Chapter 23 : First class

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I again slept in the Zayn's jacket , but at least it allowed me to have a good night, I know I have to return it to him, even if he did not ask, he maybe just forgot, He must have several once .
I get out of bed
I took a towel and my toilet kit to the bathroom, I turned on the water it's so warm on my body and my hair, I always use mint shampoo for my hair and vanilla shower gel for my body , I've never changed them , maybe I should

I get out of the shower, rubbed my self in my towel and my hair in another to let it dry naturally, I dried my body with a towel and spread vanilla body lotion on my hands , chest and legs , I like having the vanilla sent on my whole body .

I take a look at the watch it's already 7:30 am I don't have much time left so I decided to quickly dry my hair with dryer, it came out nicely with my natural big waves , I put a cream base , a thin line of black eye liner It's the only thing that I know how to use perfectly on my face, some pink blush .

Now it's time for clothes since it's my first day and I don't want to take the role of the normal innocent girl , I wanted to change and it's the perfect time to start .
Dress to impress, what should I choose ? I tried a bunch of clothes but I couldn't decide, I finally decided on a high waisted jeans and a white blouse with crochet neckline detail , showing a small part in between my neck and chest , I will go with white platform wedges and messenger black bag where I already put my phone a pen and a small block note.

I took a cursory glance at the large wall mirror , I look so different and nice , I took Zayn's jacket, maybe I can return it to him after my class .
It's 8:00 my first class is english , it starts at 9:00 , I don't have much time left, I spent too much time on my clothes , hair and makeup .

I get down , to take something to eat quickly and go to university
"Good morning Jenny" Jenny was drinking coffee and reading some magazines
"Morning Sandy" she said and her mouth stayed open , looking at me
"You look ... Oh my god " Jenny said with a smile on her surprised looking face
"What Jenny is is too much ? I mean Is it so awkward to wear a sleeveless shirt and this little hole showing a little skin of my chest on a first day ?" I said and she laughs

"No Sandy it's not , you look amazing and I love that shirt specially that little part with that transparent neckline detail " Jenny smirk
"Do you have some coffee left for me ?" I ask
"Yes I already put some for you in travel mug since you're late" she saids , showing with her finger the isothermal mug on the kitchen table

"Really Jenny? " I stare at her holding one direction mug
"I don't have another one sorry " she said and look away
"Yeah I believed you" I took the mug and my car keys and
"Why are you holding that Jacket ?" Jenny asked, and I totally forgot about it , what should I say ?
"Hm , I , just in case it gets cold " I couldn't think of something else, I can't either tell her That it Zayn's
"You could of chooses another one that fits your outfit " she said
"It's ok I'm already late" I smile
"I think that I have seen this jacket somewhere she said
"You saw me wearing it a couple of times Jenny" she is making me nervous with her smart mind
"No not on you , on someone else"
"Well it's not like it was designed for me" I said and she seems convinced
"Goodbye drive safely" Jenny said
"I will . have a good day " I said to Jenny and walk out of the house

I get into the driver seat of my car and put the mug in his place , I start driving, it's just 8:10 am , I can see traffic on the road from far away, I forgot about that but I think I still have time left
I drank half of the coffee waiting for the green light, finally I continued driving .
And I finally arrived to the university, I parked my car on the students parking place , I already finished my coffee, I took my bag and get out of the car , I start walking while looking at my schedule , I have english first than economy , I don't even know why I chose this subject, I'm not interested on what is happening in the world right now , but I don't know yet what am I going choose for my major

"Oh" I let out a small scream , when I bumped into someone and felt on the floor
"Hey I'm sorry" he said and helped me stand , oh he is the guys that I met the other day here
"It's ok " I smile
"Hi My name is Dylan " he said and tend me his hand to shake
"Hi I'm Sandra , you can call me Sandy " I shake his hand , he looks so young and cute , he is smiling , and his smile seems so addictive and make the person happy
"I guess that you have english right now" he said
"Yes I think it's same for you" I smile back

We both managed to find campus C where our class is , we came right on time , we sit in the first seats .
And the professor came right behind us , it's a men , he looks so nice and not boring
"Hello everyone" he said with a bright smile on his face and started taking some books out of his bag
"Hello" all the class said at the same time
"Summer vacations are over , When I start I don't want anyone to interrupt my class , so please if you have anything to catch up with your friends it's now or never and trust me you will talk a lot in this class , so they will know what you did in the summer " he said , even if he said all this stuff , his smile can tell that he is a cool professor
"Do you want to tell me anything? " Dylan said to me
"No not for now " I said and he laughs

The class was really nice , he first gave us some papers to fill , informations about what we did before coming here , we also did a test so he can know the level of the class
"Class is done for today " he said and everyone stand
I also get up of my seat, I don't know what to do next , I have two hours left before my next class .
"Hey you were going without me " Dylan said
"I didn't know that I should wait for you" I said and I think I was rude

"No, but you could of said that in a nicer way" he said
"Sorry , I don't think before speaking " I said and bit my lip
"It's cool, you were right , we are not friends or something close to wait for each other, and you don't seem like the type to hang around some loser like me "he said
"You talk to much and why wouldn't I be friend with a person like you ? " I said
"Well you seem like the types of girls who hang out with you know guys more handsome than me , popular guys if you know what I mean " he said and smile

"God I look like that , I think I just put a lot of effort on my outfit today" we both laughed as we continued walking
"Yes you did" he smirk
"And who told you, you're not handsome, I think you look so cute specially when you smile " I said
"Cute is so different than handsome" he say
"Do you have economy class at 2 like me " I ask , we are almost near the parking spot
"Yes it sucks , I don't even know why I choose that class " he said
"Me too " I said

"Since we're both new here , let's just walk across the university and see If we could spot a nice snack bar or something " he said
"Yes cool for me let's go " I said

We walked for half an hour , my back feet hurt with those wedges , I should've worn my usual converse , I blamed Dylan for his brilliant idea of walking around campus to find a snack bar we should've just tried the food in university cafeteria, but it always comes out so bad

Hey everyone , Hope that you are liking the story so far , I don't know because you're not leaving any comments or like and I'm Really Sad about that , I hope that you're enjoying reading my story :))

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