Chapter 63. Lucky

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"do we have to"Niall moans wrapping his arms around my waist to try and stop me from leaving the bed i laugh as he rests his head on my shoulder kissing my cheek, i rest my hand against his face kissing his lips "I'm sorry we do" i laugh kinda wishing we really didn't have to because i truly could stay here all day if we were able to "just say something came up" he groans snuggling his head into my neck i play with his hair shutting my eyes for a second and resting my head against his "we can't leave Aria with Lou and El though" i whisper to him he sighs kissing my neck i stand up making him fall slightly i laugh as he looks up his face now more pissed off than happy "sorry" i mumble trying not to laugh his pout turning into a smile.

i go into my wardrobe picking out a short pink t-shirt dress and some white converse once I'm ready i walk back out finding Niall fixing his hair at my mirror i shake my head pushing him on one side of the chair and sitting on the other "are you quite done?" i laugh as he gives me a snotty look in return i just shake my head grabbing the brush off him and brushing through my hair leaving it straight, i go to pick up my make up bag when Niall grabs my wrist "you look so beautiful without it" he smiles grabbing my other hand and pulling me up from my chair i shake my head trying to hide all my blushing

we go down the stairs saying goodbye to Charlie and then going outside "maybe we should walk today?" Niall suggests grabbing onto my hand i just nod following him down the drive, everyones going over to Louis and Eleanors which is only a five minute walk from our house and the weather is so nice today so why not. we soon make it realising once again were the last here from everyones cars on the drive way "we can't even blame Aria this time" Niall laughs i shake my head laughing with him as he opens the door, were always the last to turn up without fail and usually we just blame it on the fact we have Aria making us late, even thought most of the time it's not even her, but we can't really do that when she stayed the night here.

we walk into the living room, everyone saying hi, Aria is stood with Harry watching the twins my heart melting as she chats away to Harry keeping her eyes on the babies "go sit down" Niall whispers i just nod going and sitting down next to Dani, watching Niall as he goes over to Aria making her jump as he picks her up both of them laughing, he holds her on his hip both of them then talking to Harry, Niall goes and sits down putting Aria on his knee holding his arms out as Harry passes one of the twins to him, Arias face lighting up with excitement, she's so adorable "she's so excited for her brother isn't she" Dani smiles both of us watching them as Aria gushes over the baby "she's so excited, its all she talks about" i laugh not being able to take my eyes off them

it makes me so happy that shes this excited because it's reassuring that she's gonna be happy and not jealous about it "it's like a little glimpse into your soon to be future" Dani quietly squeals making me laugh, just looking at them both with one of the twins it really makes me realise how lucky i am to have them, and the fact i'm going to have one more soon makes me feel ten times luckier, everyone takes things for granted some times because we don't truly think about how lucky we are to have them but then when we have the moment to just realise it truly does make you the happiest person in the world

"Jade" Perrie shouts from the living room door making me jump and take me out of my thoughts, she tilts her head back indicating for me to follow her i jump up following her quickly behind to the garden when Jesy and Leigh are already stood "so what's the news?" Leigh squeals putting her hands over her mouth i look at Jesy who just shakes her head "well"Perrie mumbles all our eyes focused on her, her eyes staring back at us "we've set the wedding date" she squeals all our jaws dropping "when?" i exclaim, Perries smile growing more and more "September 30th" she smiles all of us squealing and forming a group hug, i'm also extremely lucky to have these three girls because without them i wouldn't have anything they truly gave me everything i had and i will forever love them

"our baby is getting married" Jesy exclaims slightly tearing up and fanning her eyes to try and make them stop all of us slightly laughing. i rest my head against Perries shoulder holding her tightly, my eyes then widening "pez" i whisper she looks down giving me a confused look i just look up at her scrunching my face up "no" she mutters standing me up properly and grabbing my arms "yep" i cry gripping onto hers as tightly as i can all of their faces panicking "Niall" Jesy screams running back into the house Leigh grabbing one side of me Perrie on the other "Jesy what's goi-"Niall exclaims as Jesy drags him to the back door his whole face dropping as he sees me "shit" he exclaims starting to panic and running over to me "he's coming Ni" i slightly cry as he gets to me "it's gonna be okay bub" he whispers helping Perrie and Leigh get me into the house. here we go again.


niallhoran i love you with all my heart❤️jadehoran: i love you more🥺🥺perrieedwards: this is the cutest!!nadeforlife: my heart🥺❤️

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niallhoran i love you with all my heart❤️
jadehoran: i love you more🥺🥺
perrieedwards: this is the cutest!!
nadeforlife: my heart🥺❤️

"nobody loves you the way i do"

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