiful as usual and happy with whoever she's with .. hum wait , she must be with Harry .. I rolled down the window to call her name , I feel burdened and angry doing it , but I really wanted to go in there

" Leaa " I screamed and she heard , rolling out her window I see her face and her mouth about to open just to mock me of course and to my surprise Zayn was the one driving her

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