Chapter 74. Try

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it's been the hardest few days, because around Aria and Roman everything feels normal but as soon as there gone my worlds never felt more upside down "aww baby that's so beautiful" i smile as i watch Aria finish her drawing a big proud smile on her face as she holds it up in my face "i love it" i exclaim making her squeal she runs over to Niall shoving the paper infront of his phone, he's been a little short tempered lately not his usual cheery self, even with Aria he's accidentally snapped a few times luckily it was nothing major "that's great bab" he mutters moving his phone and going back to it Aria sighs a little jumping down from the couch and coming back over to me

"how about you and Roman have a bath and then have a nice early night?" i ask her she nods a smile coming back on her face. i grab her hand picking Roman up and firstly taking them into there room grabbing the stuff they need and then taking them to the bathroom, i start the bath making sure it'll be the right temperature and then getting them both undressed, once it's done i place Roman in his seat and help Aria sit down opposite him putting a bunch of toys inbetween them. i bend down beside them both of them instantly starting to splash me making a smile grow on my face, i let them play for a little bit before actually washing them, much to their dismay, Aria then shrieking and putting her hand in my face "mummy we're gonna turn into raisins" she exclaims showing me her pruny fingers i laugh grabbing both their towels

i firstly pick up Aria wrapping her up and standing her by the radiator, then picking up Roman wrapping him up and then grabbing Arias hand leading them both back into their room a slight smile growing on my face when i see Nialls layed out their pyjamas on the bed. Aria climbs up on the bed and patiently waits for me to put Roman in his baby grow i dry his little hairs and then place him in his cot while i help Aria get changed. "mummy what's wrong with daddy?" she asks as i help her into her top i chew my lip trying to come up with something "he's just a little down baby he's okay" i tell her she slightly nods not fully believing me "why does he keep being mean?" she asks slight tears in her eyes i sigh helping her into her pants and then pulling her onto my knee and wrapping my arms around her

"he doesn't mean it, he's just a little sad and needs some time, he still loves you so much though" i whisper to her as she cuddles into my chest, i rock her back and forth occasionally placing a kiss on her forehead "is it because we're not at home?" she mumbles wiping her eyes with her tiny hands i just nod moving her hair out of her face "yeah baby" i mumble i stand up putting her on my hip letting her cuddle into my side i pick Roman up on my other hip walking out the room again "Ni can you take Ro for a second please" i ask he looks up not making eye contact with me and taking the baby off me and resting him on his chest, his eyes then going back to his phone i shake my head going into the kitchen, making Roman a bottle

"how about a milkshake for bed and you can watch a movie?" i ask Aria she slowly nods keeping her head resting on my shoulder, i make them both firstly grabbing Arias and going and putting her in bed with my laptop. i then go back into the kitchen grabbing Romans bottle and just taking him off Niall without saying anything i sit down on the single chair switching the tv over to the celeb news, because as much as i hate it i'm still nosy, once Roman is asleep i go and put him in his cot turning off my laptop and taking it from Aria i walk out quietly shutting the door behind me.

"Ni can we talk please" i say sitting down on the opposite side of the couch to him he just looks at me, completely blank "Arias a little upset" i tell him but all's i get is a look, silent treatment has to be the worst because you never feel like your getting anywhere with them because there's not any communication which is incredibly needed in a relationship "and i'm not criticising you but she asked about you being mean and i think mayb-" he cuts me off by scoffing and his eyes going back to his phone "excuse me?" i mutter giving him a confused look "right now Jade i don't care what you think" he says not taking his eyes off his phone, i'd love to know what's so interesting on it

"well just don't take your anger out on her" i mumble his eyes widening and he finally puts his phone down "don't" he says his eyes angrily glaring at me i lick my lips taking a deep breath "because it's not anger it's hurt and i don't mean to be that way with her but i can't help it, you know how much i adore that kid so don't" he quietly shouts staring into my eyes, he opens his mouth like he's unsure of wether to say something

"i want us to work out, i still love you, but right now i don't know wether we will and it hurts, because i need to build up my trust with you again and how am i supposed to do that when i don't know when i'm gonna see you again after this week" he mutters now just staring at the floor a slight bit of relief coming over me because at least i know he wants to make this work, i move a little closer to him being careful of what i do "i promise i'll find a way to make it work" i try to smile but he just shakes his head


jadehoran my boy💙niallhoran: 💙jesynelson: he melts my heart🥺💙

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jadehoran my boy💙
niallhoran: 💙
jesynelson: he melts my heart🥺💙

"the monster in me loves the monster in you"

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