Chapter 46. Talk

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it's been a few days since Leigh moved and we haven't left each other's side because she needs me more than anything right now, i've enjoyed it though because it's nice to have some girl time because we hardly ever get to do it as much as we did in the past. i feel Nialls arms wrap around my waist making me jump a little "good morning beautiful" he whispers his voice still a little raspy i smile resting my hands against his "what are you doing standing on the balcony it's freezing" he whispers placing a kiss on my cheek i shrug turning around to face him burying my head in his chest he wraps his hoodie as much as he can around me

we just stand there enjoying the silence for a moment something we don't really get to do much too. "nice to have a minute just us two isn't it" he mutters placing a kiss on my forehead i give him a confused look receiving one back in return "what?" he asks as i slightly let go of him "Jade?" he mutters looking a little panicked as i just look at him letting go of him and leaning against the balcony "what do you mean by that" i ask him crossing my arms he sighs shaking his head

"i know your looking after Leigh i didn't mean it in a bad way but i miss you" he shrugs i shake my head turning around and leaning my arms against the balcony "what am i not allowed to miss you?" he asks i just take a deep breath before turning back around "nothings changed" i exclaim taking him back a little, i know there's little things like me getting in bed with Leigh instead of him and stuff but that's nothing "yes it has because we haven't focused on each other in days" he exclaims making me roll my eyes, what does he expect?

my friends going through a heart break terrified of what is going to happen because she's going to bring a baby into this world on her own i'm not exactly going to be putting all my attention on him when we also have a two year old who needs constant attention too "Leigh is one of my priorities right now" i tell him shrugging he just sighs going to walk back inside "Niall" i exclaim grabbing his arm he stops just standing there still "i get it" he mutters his eyes focused on the door in front of him "but we're married Jade i thought maybe i'd still be a tiny priority somehow" he exclaims turning around to me i just let go of him unsure of what to even say

"maybe that's selfish but we haven't had a proper conversation in a couple days" he exclaims his eyes focused on me "that is selfish" i mutter his eyes widening as he slightly snickers leaning his back on the door "sorry for wanting to talk to my wife" he shrugs looking at anything but me now i just shake my head going and sitting down at the table and looking out to the view. i guess i get him but at the same time i have to put Leigh first she's hurting she needs me more than anything right now out of me Perrie and Jesy i'm the one who can help her most because i've had a baby it just makes sense for me to be the one to help her

of course i don't want to put Niall last at all but i thought this would be something he'd understand and just let me do. i look up at him his eyes focused on his phone he looks angry but also hurt he knows i put him before anything else but i just feel like i need to put Leigh first to be a good friend "i'm going out for the day see you later" he mutters shoving his phone in his pocket and walking back inside i put my head down resting it against my hands on the table "what's up with him?" i hear Leigh ask i raise my head resting my chin on my hands as she sits opposite me "long story"



"i'm sorry man" Harry laughs downing a shot i just shake my head laughing "don't be" i laugh looking at Louis who just raises his eyebrows at me i groan taking a sip of my drink "don't act all mr i'm not bothered when you oh so clearly are" he says just making me groan more i look at Liam who's just nodding along i don't think he's quite sure on what's going on right now "okay it's bothered me but i'm fine" i tell him as Harry pours us all another shot Louis shakes his head shutting his eyes for a second

"okay so why are you pissed at 3 in the afternoon instead of being at home with your wife and daughter?" he asks crossing his arms and leaning on the island in front of him his eyes staying on me "because this gives me old you vibes and i don't like it" he says i take my shot sighing a little he is right maybe i shouldn't be here, im desperate to just spend time with Jade but i don't know how she's going to react to me now because i fucked it all up "come on i'm sober your going home" he exclaims grabbing his keys off the side i groan picking up my stuff and following him out the door and into his car

"she'll be fine with you stop stressing" he exclaims as he starts to drive i shake my head looking out the window thinking of what to even say but also about the fact this is the most sensible and strict i think i've ever seen Louis it's definitely a first,after about 5 minutes we get to the house and i can't help but get a little nervous i jump out following Louis to the door walking in first with Louis right behind me i walk into the living room all the girls sat on the couches i look at Jade gesturing for her to follow me but she just shakes her head "i don't wanna talk to you"


jadehoran never not eating🍦💗niallhoran: like father like daughter😎alexoxladechamberlain: @/niallhoran can tell shes yours🤣 she's gorgeous tho perrieedwards: she's the cutest little thing🥺💗

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jadehoran never not eating🍦💗
niallhoran: like father like daughter😎
alexoxladechamberlain: @/niallhoran can tell shes yours🤣 she's gorgeous tho
perrieedwards: she's the cutest little thing🥺💗

"i'll be there for my girl always, she mean the whole. world to me"

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