Chapter 42. Drained

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being mentally drained has to be one of the worst feelings in the world, because if your head is tired then your rest of your body just seems to give up and not want to move either. it's really hard to pick yourself up and be motivated when all's you want to do is sleep too and i think it's easy to say me and Niall are both feeling exactly the same now too "Aria come on stop crying"Niall sighs flopping his head onto my shoulder while our toddler screams in the corner of the room something she hasn't stopped doing since his parents got here and haven't left yet due to the fact they really want to be involved this time, but all Maura wants to do is argue with me so i wouldn't say there making this very enjoyable.

"how about we go the park?" i suggest to Aria while playing with Nialls hair but it only makes her cry more i look down at him his face full of sadness, his mum and dad have done nothing but ask him to go places when he would rather stay home they constantly try and take him away when he just wants to be with his own family and i'm shocked he's been allowed to sit by my side for this long without being harassed,also Aria has acted out so much but she tends to act out on him more than the rest of us but then comes to him when she wants to be cuddled still so he's definitely more drained than me.

"try and give her a cuddle" i whisper to him he groans standing up and walking over to her bending down in front of her, i'm one hundred percent sure that our happy bubble has truly been popped and it's really sad that it has but we'll get it back one day at a time. "come on baby"Niall sighs holding his arms out to her she just sits there crying her eyes out unsure of wether to flip out or just cuddle him, it's definitely the most draining part about being a parent but it's all worth it for when there happy

she hesitates but then slowly stands up wrapping her arms around his neck and crying into his chest making me smile slightly. i look down at the time my eyes widening when i realise what time it actually is "Ni we're late" i exclaim making him jump and fall back cracking Aria up i stand up trying my best to laugh with her as he jumps up swooping her up



"is it ever easy?" Harry whispers to me due to the fact Aria is playing on my phone in my arms oblivious to the world, i just shrug moving all her hair back from her face "some days are simple others can be really challenging" i tell him he just nods slightly smiling at Aria, some days i feel like i don't even need to stress or worry about her because she's perfectly fine but other days it feels like all's i ever do is stress about her but it's definitely worth it

"i'm really nervous to be a parent" Harry tells me playing with his hands and looking over to Leigh while she chats with all the girls "your bound to be" i tell him "i was terrified but you learn the basics and then everything's seems to just fit into place" i tell him just watching Aria as she concentrates completely on the show she's watching, to be fair i'm terrified all over again because even though i know the basics now we'll have to learn to balance both of them together but i'm sure we'll learn how and it'll be great

i really do hope it's easy i don't want anything to go wrong but at the same time i know something does have to go wrong for everything to be as perfect as possible. "she's absolutely perfect isn't she" Harry chuckles as she starts to giggle to herself "beyond perfect" i smile holding her closer to me as she looks up at me pointing to the phone "dadda look" she exclaims putting the phone in my face "wow baby that's amazing" i exclaim using all the fake enthusiasm i have in me Harry just laughing at me

i can't wait to have another little best friend the four of us becoming a even happier family than we are now, i do have some worries like will Aria become jealous of having to share her attention but hopefully she'll get used to having to share "isn't it past your bed time Ari boo?" Harry asks tickling her making her scream giggling "shhh" she giggles putting her pointer finger over her mouth looking at Harry then at me and back to Harry i just shake my head trying not to laugh slowly locking my phone and taking it out of her hands

"aren't you tired baby?" i ask her she shakes her head putting her hands over her mouth to stop her from giggling so much. she's the cutest thing i have ever seen in my life and it still baffles me that she's half me and half Jade, she must have got all her good lucks from her mum too because she's the most beautiful baby and she forever will be, i look over at Jade as she laughs hugging Leigh who looks completely terrified, as long as Jade, Aria and the baby are happy then i'm happy to and that is never going to change.


niallhoran i love you j💗 @/jadehoranjadehoran: i would like to explain that i never thought this pic would be uploaded😂 but i love you too💗leighannepinnock: what a mood😂

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niallhoran i love you j💗 @/jadehoran
jadehoran: i would like to explain that i never thought this pic would be uploaded😂 but i love you too💗
leighannepinnock: what a mood😂

"you save me in ways that i can't explain"

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