Chapter 68. Argue

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me and Niall didn't speak after the conversation about Ashe i tried to ring him but he didn't answer and i'm getting more and more worried especially after watching there performance last night, it's more than obvious that she likes him she does everything she can to flirt with him, in the performance and the interview and Niall just lets it happen he doesn't try to stop it he just allows her to do what she does, i refresh my instagram explore page seeing a collage of pictures of me Niall and Ashe clicking on it and realising the media is already spreading false news

"right that's it" i groan going onto Nialls contact and for some reason he instantly answers "hi bab" he says all happy but for some reason it just gets me even more annoyed "tell Ashe to back off before i do" i say trying to hold back my anger, he instantly just groans "Jade how many times, no matter how hard she tries she's not gonna get it so leave it" he says his voice full of anger i roll my eyes standing up and going out onto the balcony "i don't care Niall, i'm gonna be made to look like a fool all over social media because of the way shes acting" i shout, i don't really get how he can be so oblivious to it usually he has my best intentions at heart and i don't really understand why he's reacting this way

"who cares what the media thinks though Jade, i can't cancel all my work because she's flirting with me, i need all the promo i can get and i just need you to be supportive" he shouts i just chew my lip shaking my head slightly "then release a solo song perform that instead" i shout to which he just laughs "your acting so immature and you mustn't trust me so call me when you want an adult conversation" he exclaims ending the call and breaking my heart i sit down at the table putting my head in my hands, i don't want him to think i don't trust him but it scares me that i'm not there it feels like she has more control and that she can easily get her way right now

the balcony door opens Harry's head popping out making me laugh slightly "wanted to come check on you see how you are" he says coming to my side i just slightly smile "thanks" i mutter he takes his jacket off wrapping it around me "also why are you on the balcony at 11 in the night" he asks helping me stand up i just shrug as he wraps an arm around my shoulders leading me onto the couch "what's wrong?" he asks sitting next to me i just sigh staring at the wall infront of me "i trust Niall with my whole life, i wouldn't trust Ashe with a sock" i tell him making him laugh slightly

"i know Niall seems annoyed right now but i think he's just stressed" he tells me i just nod looking at Harry "just seems like he enjoys her flirting with him" i tell him he nods looking into my eyes "he's an idiot if he does" he mutters both of us getting slightly closer to each other, i slightly lick my lips as he bites his, both of us getting so close that we can feel each other's breath against our lips "we shouldn-" i mutter only for him to cut me off by connecting my lips with his


"it's just frustrating because she knows it would never happen" i rant to Louis holding Roman close to my chest trying my best to get him to fall asleep "just try to not let it reflect on your performances, she'll come round" he tells me sitting down on the couch i just nod looking over at Aria sat playing with Eleanor "i only have like ten minutes before they'll want me and i'm just not ready" i groan carefully placing Roman in his pram and just slightly rocking it back and forth "just don't think about it" Louis says pushing me off the pram and taking over "focus on you now" he tells me i just nod sitting down.

i hate this it's the worst thing that could have possibly happened i so badly miss Jade with my whole heart and i wish she'd just trust me for once and see why i can't stop it, i have to perform with Ashe and i wish i could release a song on my own and perform it on my own but it would take me getting permission from the label and then i'd have to surprise release it which isn't ideal for my first solo song, i wish i could put Jade first but it's out of my hands right now

"Daddy" Aria squeals running up to me Eleanor close behind her "look what we drew" she exclaims holding up a piece of paper with 4 people on it each labelled 'Daddy' 'Mummy' 'Aria' 'Roman' a huge smile growing on my face "baby that's amazing i love it" i exclaim picking her up and putting her on my knee while she explains all her little details. i just hold her close to me telling myself that when i get home tonight i'm going to make sure i do everything i can to make sure Jade feels okay, i shouldn't have got as annoyed as i did but even if i have to reassure her everyday that i'll be okay that's what i'll do because i'm already dreaming of the day we can see her and be a little family again


louist91 backstage with my little bestie!niallhoran: ❤️jadehoran: my favs🥺eleanorcalder: this is adorable!!!😍

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louist91 backstage with my little bestie!
niallhoran: ❤️
jadehoran: my favs🥺
eleanorcalder: this is adorable!!!😍

"i want the room to take me under"

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