Chapter 26. Dress Fitting

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today's the day i go for my dress fitting and i've never been so excited in my life, Nialls never been more curious in his life either, it's going to be me, Aria, Perrie, Jesy, Leigh and then my mam with my brothers two daughters and wife. i walk out of my wardrobe seeing him sat on the bed waiting for me "so can i see any part of your dress?" he pouts as i walk up to him he wraps his arms around my stomach looking up at me a huge pout on his face "no" i smile tapping his nose my other arm wrapped around his head messing with his hair

"just under two months to go" i smile at him his smile growing as the door swings open "mamma we onna be princesses" Aria squeals running up to us with Charlie jumping right behind her Niall pulling her inbetween us "your gonna be the most beautiful princess ever" he smiles at her kissing her cheek making her squeal i cough making Niall crack up "your the most beautiful queen silly" he exclaims making me laugh blushing slightly

i look at the time groaning a little "right we love you but we have to go" i sigh taking Aria from him and quickly pecking his lips "bye dadda" Aria exclaims as we walk out Niall shouting bye back at her i run down the stairs my phone vibrating a text from Jesy saying she's outside, i run out the door my three band mates squealing as we get to the car "i'm so excited" Leigh exclaims i just laugh


Niall picked Aria up an hour ago and now it's just me the girls and my mam "oh baba" Perrie mumbles tears in her eyes as she zips up my dress my eyes filled with happy tears as i look at myself in the mirror. this is a day i've dreamt of since i was a little girl and learned what a wedding was i always dreamt of the dress that was going to make me look like a princess, my dress is always kinda what i've pictured, and the man who i was going to marry who was going to be my prince charming, and Niall definitely is my prince charming he's completely turned my life around for the better and i couldn't be more grateful for him and when i was really little i always told my mam that i was going to get married in a huge castle just like a disney princess

it's not quite a castle in reality i was never going to get that but the place where we're getting married is the most stunning church i've ever seen and then the hotel for the afters is gorgeous. "i love you" Perrie smiles wrapping her arms around my shoulders both of us just looking at the dress "i love you more" i mutter trying my best not to cry, since i met Perrie and we became so close i always knew that she was going to be my maid of honour we just instantly clicked and she's always felt more like a little sister i never had, she's always got me through everything and never fails to make me laugh, it's an extra bonus that her and Niall get on so well too.

"ready?" she asks quickly wiping her eyes i just nod as she pulls the curtain back and i step out to Jesy Leigh and my mam all of them gasping as i do "oh my gosh i have no words" Leigh exclaims her hands over her mouth i just giggle looking at myself in the mirror for a second, this is what i've always dreamt of and now that i'm finally doing it i feel like the luckiest and happiest girl in the whole world

"my baby is all grown up"my mum starts to sob Jesy wrapping her arms around her my heart melting i walk over to her grabbing her hands "you look so beautiful" she cries as i rub her hands with my thumbs "and i'm so glad you found Niall i'm so happy your happy" she cries Leigh and Perrie coming and hugging her too. i'm so lucky to have everyone that i have i'd be lost without them all.


leighannepinnock such an amazing (&emotional) day💗 @/niallhoran you seriously have the most gorgeous bride there has ever been❤️jadethirlwall: i love you babe🥺niallhoran: don't tease me like that i'm desperate to see her☹️ you're all killing me ...

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leighannepinnock such an amazing (&emotional) day💗 @/niallhoran you seriously have the most gorgeous bride there has ever been❤️
jadethirlwall: i love you babe🥺
niallhoran: don't tease me like that i'm desperate to see her☹️ you're all killing me here
perrieedwards: she's literally like a disney princess🥺
louistomlinson: Niall literally cried all day about how desperate he is to see her😂

"i see us in black and white"

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