Chapter 32. I Do

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"oh baba" Perrie gushes as she finishes zipping up my dress tears forming in my eyes my hands over my mouth "you look so beautiful" my mam mutters wiping her eyes to stop her tears both of them coming and hugging me "Nialls the luckiest man alive" Perrie exclaims making me laugh as the bedroom door opens Aria running through the biggest smile on her face "mamma were princesses" she exclaims holding her arms out to me i nod picking her up "you look gorgeous baby" i giggle kissing her cheek as she laughs "not to rush you guys but the cars are outside" Louis smiles poking his head through the door

my mam and Perrie both kissing my cheek before leaving Perrie taking Aria from me Louis grabs my hand helping me down the stairs and out into the car. i can't believe this is the day i'm finally about to marry my bestfriend i couldn't be more happy or excited about it, ive dreamed about this day for as long as i can remember and i'm just so grateful it's gone this well so far "excited?" Louis asks me i nod a huge smile on my face as he laughs "how's Niall?" i ask him holding onto my bouquet of flowers

"never seen him happier" Louis smiles making me blush, i never thought i'd be so lucky as to be able to marry a man as amazing as Niall i really don't know what i'd do without him now, he's the bestest thing that could of ever of happened to me. we pull up to the church butterflies forming in my stomach as we stop "ready?" Louis asks me holding his hand out for me i take a deep breath grabbing his hand "so so ready" i smile as he helps me out the car


"you okay?" Alex whispers to me him and Harry both looking concerned as everyone sits down i just nod swallowing the lump in my throat ive been so excited and happy all morning but now that she's outside them doors i can't help but feel extremely nervous, i suppose i should be used to being in front of a crowd but when you know every single person on a personal level it's a lot different.

i look over to the doors as they open Aria and Jades nieces Amara and Leoni walking through first, Arias huge smile lighting up the room as she skips down the isle the flowers in her basket falling everywhere i bend down as she quickly runs up to me "you look beautiful princess" i whisper to her as she wraps her tiny arms around me i quickly kiss her cheek as she runs off to my parents and Norma i look to the doors again seeing Jesy and Jades sister in law walk down quickly followed by Perrie and Leigh and then it's finally the girl i've been waiting for.

my jaw drops as Jade walks down to me, she really is a real life princess she's the most stunning girl i have ever come across and i'll never understand how i got so lucky to have her, Louis kisses her cheek as she comes and stands opposite me i quickly wrap my arms around her kissing her cheek "you look so stunning i have no words" i whisper to her making her blush tears already in her eyes.
now all that wedding stuff

"now for the vows Niall" the priest smiles at me i take a deep breath holding Jades hands tightly "Jade, bub, you are the best thing that could have ever of happened to me, you saved my life and i can't believe that i'll get to call you my wife. i don't think i'll ever be able to wrap my head around how lucky i am to have you and our baby and how i was so lucky to fall in love with my best friend because i've loved you since the day we meet" i mutter happy tears forming in both our eyes

"everyday when i get to wake up with you by my side i feel like the luckiest man in the world and there's no words to describe how happy you make me feel, i love you so much that i'll never be able to tell you enough, and i promise that i'm going to make sure that you, Aria and our future kids have the most amazing life possible because you deserve it more than anyone in this world" i whisper to her wiping her tears from her eyes

"thank you for everything you do for me, i can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you, i love you so much" i whisper sliding her ring onto her shaking finger. quickly wiping my eyes before she starts "Jade" the priest smile at her as she sniffles "Ni" she mumbles holding onto my hands as tightly as possible "there isn't a day where you don't make me the happiest girl in the whole entire world, even when we were just best friends you never failed to be able to make me smile, your the most amazing person i have ever come across and i cannot wait for you to be my husband" she cries a huge smile on her face as multiple tears fall out of my eyes

"me and Aria are the luckiest people in the world that we get to call you ours and i cannot wait to expand our family and travel the world together doing what we love, i love you so so much and i don't know what id do without you" she whispers slowly sliding my ring onto my finger both of us absolute messes "and with that i now pronounce you husband and wife" the priest smiles as we both wipe our tears "you may kiss the bride" he smiles as everyone starts to cheer i wrap my arms around Jades waist her arms wrapped around my neck connecting our lips. i hope this feeling never dies, i hope i always get these butterflies when we kiss. as we let go Aria quickly runs up to us i quickly pick her up grabbing Jades hand as we walk out of the church everyone cheering and throwing confetti.


niallhoran @/jadethirlwall see you soon baby❤️ (you may wanna change your username😉) jadethirlwall: my oh my😍 (changing it asap) louistomlinson: looking sick 👌🏼

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niallhoran @/jadethirlwall see you soon baby❤️ (you may wanna change your username😉)
jadethirlwall: my oh my😍 (changing it asap)
louistomlinson: looking sick 👌🏼

"and i want the world to witness when we finally say i do"

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