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" Don't you ever come near me " his words echoed in my head for the hundred time while I reached for another bottle of vodka to help extinguish the fire in my throat.

I was struggling to stood up as I needed hurriedly to go to the bathroom .
My steps were unbalanced, I was hitting the walls on my right and left and hardly moving till my drunken body reached the front door.

The cool breeze messed with my hair as soon as I stood out, but my naked skin didn't shiver a bit. I was warm enough from the effect of two bottle of drink and the unfinished one in my hand.

A single thought was pacing in my mind as I climb in my car. I should go see Zayn, I should explain and tell him he is here. Nate is here. He can ask Jenny to believe if I'm right or not.

" Where is the key ? " I annoyedly searched the pockets that I don't have on the dress and I finally found it under my ass.
It was already so dark outside, but Zayn's house was not really far from mine and there are not many cars around so that should be fine I guess to drive drunk.

Zayn's POV :

I couldn't hide the frustration on my face when I stood there waiting for her to speak.

I was angry but determined to hear her out, I wanted an explanation and I was sure that I will be back smiling because all of it will be a lie, she will convince me and everything was just a big misunderstanding.
We will go back together, and everything will go back to normal.

But I got jealous seeing her wearing this almost naked dress, she was so hot and different with her new hair color and style,
She was laying in the dark, her eyes focused on the ceiling , and her mouth saying Nate over and over.

I was going to be calm and understandable no matter what she decided to tell, I was going to forgive her and giver her a fucking chance to star all over. But she was there mumbling his fucking name ... I'm so stupid.

I went straight to my room and took a shower, I'm really grateful that Perry is no longer around or she will kill me with her questions. We are over , I dumped her to get back to Sandra but look at what she did. Even though we were not really together but thats what she thought.

I stayed hours passing from a channel to another, even the Tv is playing against me today.

I sighed at the loud knocks on the door, It must be one of the lads or all of them together, I'm not in the mood to cope up with their pep talk about how I messed up my own life. Sometimes I just want to quit everything and move to a country where no one would recognize me.

My jaw dropped at her sight, she was looking so awful, black makeup from her eyes is sprained because of the rain on her cheeks or maybe the tears since her eyes are red and puffed from tears.
She is still wearing the same dress from earlier even though it is raining and cold outside.

" You should let me in ! " She offered passing through me, I couldn't help but let her. I shook my head at the effect she still has on me.
" Why are you here ? " I snapped reminded that I was just at her house and we fought.
She was clearly struggling walking    "Watch out?" I yelled taking her arm as she was almost about to fall on the glass table.

" You're wasted " It was so obvious from her way of walking the smell on her body
" Yes, want some" she offered holding a big bottle of vodka almost finished in her right hand.
" Just be careful " I sighed giving her a hand to sit on the couch.
" You're afraid that I get hurt " She smirked and I roll my eyes at how silly she sounded.
" I don't want to see any blood " My lies are never on point
" I thought I was clear about you coming near me " My voice was louder than I wanted but she barely heard.
" Yes, but I don't know . I wanted to talk to you . " She confessed and bit on her lower lip, An action that turns me on.

" You should go " I wanted to sound as firm as I could.
" I want to talk " She pouted, her tearful eyes looking innocently at me.
" We don't having anything to talk about"
" Yes we do" She wanted to stand up but she felt back on the couch.

I hid my smile, I can't help but look at how cute she looks like that, I've never seen her drunk and so messed up.

" Please " she begged as I took a sit next to her.
" I swear Zayn it wasn't a lie " She began talking as the tears falls on her rosy cheeks.
I hate seeing her this way sad and crying, I don't know what to think now , who should I believe ? I was focusing on the way she brought the bottle to her swollen lips , how the skin on her neck moves up and down as she drank the last drops of drink from the bottle.

" Stop " I snatched the bottle away from her hand .
" Too late " She admits, pointing at the empty bottle, her crooked smile was not helpful to let me brush away the dirty talks in my head. Kiss her.
" Do you believe me ? " She scouted next to me her naked hip touched my hand.
" I don't know " my voice came out as a whisper, while my eyes were so focused on her lips .
" You should " she said taking her lip between her teeth.

We both stayed quiet, she moved her small hand and touched my cheek.
I didn't bother, her touch was so electrical on my skin, I missed the familiar touch of her soft hand on mine.

" Kiss me Zayn " She demanded softly, Our foreheads almost touching, her breathing is heavy and full of drink smell mixed with her usual vanilla mist perfume.
" I can't do that, we can't be .. " I protested but didn't move backwards.
" Please , I miss you " She begged her Angelic voice playing with my heart. She took my hand in hers and led me to touch her cheek. She was in fire, don't know from the drink or because we are so close but I my self was burning from inside and outside.
" You're drunk "
" What if " She hiccups and laughs
" You will regret this in the morning "
" I know but .. " She said bending her head down
" But what ? "
" Just shut up and lets live the moment " She said moving her face more closer till her nose brushes against mine.
" You should s.. " I began talking before she hushed me with a sweet sound, her hand leaving mine and she pressed her finger on my half opened lips.

" Can we please talk about this first ? "What is there to talk about?" Her shoulders slumped.
"You were pretty clear earlier, I know you don't want me and we will never get back together you hate me" She was talking in a hurry and took a deep breath " Just let me, kiss you "

" I don't " I confessed, even though She lied but I will never hate her.
She sighs " Just shut up you're annoying " she leans down, takes both of my cheeks in her soft hands and presses her lips to mine living me no space to talk or argue .

I didn't stop her though . I just smiled at her dirty words, she will never say any of this if she was sober.

After a small while of only her kissing my unresponsive mouth. My arms betrayed me, I wrap them around her sweaty neck and kissed her back. The sweet taste of the strawberry vodka she was drinking met my tongue and I enjoyed it.

The warmth of her mouth sent a current running through my body. She did the same and threw her arms around my neck while my hands moved to her waist, her kiss was yelling I'm hungry but I'm sure she will regret one she will get sober.

Her hands moved from my neck to my hair. Seconds after she pulled away from my mouth and buried her face in my neck,
A moment later she came back to my lips, we moved harmoniously till I decided to stop.

" We should stop " I hummed and she groaned against my face.
" You don't want me too " I could feel her smile against my cheek .
She closed her eyes, still breathing heavily attempting to go back to what we were doing.
" You make me feel like I'm flying " she said still close to me " or drunk " she continues
" You are drunk " I couldn't bare but threw my head in laughter
She chuckled " Well you Are now too since we kissed "
Her head dropped on my shoulder, I didn't move nor talk, I was just thinking of how messier this could get. I turned my head to speak but she was already in a deep sleep. Our hands still entangled together. And my heart was already beating for her again.

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