Chapter 66. Promo

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Niall (this was shit lol)

i wake up to Romans cries my face instantly scrunching up i slowly move myself away from Aria, picking up Roman out of his cot grabbing my phone and going out to the balcony rocking him in my arms as i sit down, flicking through instagram with my other hand. Jades been gone for a couple of days now and to be honest being left alone with two kids hasn't been as difficult as i thought it would have been but i guess it's still early days, it's hard giving my attention to both of them though because Aria constantly wants to play but obviously Roman needs a lot of my attention it's kinda working and i guess i'll work out how to give them both my constant attention.

i smile as i get a text from Jade, i miss her so much already nothings the same when she's not here everything feels so different and it's so boring, i go onto facetime deciding to ring Jade and she pretty much instantly answers "good morning" i smile as her face comes up on the screen a huge smile on her face "i didn't expect you to be awake" she smiles rubbing her eyes slightly yawning "Roman decided that six thirty in the morning was the right time to wake me up" i say making her laugh and shake her head she gets up out of bed resting her phone against a mirror and sitting down pulling out her makeup bag

"so what are you gonna do before the show?" i ask her holding Roman close to my chest as he slowly falls back to sleep "me and Perrie are gonna go sight seeing" she tells me i just smile at her as she starts doing her make up "what you gonna see?" i ask her walking back into the house and going down stairs "well it's paris, so we're going to the eiffel tower" she says raising her eyebrows i laugh walking into the kitchen, me and Jade made a pact years and years ago that whenever we're in Paris we have to go see the eiffel tower no matter what because that was the first place we went sight seeing together when we were just friends

"make sure you get some pics" i tell her making a coffee she nods as Perrie walks into the room coming and sitting next to her "hi Ni" she exclaims waving at me "hi" i laugh going into the living room switching on the tv resting Roman against my chest "oh that's what i need to tell you" Jade then exclaims sounding a little annoyed i give her a confused look as she puts her makeup brushes down "Leigh told us last night that management are letting Harry come out and stay with us on tour so he can be with the twins" she exclaims my eyes widening, we got told that because my schedule was going to be busy that it was best that i stayed home with the kids and we couldn't go with Jade, i mean there's no plans for the band and it's all just solo stuff but i imagine Harry has just as much solo stuff because we're both releasing solo albums soon "well that's annoying" i mutter both of them nodding "i mean Leigh is struggling with the twins on her own but it makes no sense" Perrie says i just nod, it makes no sense at all "well i'll try and come see you guys soon anyway as soon as possible" i tell them a smile growing on Jades face "can't wait" she smiles


"where are we?" Aria asks as i get her out of the car, we dropped Roman off at Normas and now we're at the Late Late Show (yeno like when they come to england lol) to do promo for my album, i'm gonna be here all week so i thought it was best to bring Aria with me because i know she doesn't like being away from me or Jade for too long and it's pretty long hours shooting and stuff. we walk in the studio being greeted by a ton of people and quickly being shown to my dressing room for the week "ooo i like it here" Aria squeals running in instantly throwing her back pack down and exploring the room i sit down on the couch just watching her trying not to laugh at how amazed she is

the door then opens making her come to an instant stop as James and Ashe walk in "Niall" James exclaims as i jump up hugging both of them "it's nice to see you guys" i smile leaning on the side both of them coming into the room "we just thought we'd come and plan the performance" Ashe smiles sitting down on the couch Aria coming to my side wrapping her arms around my leg getting all shy "Arias not shy is she" Ashe exclaims making her laugh, they've only meet a few times but because Ashe makes a big fuss of her Aria loves her, she runs over to her both of them laughing and chatting while me and James talk about the week, it's gonna be fun


niallhoran so excited for niall week on the late late show with james😜latelateshow: so happy to have you back on!!jadehoran: so proud of you❤️ashemusic: can't wait for our performance🤪

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niallhoran so excited for niall week on the late late show with james😜
latelateshow: so happy to have you back on!!
jadehoran: so proud of you❤️
ashemusic: can't wait for our performance🤪

"but i kept holding on"

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