Chapter 10. Worry

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"so whe mamma?" Aria asks me as we walk down the road "she's just visiting nana" i tell her she nods carrying on eating her ice cream and being in her own little world, Jades been at her mums for two days and i still have no idea why she won't answer my calls and texts and i'm scared to go down there incase it makes things worse "i iss mamma" Aria tells me as we walk into Perrie and Alex's drive "me too bub but she'll be back soon" i try to smile at her.

it's hard for me but it must be ten times harder for Aria as much as she's a daddy's girl she still adores Jade with her whole heart and it must be weird when she just disappears with no explanation it's her mum at the end of the day she should always be around her. "Pezza" Aria squeals as we walk into the house attacking Perrie as she squats down and making her fall over "hi baby" Perrie laughs holding her tightly, out of everyone Aria is closest to Perrie she loves her and she always wants to play with her and Hatchi.

"how about you go play with Hatchi in the garden while i talk to your dadda" Perrie smiles at Aria she nods running out with Hatchi close behind her i follow Perrie into the kitchen sitting at the island "where's Alex?" i ask as she gets glasses out of the cupboard "training" she tells me grabbing out coke and vodka my eyes widening "Edwards it's 12pm" i exclaim she just laughs at me as she pours them out  "your having troubles this is acceptable" she shrugs as she passes me it over "well fair enough"


i walk into the house Charlie running right up to me "hi boy" i smile bending down to him as i drop my bag i look around the house becoming extremely confused, my car is outside so they haven't gone far but if they've only gone to the park why haven't they taken the dog? "where's daddy and Ari?" i ask him he just tilts his head kissing me again i sigh standing up i grab my bag running upstairs and into the bedroom i throw my bag into the wardrobe and run back down again making myself a cup of tea and then going back up and sitting on the balcony
Charlie sat at my feet

"yeah it was weird that she left i thought you guys was fine but i guess it's just Jade"  i hear Perrie say i put my mug down noticing Aria as she runs with Hatchi quick behind her "i know but she's a mum she can't just up and leave i get things get tough but i don't see what i did wrong and it's Aria i'm more worried about" Niall tells her i put my head in my hands shaking my head. maybe it was wrong for me to leave but i needed it, sometimes the guilt is just too much for me and i can't handle it and the best thing to do is take myself away so i can handle it.

"i don't know she says i'm immature and too young but i'd never just walk out, it just stresses me out" Niall tells Perrie just making me angry i stand up leaving the tea on the table and walking down stairs and to the garden "i want her to be okay i just wish i had some indicator of why she goes" it's not the first time this has happened i have done it a couple times and i guess i should tell him why but i feel like it would only make him want to change and that's the last thing i want to happen.

i open the gate that allows us in to Perries slowly stepping in Niall and Perrie jumping out there skin as Aria just runs over to me wrapping her arms around my legs "thought i'd find you guys here" i fake smile picking Aria up and putting her on my hip Niall and Perrie just give each other a worried look but then smile as they glance over to me "glad your back"Niall slightly smiles, i guess i've done it one too many times


perrieedwards i love you so much ari boo!💗jadethirlwall: my two fav girls🥺💗alexoxladechamberlain: when can we have our own?🤔😉

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perrieedwards i love you so much ari boo!💗
jadethirlwall: my two fav girls🥺💗
alexoxladechamberlain: when can we have our own?🤔😉

"can we share a drink and let go of the pressure?"

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