Chapter 80. Reminicising

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i look over at Jade just watching her as she taps on her phone she looks up at me slightly laughing "what?" she giggles a huge smile growing on my face "your just so perfect and i'm reminiscing on how perfect you are" i smile making her blush she comes over to me cuddling into me "what are you reminiscing?" she asks i think for a second before smiling "well remember i asked you to be my girlfriend?"

(jades pov)
"Jade" he mutters i look up at him a huge smile on my face "yeah" i smile wrapping my arms around his stomach and cuddling into him as much as i can "i know we said we'd take this slow but what i'm about to ask just feels right" he says messing with my hair as he talks i nod shutting my eyes and just making the most of this "Jade will you be my girlfriend?" he asks a huge smile forming on my face again i look up at him jumping up and wrapping my arms around his neck "of course i will" i exclaim his whole face lightning up i then decide to make the next move and connect my lips to his experiencing the best feeling in the world

"it was long over due to be fair" she whispers i nod kissing her forehead "probably the best decision i've ever made" i shrug she laughs shaking her head "not asking to marry me no?" she asks lifting her eyebrows i tilt my head "that's second best because if i didn't ask you to be my girlfriend that never would have happened"

"i'm so thankful i have you and Aria, i don't think i've ever been more grateful to have two people in my life" i tell her, her smile getting bigger as i do "i don't know what i did to deserve you both but i'm forever grateful that i did because i've never been more lucky" i tell her turning her so we're facing each other "i've never been happier in my life with you both and i can't thank you enough for that, i really want to spend the rest of my life with you because i don't think i'll ever be able to put into words how much i love you" i whisper to her our foreheads resting against each other Aria in between us i kiss Arias forehead and then kiss Jades before taking a deep breath "i guess what i'm trying to say is" i mutter she gives me a confused look which soon turns into a shocked one as i bend down on one knee ""will you marry me?" i ask her, my heart racing i'm terrified shes going to say no and break my heart, truly i've never been more anxious in my life "of course i will" she exclaims tears in her eyes as she holds Aria close to her i put the ring on her finger standing back up and kissing her "i love you so much" she cries her hand against my face "i love you more"

"i bet Aria was so confused on what was actually going on" Jade laughs looking down at her engagement ring "to be honest i thought you were gonna drop her" i laugh her eyes widening as she laughs "i think i nearly did" she laughs and as if on queue Aria runs in the living room going straight over to her toy box "remember when i told you we was gonna have her?" Jade whispers

(jades pov)
"i'm pregnant" Nialls whole face just freezing as his eyes widen a little, a slight smile on his face though. i can tell he's in shock and he's not exactly sure on what to say, i mean i don't blame him he's nineteen he's young his whole life ahead of him and i doubt he ever thought he'd be a father this early "that's amazing" he mutters wrapping his arms around me i slightly smile my eyes letting my tears fall "but you know before i get excited and things i just wanna say if you don't wanna keep it, it's fine whatever you want to do because it's your decision and i'll stand by you what ever you decide" he says pulling me onto his knee i rest my head on his shoulder wrapping my arms around his neck "i wanna keep it" i look up at him a huge smile on his face right now and he looks like he's gonna cry any minute he nods "then we're gonna have a baby" he whispers both of us staring into each others eyes our foreheads resting against each other "i love you" he whispers creating butterfly's in my stomach my heart exploding with happiness "i love you too"i whisper letting the happy tears fully escape i wrap my legs around his waist as he connects our lips together the sparks exploding

"i'm not gonna lie when you first said it i absolutely shit myself but for like a tiny second" i laugh she shakes her head looking over at Aria, we always say Aria is our little miracle because well our first time being together we were blessed with her "it was the best feeling when she was born" Jade whispers i nod a huge smile on my face

(Jades pov)
"it's a girl" the doctor exclaims as she put my baby girl in my arms my tears finally turning to happy ones "oh my gosh" i whisper stroking her tiny little hand with my thumb i look up at Niall as he wipes a tear away from his eye "hi baby" he smiles putting his hand behind her tiny head i look back down at her as her eyes slowly blink open revealing bright blue ones identical to Nialls. "she's so beautiful" i mumble sniffling a little as Niall kisses my forehead "i'm so proud of you" he whispers wrapping his spare arm around my shoulders "i love you" i mutter looking up at him "i love you more"

"it's crazy how much she's grown" i whisper Jade nodding tears in her eyes making me laugh "she'll be eighteen before we know it" i mock her earning a playful slap to the chest just making me laugh more "now we have Roman too it's just crazy" she whispers i nod holding her close to me for a minute "my favourite thing you've ever said to me was your vows tho" she whispers

"Jade, bub, you are the best thing that could have ever of happened to me, you saved my life and i can't believe that i'll get to call you my wife. i don't think i'll ever be able to wrap my head around how lucky i am to have you and our baby and how i was so lucky to fall in love with my best friend because i've loved you since the day we meet" i mutter happy tears forming in both our eyes "everyday when i get to wake up with you by my side i feel like the luckiest man in the world and there's no words to describe how happy you make me feel, i love you so much that i'll never be able to tell you enough, and i promise that i'm going to make sure that you, Aria and our future kids have the most amazing life possible because you deserve it more than anyone in this world" i whisper to her wiping her tears from her eyes "thank you for everything you do for me, i can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you, i love you so much"

"Ni"she mumbles holding onto my hands as tightly as possible "there isn't a day where you don't make me the happiest girl in the whole entire world, even when we were just best friends you never failed to be able to make me smile, your the most amazing person i have ever come across and i cannot wait for you to be my husband" she cries a huge smile on her face as multiple tears fall out of my eyes "me and Aria are the luckiest people in the world that we get to call you ours and i cannot wait to expand our family and travel the world together doing what we love, i love you so so much and i don't know what id do without you"

"we've had the best 4 years haven't we" Jade whispers to me both of us staring into each other's eyes i nods a huge smile on both of our faces "and it's only the beginning bub" i whisper connecting my lips with hers


niallhoran #tb my soulmate i love you forever and always J❤️jadehoran: i love you so much more❤️

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niallhoran #tb my soulmate i love you forever and always J❤️
jadehoran: i love you so much more❤️

"i see us in black and white crystal clear on a star lit night, they'll never be another, i promise that i'll love ya"

writers note
if you've made it to here thank you so so much for reading it means more than you'll ever realise!! i'm about to publish 'chapter three' the third book to this series however it may stay unfinished for some time as i'm so busy rn but hopefully i will finish it in time🤍

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