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This day was really long but I'm so happy with my new couture dress , even If I don't like to dress up so much , I always wanted a dress from Antonio's . The dress is black with grey and white details on the front top , long and tight on my waist it was just amazing , I'll probably look awesome tonight .

I laughed at how ridiculous I sound. What's up with this sudden self confidence.

I took a 20 minutes shower , it was warm and nice I wrapped my self in my white bath towel , I dried my hair and let it be curled naturally into a big waves , I don't like to put a lot of makeup but now I have to just to match the beauty of the dress , light foundation some blush , thin eyeliner with golden smoky eyes and a pink lipstick . I put on my dress It fitted me perfectly , I matched it with a louboutin heels and black clutch

I'm taking the Ace out tonight!!

I head down to the ground floor to see if everyone is ready .
" Oh my god " My eyes widden at how beautiful everyone is so nice dressed we look like some Hollywood celebrities , Melanie is wearing a long white satin dress , mom is wearing a black dress long just enough to cover her upper legs , dad and Sam are wearing black tuxedos with a white shirt and black tie , they are just perfect .

"Hey sis , you look stunning " Sam said and tapped on my head like a dog he always do that

"Sam stop it you'll ruin her hair " Melanie hits Sam with her bag

"Let's go reservation it at 20h00 " dad said while opening the door for everyone

I get into the car with Sam And
MeI , mom and dad went into dad's car , the drive was not so long about 15 minutes , we stopped across a big hall like a museum , a guy in a white suit opened the door for us , the building was so nice , looked so fancy
We went to our table it was round and covered with a red napkin , a set of plates , forks and knifes were putted in front of everyone

"So , sandy are you ready for London " Melanie said with a sad look on her eyes

"Well can't say I'm not , it's tomorrow" "yes , well I will be there in four months , don't get to crazy wait for me "

We all ordered what we wanted to eat , the server bring our food and red wine for everyone except me.
The meal was delicious and the night was beyond amazing , its been a really long time since all of us hang out happily.
As we are heading to the exit I saw the cruise family coming in with Lea

"Oh hey everyone we did not know you were coming , we should've spend the night together " Mr.cruise hurriedly spoke.

"Oh yea well maybe another time we were here for sandy , she's leaving tomorrow to London " Dad didn't bother informing

"You're going for vacations again , what about Univ. " lea's mom said she is always waiting for the right moment to make such a stupid comments

"No , dear she is staying there for Univ. " mom with a huff said

"Oh really what a coincidence , Lea is also moving there next week for Univ. " what no I must be dreaming what is happening with my miserable life

"Oh really well you were complaining about not having friend there , you have Lea now " mom claps her hand looking between both of us.

"Yes mom well the whole idea for going there was to know new people " I snap earning looks from everyone.

We went back home , after that we dropped Melanie  , I just gave her a big dear hug wishing to see her very soon and how annoyed I am by lea being there , well London is big it's not we are going to the same Univ.

I removed my dress and put it in her black bag and decided to wear my biggest size shirt and covered my self into my red duvet , I will miss my bed .

I woke up startled by the alarm sound right in top of my head. I frown at the wight light coming from the phone.

"Stop, 5 more minutes I'm tired " I begged Sam who normally was the one supposed to be begging

" sandy wake up you need to get to take breakfast with us it will be the last time you will eat Mom's pancakes for a while" I growl leaving my warm bed, and he actually make a point. Even though mom can be such a pain in the ass but she made the best pancakes.

" Yea yes give me five " I hardly managed to splash cold water on my face and brush my teeth .
I put a skinny blue jeans white t shirt and did my hair in a messy bun while my eyes are still struggling to open.

"Hey everyone I'm sorry i was to tired from yesterday's night " everyone is sitting on the table I don't even now how sam managed to get up this early

" Can you give me one more mom " I ate about two pancakes and I just want more

"Yea babe , here " mom handed me a pancake with honey syrup on it

"You are getting fat again ugly" sam teases poking my weak ribs

"Sam don't start again you know I'm leaving " I will miss his teases though


I gave everyone a BIG BIG HUUUG and tears start running on my cheeks "I will miss you so much little baby , call us once you land there , your aunt will wait for you at the airport " dad said, I don't even want to begin on how he was the one to expatriates me out of the country. This should be illegal

"Take care of your self sweaty okey and if you need anything call me " Mom said she is trying so hard to stay strong and hide her tears, she can be sensitive sometimes.

"Hey come here fatty I will miss you so much and don't have a lot of fun , guys and parties in your new Univ. , i'll Skype with you ever day " Sam squeeze me into a beard hug and I couldn't help but do the  same

I passed the security while waving at everyone from behind those bars , sitting on the waiting seats I put my earphones and I listened to a playlist Melanie set for me In the IPod that she bought for me , oh there is songs from the guys that I listened to them on the radio the other day :

I'm broken do you hear me , I'm blinded cause you are everything I see ...

10 minutes later I hear a women voice said
"flight number 3221 go to the gate number 5 please "

I put my shoulder back on my back and head down to the gate , my seat is 5 A by the window cool , I hope that someone nice and not annoying will sit next me that's when a tall guy with a mysterious look in his eyes , god those eyes are like brown with a mix of gold
His black hair is long in the front and styled so nice he is wearing a white T shirt , black ripped jeans like me

He stood at my right, unmoving .. his foxy eyes looking straight into me. I blushed and look down.
" Need anything ? " I asked the hot guy almost whisering.
" If you don't mind I need to go to my seat" he informs with a light smirk on his face, Which made him more hotter than he is.
" And why should I be concerned? " I harshly asked at his poor flirting.
" Well you could move a bit , you're staying at my seat" He rose a brow and I got intimidated looking back at my paper.

I moved to the window seat leaving his besides me. He tucked a bag on top of my head and comfortably sit taking out an ipod and started typing.

He catches my eyes staring at him, and I quickly looked away.

"Hey I'm Zayn and you are ? " He said with a sexy British accent and I almost fainted

Hey guys I hope that you are reading and you like my story please I putt my so much effort on writing , give me your opinions likes comment and some suggestions I will not post the next one until I get at least three likes thank you live you

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