Chapter 55. Heartache

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"Jade" i hear Niall shriek as I'm shoved out the way, i fall back onto the side on my hands and knees staying completely frozen for a moment i turn around seeing Nialls body laying completely still on the floor "no"i mumble jumping up and going straight over to him i kneel down next to him grabbing his shoulders and shaking them as much as i can "Ni, Ni baby wake up" i cry looking around as people start to crowd around us "can someone please ring an ambulance" i sob as someone pulls their phone out i just stare down at him not being able to breathe

"Ni baby please" i cry grabbing onto his hand trying to shake his body as much as i can the quiet muttering of people being silenced out by sirens everyone moving out the way as two people jump out of the ambulance running straight over, i just look at them in disbelief as someones hands grab my arms pulling me up and out of the way. i burst into sobs as they turn me around pulling me into a hug "its gonna be okay"Liam whispers putting one hand against my head the other wrapped around my waist i just hold onto his shirt letting my tears and shrieks out

"excuse me" an unfamiliar voice says tapping my shoulder i turn around to see a young ginger haired girl who seems to be part of the ambulance crew from the way she's dressed "were going to take him to the hospital is there anyway you could follow?" she asks i look up at Liam who looks over at Louis "I'm sober lets go" he exclaims pulling out his car keys Liam grabs my hand leading me over to Louis' car. both of us getting in the back Harry on my other side with Perrie and Louis in the front i just hold onto Liam staring at nothing trying to wrap my head around what's just happened, how it even happened

"l- liam" i mutter through my sobs looking up at him "is he going to die?"i mutter looking into his eyes as they just widen "no of course not, he's going to be okay" he says looking like he could burst into tears any minute, the whole car is silent with someone just sniffling every so often mixed with my uncontrollable sobs "where's Aria" i mutter as we get to the hospital "she's with El and Leigh don't worry" Louis says i just nod following Liam out the car and holding onto his hand as tight as i can. we all walk in going straight to the receptionist desk, I'm already full of regret if i had of just stopped being jealous for one minute stopped trying to seek for his attention and let him enjoy his night we wouldn't be here

"come on Jade"Perrie whispers wrapping her arm around my shoulders as Liam leads me away from the desk and straight over to the elevator, i can't get my thoughts straight, my best friend is in a life or death situation and its all my fault, a nurse leads us up to what is currently an empty room just filled with chairs and a gap for a bed as her and Liam walk out the room as she shuts the door i can't help but just collapse to the floor the other three of them surrounding me "let it out baba" Perrie whispers her voice slightly cracking, pulling my head to her chest and holding me Louis grabbing hold of my hand and Harry rubbing my back.

"this is.. fault...Perrie, he could die... and it'll all... be my... fault" i say in between sobs all of them shaking their heads at me looking completely lost for words what can you even say to that? "baba he's so strong and he'll pull through this, but its definitely not your fault" she sighs trying her best to hold back her own tears the door opens again Louis picking me up pulling me away and holding me up as i cry into his chest i turn my head watching two people wheel Niall into the room his lifeless body just laying there not even slightly moving, i just cover my mouth with my hands letting my tears fall down my face.

"which one of you is Jade?" the man says as everyone looks towards me i wipe my tears standing up properly and chewing on my bottom lip he walks over to me and then leads me out the room and into the corridor where Liam is already waiting for me "we've just operated on your husband for internal bleeding and he had a large piece of glass in his side but it was a very successful operation, now its just a waiting game till he wakes up and we can find out what else is wrong with him" he tells me i just nod trying to swallow the lump building up in my throat "how long could that be?" i mutter battling with my eyes to stop my tears from falling he looks around the corridor before sighing

"it could be a couple of hours or a couple days we don't know" he sighs i just nod looking down at the ground "but he will?" i mutter covering my mouth with my hand he just simply nods giving me a slight bit of relief "could there be any major damage?" Liam asks the man just simply shrugging "there doesn't seem to be anything major on his scans but there could be a possibility of some things when he awakens they won't be major but it all just depends" he tells us i just nod sniffling slightly. at least he is going to wake up and no matter what happens I'm going to stick by his side.



"so what could be the most major thing?" i whisper to Liam keeping my eyes on Jade as she sleeps in Louis lap he sighs his eyes focused on Niall "he could wake up and not remember one thing" he tells me my jaw dropping "no"i mutter shaking my head he just nods licking his lips "if he doesn't its a game of helping him recalling everything which can take years depending how bad it is" he sighs slightly sinking in his chair. he doesn't deserve this and neither does Jade.


niallhoran my everything❤️jadehoran: i love you so much❤️perrieedwards: you guys never fail to be adorable🥺leighannepinnock: 😍🥺😍jesynelson: jiall forever!!!

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niallhoran my everything❤️
jadehoran: i love you so much❤️
perrieedwards: you guys never fail to be adorable🥺
leighannepinnock: 😍🥺😍
jesynelson: jiall forever!!!

"if your not here to turn the lights off i can't sleep"

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