Chapter 8. Alcohol

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i wake up to Aria screaming 'do you wanna build a snowman' down stairs "aww god" i groan looking at Charlie who let's out a cry making me laugh a little as he cuddles into me "Aria your gonna wake dadda be a little bit more quiet" i hear Jade say, bit late for that babe but thanks for trying. i shut my eyes for five seconds when the door flys open Aria jumping onto my stomach "oh god" i groan a little trying to smile

"morin dadda" she giggles wrapping her arms around me i look up at Jade as she tries her best not to laugh "morning baby" i mutter wrapping her arms around me Jade sits at the end of the bed Charlie jumping to her "you need to get dressed it's drinks at Liams to celebrate the baby" Jade tells me standing up and going into my wardrobe i groan shutting my eyes for a second, we've been back for two days and it's fair to say i'm a little jet lagged still. Jade comes out throwing one of my t shirts and jeans on the bed "but joggers" i pout she laughs slightly shaking her head "up quickly" she smiles picking up Aria off my chest



"here's to Liam and Dani your gonna love it but sleep while you can" Niall cheers as we all stand with champagne everyone laughing as we all drink everyone then sitting down and going into their own little conversations. "mamma" Aria runs towards me dolls in both her hands "what's up baby?" i smile at her picking her up to place her on my knee "wan seep" she pouts dropping her dolls on the floor i look over to Niall swigging alcohol and laughing, the way he should be at the age we are but we have a bigger responsibility.

i do still feel the guilt i've felt since i was pregnant, Niall loved to party and i know deep down he still does but he never really gets the chance anymore it's rare he even gets to go out because if it's not his job keeping him busy it's me and Aria, what makes it worse is when he does get the chance he gets as drunk as possible which is exactly the way he seems to be going right now. "you wait here i'll go get dadda" i whisper to her standing up and placing her where i was sitting on the couch she wraps her self up in a blanket cuddling the dolls, i walk over to Niall where he's laughing away with Louis and Harry not even noticing that i'm there

"Ni" i slightly smile tapping his shoulder he turns round cheering and pulling me onto his lap "hi bab" he smiles pecking my lips and i realise he's drunker than i thought especially from his breath "babe Arias tired she wants to go home" i whisper to him to which he slightly groans looking down at his drink as i finish my sentence "can't i just have one more hour" he asks me slightly pouting i look at the time on my phone chewing my lip seeing it's 11pm already, i'm shocked Aria is still even awake i look up at the sky i have no idea what to do

"Ni it'll be midnight by then" i mutter to which he groans again i stand up and just walk away. i'm never going to win with him so there's no point in trying, if he was sober we'd already be in the car home but drunk him is quite irresponsible, i guess drunk everyone is but it's kinda annoying when you have a two year old moaning at you. i pick a half asleep Aria up putting her on my hip throwing her stuff in her backpack

"baba where you going?" Perrie asks me as i go to walk away i just carry on but she stands up running after me "Jade" she exclaims grabbing my wrist i turn around giving her a pissed off look to which she just gives me a confused one "he's not gonna come with me because alcohol is more important right now so i'm just going home" i snap a little at her she looks stunned just letting go of my wrist "want me to come with?" she asks i just shake my head and walk away walking out the house and straight to Nialls car i strap Aria in throwing her back pack next to her and getting in the drivers seat. maybe i over reacted.


jadethirlwall congratulations to my dani and liam, going from party partners to mamas together💗danipeazer: i love you baby!!💗liampayne: ❤️❤️

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jadethirlwall congratulations to my dani and liam, going from party partners to mamas together💗
danipeazer: i love you baby!!💗
liampayne: ❤️❤️

"pretend it's okay"

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