Chapter 7. You Know?

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sorry for the late update, i haven't even logged into my fan page this weekend i've been so busy and now i'm so tired lol anyways enjoy!


"Aria quick" i exclaim laughing a little as she runs down the corridor racing with Louis, Louis doing the most slowest and dramatic run i've ever seen. today's our last day in America and we thankfully all have the day off as our flight is at 9 "that's my girl" i exclaim as she gets to me lifting her in air making her scream with happiness "dammit" Louis exclaims faking being gutted he lost "i th est dadda" Aria laughs wrapping her little arms around my neck "you are baby" i laugh a little as Louis pulls his tounge at her so she pulls one back.

"Niall" Perrie then shouts pocking her head out of her hotel door i smile at her and she gestures for us all to come in she quickly shuts the door behind her looking annoyed at me when she turns around i give her a confused look "you know don't you" she exclaims her eyes the widest i've ever seen them i put Aria down looking at her even more confused "Alex just told me he got a visit from Dani" she says tilting her head crossing her arms my jaw dropping Louis looking as confused as i just was

"so now you know?" i exclaim she nods a huge smile on her "what do you both know" Louis exclaims making Perrie gasp he looks at us like we're crazy "don't tell a soul" i warn him he nods getting a little frustrated that he still doesn't know "dani and liam are having a baby" Perrie exclaims Louis jaw dropping "nooo" he exclaims i just nod laughing at his reaction "when are you boys gonna learn to be safe but wow" he exclaims making Perrie crack up while i give him a fake pissed off look before laughing "so are they getting back together?" he asks to which i just shrug and look at Perrie who does the same "he misses her so i guess so" i shrug i hope they do because i know they love each other a lot and we all miss dani a lot too. "i can't believe it" Louis mutters i nod as we all just stand there in silence for a moment

"who ani?" Aria then asks all of our eyes widening as we turn around to face her the biggest cheeky smile on her face, slightly making me smile but also panic "it doesn't matter baby" i tell her making her confused as we all bend down to her all exchanging worried looks "please don't tell anyone okay?" Perrie asks but she just tilts her head "i promise i'll buy you a new toy at the airport if you don't?" i ask her but she just tilts her head more, the little shit she's only two and i think she's about to black mail us "and them sweets mumma and dadda don't let you have" Louis exclaims my head instantly turning to him as he laughs Perries hand slapping her face that hard you can hear it, well Louis you can baby sit after she eats them "we don't let her have them for a reason" i mutter turning back to see the biggest smile on her face as she shakes Louis hand, well we're in for a fun plane journey



i play with Arias hair as she rambles on to me about all sorts of things while sitting on Nialls knee her head resting on his shoulder, she seems a lot more hyper than normal but i'm guessing after her little airport shopping spree with Louis that was inevitable, we're all sat in the starbucks in the airport waiting for our flight to be called everyone's quietly chatting with each other "mamma" Aria then asks sitting up properly "yeah baby" i slightly smile fighting the urge to yawn

"who ani?" she asks me meaning Dani i give her a confused look Nialls eyes widening as Perrie and Louis gasp "Ari i bought you them sweets for a reason" Louis exclaims, ahh that explains the hyper "remember it doesn't matter" Niall whispers to her resting his hand behind her head i look at Perrie as she goes to stand up, why are they all so panicked? "why baby?" i ask Niall giving him a don't look mixed with a worried smile "ani and unc li avin baba" she tells me my jaw dropping everyone else's doing the same we all look at Liam who just sinks in his chair

"oh my god your having a baby?" i exclaim as he just slightly smiles "congratulations" i smile everyone cheering and going up to hug him we probably look like crazy people right now but it doesn't matter this is amazing. "Ni" Liam says once everyone sits back down Nialls eyes widening looking down at the floor "next time don't tell your two year old a secret" he laughs everyone laughing with him "it was Perries fault actually" Niall shrugs Perries jaw dropping as everyone cracks up more "how did you know?" Liam exclaims. i feel like we're on an episode of friends right now. "Dani went to see Alex" she mumbles looking at anything but Liam everyone just laughing at her.

"in our defence we did try to persuade her not to tell" Louis shrugs well Louis is the one who will be minding her on the plane because i'm not "never mind who told who though Arias gonna have a friend" Leigh squeals tickling Aria from over the table she squeals in laughter "champagne when we get home" Jesy cheers, god i wouldn't change these people for the world


jadethirlwall how did i get to be so lucky😍❤️niallhoran: what can i say🤷🏽‍♂️jk how did i get so luckynadeisreal: THE CUTEST COUPLE EVER!!

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jadethirlwall how did i get to be so lucky😍❤️
niallhoran: what can i say🤷🏽‍♂️jk how did i get so lucky

" (i have no song quote that's kinda relatable lol)"

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