Chapter 6. Gone Too Far

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it's been three days since i asked Niall about what was wrong and he hasn't spoken to me since everytime i try he just looks up at me looking like he's terrified to talk the only person he's spoke to is Aria crazy enough, the most we've spoken is when he tells me he loves me before going asleep. "Ni" i slightly smile he looks up from his phone just blankly staring at me "could you come to the balcony a minute?" i ask him he looks at Aria watching the tv sighing slightly as he stands up and follows me outside. i sit down at the table and he sits on the opposite one both of us just looking out at the beach

"so Ni" i mutter he looks over at me trying his best to smile "tell me what's going on" i mutter to him grabbing his hand he sighs looking out again grabbing my hand back ten times tighter "i know it's hard but we have to work through these things together" i whisper to him he just nods tears forming in his eyes he chews his lip wiping his eyes with his spare hand "she's asked for £5,000 for her and Greg and if i don't give it to her she's gonna do everything she can to convince you not to marry me" he rushes my eyes widening i just shake my head in disbelief.

what kind of wicked mother does this? makes there own son feel like he's not good enough and his only worth is his money? my heart breaks for him that he has to put up with a mother like this when he deserves the world "she's done this all my life" he slightly laughs to himself "i was 7 years old wondering if i should find a way to leave this earth so i didn't hurt her anymore" he mutters my heart breaking even more for him this isn't fair the fact he's had to feel this way all his life when he's such a good person, i can't help but let a few tears fall from my eyes "i'm so sorry Ni" i sigh standing up and kneeling down in front of him i wipe his tears with my thumb quickly pecking his lips

"just promise me Jade, that Aria will have the bestest child hood we can give her if she ever feels slightly like i have i'd never forgive myself" he sobs just staring into my eyes i wipe my eyes sniffling a little "i promise Ni, but you're already giving her the best" i cry with him he just pulls me up pulling me onto his knee i rest my head on his shoulder my arms wrapped around his neck we both just sit there crying our eyes out.

"wha atter?" we then hear Aria ask both of us jumping she's stood there with her olaf teddy in one hand and stroking Charlie with the other "nothing baby come here" Niall smiles as she runs over i pick her up placing her on my knee all three of us sit there hugging and watching the view "i love you guys so much" Niall whispers kissing my forehead and then Arias "ove you oo" Aria smiles pouting to kiss us both i just giggle hugging her tightly. i really am blessed, i couldn't be without either of these two because they make my life amazing.



"you have it, now i want you to leave Niall alone and have nothing to do with him you've gone too far" Jade tells my mum down the phone, i can't help but want to cry because as much as she's give me a hard life it's gonna be crazy not to actually have her in my life but i know i'll be better off without her. Jade puts the phone down sitting at my feet on the couch Arias currently asleep on my chest and Charlie is sprawled out on the other couch.

"what did she say?" i ask her playing with Arias hair she sighs rubbing my leg a little "she just said fine but if i marry you i'm crazy" she rolls her eyes just slightly smiling at me i just smile shaking my head "how about you put her to bed and we'll go in our room and watch a movie?" she asks i nod standing up and carrying Aria into her room Jade close behind me

she pulls the covers over and i place Aria in bed Jade pulling them back over her we both kiss her forehead and then walk out the room. we go into our room both flopping onto the bed "Ni" Jade whispers turning her head to me "i love you" i smile at her making her blush as she smiles back she puts one hand on my face connecting our lips "i love you more" she whispers as i pull her on top of me


niallhoran daddy's girl💗jadethirlwall: my world🥺❤️niallerboyyy: SO ADORABLE 😍jesynelson: jade is one lucky girl!!

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niallhoran daddy's girl💗
jadethirlwall: my world🥺❤️
niallerboyyy: SO ADORABLE 😍
jesynelson: jade is one lucky girl!!

"it's all for you and me"

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