Chapter 30. Space

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"Jade" i hear Leigh screech as the front door opens, why do people keep doing this lately? my eyes widening as i poke my head out the living room door Leigh sat on the floor her head in her hands i jump up walking to her and crouching down in front of her, seeing as Jades not home i guess i'm the next best thing "Leigh what happened?" i ask her as she looks up at me her breathing really heavy and her eyes full of tears "he did it again Niall" she screams falling into my arms as i wrap them around her the anger building up in me once again.

god knows what Harry's done this time but he did it again usually means one of two things and i hate it when he hurts Leigh because she really just deserves a lot of love after everything she's been through "what did he do?" i ask her rubbing her back her head resting on my shoulder, i shut the door with my foot holding her close to me "he was talking about not knowing what he wants, said he's not sure how he feels about me anymore" she mutters holding onto my jumper as tightly as she can my eyes widening i just hold her close to me unsure of what to even say.

how could you say that to the girl who gives you all the love and affection in the world? gives you everything and your unsure of how you feel about them, i'm not sure how anyone could fall out of love for that person but i guess sometimes people just aren't meant to be "if he breaks up with you, you have all of us you'll be okay" i whisper to her she just shakes her head her tears falling onto my jumper. heart break is the worst feeling in the world losing your best friend is awful and i'm glad there's a very high chance i'm never gonna have to go through that again because it literally takes over your life, not wanting to eat or do anything and just giving up with yourself completely it's a really scary thing how your heart just snaps into two pieces and takes forever to mend it.

the front door opens again revealing Jade, Aria and Charlie, Jade instantly kneeling down to the floor "what's happened?" she asks letting go of Charlie and shutting the door "Harry" i mouth to her she just nods sitting on the other side of Leigh and wrapping her arms around her i stand up picking Leigh up Jade following me into the living room i place Leigh down on the couch and Jade wraps her arms around her again "i'll be back" i mouth to Jade she nods as i walk out and run upstairs quickly checking on Aria and then running out the house


"so is it done or?" i ask Leigh as she slowly settles down she wipes her eyes and then just shrugs "he didn't make it very clear" she mutters looking over at the tv and then back at me fixing her blanket and resting her head against my chest while i play with her freshly straightened hair "we were meant to go out tonight" she whispers to me playing with her hands "there's a dress and tons of make up laid out in ours for me to get ready" she laughs putting her hands over her face Aria then runs over to Leigh coming and sitting next to her wrapping her arms around Leigh's waist hugging her as much as she can Leigh giggling and hugging her back

"dadda aid boys re smelly"Aria tells her Leigh nodding and laughing "there the smelliest" she tells her tickling her and making Aria squeal. "boys aint shit" we hear Perrie shout as the back door shuts, her Jesy and Eleanor walking into the living room Perrie gasping when she realises Aria is sat there "naughty pep" she exclaims pointing at Perrie i just shake my head glancing down at my phone. i look at Niall on my screensaver both him and Aria with the biggest smiles on their faces, i'm extremely lucky i found Niall because he's grateful for everything he has and he never takes anything for granted which is rare to find in a lot of men because some don't appreciate it and hurt there other half

i guess Harry is still just learning but it's hard for Leigh to stick by his side while he does, some people are more a lesson than being permanent. the front door opens Niall and Louis walking in with tons of shopping bags "what's that?" Jesy asks as they walk into the living room tipping all the bags out apart from one "Leigh's favourite snacks and we're about to prepare some nachos" Louis exclaims as he walks out with the last bag "oh and we're gonna order sushi" he shouts from the kitchen the smile on Leigh's face growing i stand up grabbing Nialls hand and following him into the kitchen

"did you see Harry?" i ask them as i sit down at the island both of them shaking their heads instantly i give them both confused looks and Louis just sighs "we did and it's not good" Louis mutters sitting next to me i just give him a confused look giving Niall a worried one "he's very confused" Niall mutters my head going into my hands, Leigh really doesn't need this and she isn't going to handle it well at all

"he's gone on a plane for two weeks" Niall tells me and i can't help but get angry he's just running away from his problems, i know i've done that myself but i've learnt that he shouldn't do that because it's only going to hurt both of them, i adore the pair of them and i don't want to see either of them get hurt. "he still loves her he just needs time for himself" Louis shrugs, i suppose everyone has to put their mental health first because if there's isn't good how are they supposed to help each other's


leighannepinnock my favourite girls to have sleepovers withhh🥰 @/jadethirlwall @/perrieedwards @/jesynelsonjadethirlwall: i love ya sweetheart❤️perrieedwards: baby i love you!!!jesynelson: i love my babies🥺

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leighannepinnock my favourite girls to have sleepovers withhh🥰 @/jadethirlwall @/perrieedwards @/jesynelson
jadethirlwall: i love ya sweetheart❤️
perrieedwards: baby i love you!!!
jesynelson: i love my babies🥺

"got me going mad sitting in this chair"

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