Chapter 47. Niall and Jade

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"i don't wanna talk to you" Jade mouths to me as Aria tackles my legs making me fall a little i just give Jade a confused look only for her to look away i groan giving Aria a quick hug and then walking over to Jade bending down in front of her "J i'm sorry" i whisper to her trying to grab her hands only for her to pull away from me instantly "Jade please" i whisper placing my hands on her knees but she pushes them off her "Jade listen i'm sorry i didn't mea-" i say getting cut off "you were out of order get away from me" she shouts jumping up and walking out of the room everyone staring at me

"Ni what's happened?" Jesy asks me putting her hand on my shoulder i just shake my head standing up and following Jade as she walks up stairs going into the bedroom and back out to the balcony "i'm sorry okay i just wanted to spend some time with you" i exclaim as she stands at the balcony her hands tightening their grip on the bar as i finish my sentence "you should understand i had to put her first though" she shouts turning her head to me giving me the biggest death glare she can "please let's just talk the last thing you wanna do is stress you know with the baby and all" i try to say as calmly as possible i just watch as her eyes widen she places one hand on her stomach looking at me for a second before looking away.

"i forgot" she mutters slightly laughing i just smile at her trying not to laugh because i know she's still mad at me so i don't want to make her angrier or anything "but still" she shouts snapping out of it "i thought you'd understand but now i just feel guilty" she shouts shutting her eyes for a minute i'm guessing to stop her tears i just stand there unsure of what to even say because she's right "i'm sorry i guess i was just jealous" i mumble keeping my eyes on the ground she sighs coming and standing in front of me "just please tell me in a better way next time" she whispers i nod putting my arms out she smiles wrapping her arms around my stomach i wrap mine around her resting my head against her never wanting to let go

Perrie (never done this before oooo)

i watch Niall as he runs out the door right after Jade hearing the bedroom door slam shut a couple seconds later Aria jumping out of her skin as it does i put my arms out to her and she instantly runs into them as i pick her up she cuddles me as tightly as possible. i look over to Leigh as she puts her head in her hands "this is all because i'm here isn't it" she groans tears falling down her face as Jesy and Eleanor wrap their arms around her "it's not your fault Leigh" Louis says coming and sitting on the table in front of her "what has gone on Lou?" i ask standing up and sitting down next to him he shakes his head "nothing has" he says everyone then giving him a confused look, surely something has to have happened for them to argue it doesn't just happen "well Niall didn't share his feelings in the best way but still nothing actually happened" he explains

"Jade and Niall don't get much time alone and they never really have" he says discreetly pointing to Aria in my arms her head is buried in my neck luckily enough her little arms wrapped around my neck too while i hold her close rubbing her arm with my thumb  "so any tiny chance they get they take advantage of it" he says everyone just nodding along with it trying to work out what he's trying to say "but obviously when one of their attentions gets turned to another person too, no offence Leigh it's not only you" he says Leigh just nods slightly laughing i laugh resting my head on Arias and holding her as close to my body as possible

"it's hard for them because one forgets to focus on the tiny time they get and the other freaks out" he says sighing a little as much as Aria was their little miracle and they adore her i know both of them wish they could have had a little more time just them two because Aria was there with them from the very start, the only thing both of them would change is starting their relationship earlier than they had of thought. "obviously we're all going to go through this, unfortunately Leigh is gonna feel it a lot more, but we all got our time together before it" he explains all of us just nodding

it makes complete sense and i do really feel for them sometimes i wish i could take Aria away from them for a couple days and give them the time but they wouldn't want to because they would miss her, there's no way of really resolving it "so Leigh i love you and Jade and Niall are gonna be here for you as much as the rest of us because they love you too" he says grabbing her hands she just slightly smiles as Jesy wipes her tears away "but i think it would be better if you move in with one of us" he says she looks around us all everyone slightly nodding i chew my lip for a second

"move in with me" i exclaim her eyes instantly meeting mine "when Alex is away you'd be keeping me company and he'd love to have you there" i tell her a smile growing on her face "are you sure?" she asks sniffling a little i raise my eyebrows making her laugh "of course i am" i laugh everyone laughing with us. "what's so funny?" Jade says all of our heads spinning to the living room door where both Niall and Jade are standing looking a lot better than they did before "Leigh is gonna move in with me, you know keep me company when Alex is away and stuff" i tell her trying my best to make sure it doesn't hurt her she just nods a huge smile on her face "sounds good" she smiles looking up at Niall who just nods wrapping his arms around her


niallhoran be lost without you❤️ @/jadehoranjadehoran: babbyyyy🥺❤️leighannepinnock: the cutest!!!louist91: ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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niallhoran be lost without you❤️ @/jadehoran
jadehoran: babbyyyy🥺❤️
leighannepinnock: the cutest!!!
louist91: ❤️❤️❤️❤️

"we can make it to the end"

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