Chapter 55. Feels Like forever

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Ok Here Am I Baaaack with Part two of what if love is real , 

Just to refresh your memory, After Sandy confessed to Zayn and the guys , her story with Nate how he revenged by Rapping her and taking what she valued the most .. how she felt after that ? she decided with Zayn to take a long break before anything serious did happened between them , even though Zayn loved her so much and so did she, or at least she started feeling something for him .. What will happen next ?? Pleaseee support my Story, I really get motivated and Happy when I see people reading and Commenting even to criticize its fine . I will try to get better at writing , make less mistakes or none :p I love youuu all and I'm open to all of ur opinions . Vote and commente plz 

* New things will happen and relationship get excited, its really ... exciting and worth it . 

* I didn't want to cut the story to two parts , so starting from here I just get more inspired by Love never dies instead of wt if Love is real xx- hope that u will like it . 

Sandra's POV

Days felt like months and months felt like centuries - every morning I ran near his house were we first met , I sometimes spend the whole day there lost in his drawings and dazed by the sent of the scent of some of his already worn shirts he left here . I also go and have a brunch on Sundays like we used to do with him,Harry,Liam,Niall and Louis ; and sometime Dylan and his girlfriend joined us.

In the evenings when the sun set, I sit on his porch or mine or in the park , I look and count the stars in the sky hoping that he's doing the same and did not forget about me.

His Tour started when I was on Spring break now its almost Summer , Four months since he's been gone . At first he called everyday, then every twice , once a week , and in the last two months - I heard his voice twice , one when I called and the other one Harry was the one who called .. I know Relationship with far distance don't last , thats what they say .. But Zayn and I are different, I mean we have a story , we didn't spent a lot together, but he was my angel and savior not only he was but he still is - I still think and listen to his voice whenever I felt depressed and when I woke in the middle of the night , only his voice help me to get back to sleep .

"Sandra ... " Jenny's voice called from outside my door - yes I'm still at Jenny's in London, I never came back to California, Sam and my parents came to visit twice .
" Yes come In Jenny " I said trying to stretch my numb legs- I sat all day on my window Chair trying to remember some words for the economy final that I failed and I'm repeating now .
" Hello thereee " a pitched voice echoed in my room - and the blondie's head peak into the room.
" Hi Lea - when did you get back ? " Yes its right, Lea the one that I hated and so Is she .. After Zayn left she actually was really supportive , even if I hung up on her , shut my door at her face - she tried hard to apologize and be my friend again .. She totally owned it, and she is my friend again .. Melanie still does not know though ..

" Early in the Morning - Ugh I'm already so pissed , California is so Warm and everything is so cheerful there " she said making me remember the morning Sun in Beverly , the hangout with the friends and the warm sun in our backyard. 
" Yes .. I mean , look Its summer and where is the Sun ? " I said opening my big window to feel the breeze of the late day.
" Soo , what you've been doing all this days without me ? "  she snorted looking at the pill of books in front of me .
" As you see .. Preparing for my economics makeup" I know it sucks , its the start of Summer , I'm spending it reading how is the euro and the exports of the european union instead of bronzing on a beach somewhere in Sunny world.

" Oh!! Whatever - Common take a shower and lets go out .. You need to buy a bath-suit I guess ? " She started pulling me out of my warm place .
" No Lea please , its already Late .. What shopping and I just went yesterday with Dylan"I sighed looking at Lea . Knowing that she will not rest until I agree to go out.
" whatever, Dylan regretted why he went out with her- she spend the whole day nagging on him to get back home .. And they only went to the coffee shop in the corner . " Jenny scoffed from outside
" Jenny you should stop with this bad habit " I rolled my eyes at her smirks at Lea

" Ok, give me five .. I'll take a shower and get changed" I stormed out of my place and into the shower , the water was so warm hitting on my cold skin .. The scent of my familiar honey and argan oil shower gel was fresh and motivating as usual .
I stepped out and ruled a towel on my body and the other one on my head
" wear those !! " Lea's voice startled me I walked out of the bathroom

I rolled my eyes at what she chooses, I didn't  even know that those clothes were in my dressing room , The high waisted short was a little bit larger I had to put a belt , I lost some weight since I spent all my days eating a little and walking a lot , I matched it with the white Top .
I was about to get out of my room and I remembered that it might get colder at night , my gaze met Zayn's leather jacket that I took from his house once , it went well with my outfit thats why I took it nothing more ..

" okey Lets go " I was already out near the garden where Lea and Jenny were sitting- gossiping about something happened in Beverly Im sure .
" okey .. We have a lot to do hurry" she pushed me , heading to the driver seat of her SUV
" I'm excited to see " Jenny yelled from her seat
" what are you two planning? " I shot a glair at Lea " Nothing !!! " she snorted , you never change girl .
On our way , I hesitated a lot to ask her or not about him, I didn't want to seem still interested in him, as far as I know he  forgot about me and already found a new one.
" So where else did you go other than Beverly?" I ask Lea taking her attention from the song that she was singing along louder than My ears could handle

" You know with H..Harry ! " she said forcing his name out of her mouth , she's just afraid of what I would say about Zayn I know.
" How was it good ? Common spit it out .. I was waiting ages to hear your story guys !! " I tried to be as cool as possible
" okey , it was perfect Sandy!! " she excitedly exclaimed as she parked in front of the mall
" More details... "
" okey ! So I joined him on Tour first , they were in Mexico .. It was so hot there , the sun was warm , on their days off we went to the beach it was a resort actually with a beach , we spent three days there .. " she breathed and continued as my attention was all to her and I was secretly waiting for Zayn name to barge into the conversation

" And then I went with Harry to LA , to party it was amazing Sandra .. Harry was so sweet and lovable, he never left me alone and always tried to entertain me, he bought me things and even tweeted about me and shared picture of us online , you must have seen that ..... " As Lea, continued her love life with Harry , I realized how jealous was I and thirsty for love, how messed up I was to leave a guy like Zayn slip away from my hand; I realized that I want him in my life now and not in a year or more ... I will fight to get him back ; I will do anything for our love to bring it back to life ... Cause I learned now when I was lonely  that love Is real and Never Dies. 

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