Chapter 45. Drawings

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"wha tha?" Aria asks me pointing to my scar on my knee, it's not the worst scar but anything intrigues Aria "it's a scar to show where dadda was hurt" she nods running her finger up and down the scar looking very interested she then looks over at Jade looking at her neck and then looking at mine "why mama have dwaings an you ont?" she asks then looking at Jades foot, up to now Jade has five tattoos, her back, foot, ankles and side and she's desperate for me to get one and it's not that i don't like them i've just never seen myself with one

"because dadda doesn't want any drawings" i tell her she looks at me confused Jade realising what we're talking about and starting to laugh i shoot her a death glare only making her laugh more "why?" Aria asks i just shrug looking over at Jade she just lifts her eyebrows slightly smirking, mainly because she's desperate for me to get one. i just shake my head standing up "i'm gonna do it" i mutter to her raising my eyebrows her eyes widening as i walk out and into the kitchen my phone ringing as i do

"hey Harry what's up?"i say putting my phone to my ear i turn around seeing Jades face drop i just smirk as i try not to laugh "could you do me a massive favour"Harry says down the phone as Jade comes right up to me trying to get me to hurry up "sure mate anything" i say putting my pointer finger over Jades mouth as she crosses her arms "could Leigh come and stay with you guys for a little while till her house is ready?" he asks my eyes widening, i know they weren't together no more but they didn't mention actually moving out

"oh sure mate yeah course" i mutter putting my hand through my hair Jade giving me a confused look "we thought living together would be fine but it's a little awkward now so" Harry tells me he sounds absolutely gutted, Jade trying to listen in "yeah i get that but she's welcome here man course" i mutter rubbing my eyes "thanks i'll drop her off later" he says before putting the phone down i place my phone down on the cabinet shaking my head Jade looking extremely confused "Leigh is gonna stay here for a while till her house is ready" i tell her, her jaw dropping, it's really sad to see your friends go through this especially when there such good people and it's really shit that they couldn't make things work. Jade comes in front of me wrapping her arms around me looking up at me

"Aria and our baby are really lucky arent they" she whispers i just nod wrapping my arms around her and holding her tightly. my parents would split up a lot when i was a kid and it was so confusing for us to the point where we used to wonder if it was our fault living in two house and things it's really hard, but i don't think Leigh and Harry's baby will ever have to go through that, because if we're not on tour all together than they'll still see both of their parents near enough everyday together and i know there gonna be the most amazing parents.

"about the tattoo thing" Jade whispers i try not to laugh looking down at her, she's that desperate she'll ruin a nice moment "if i get an N will you get a J?" she asks i shake my head her jaw dropping just making me smile "i'm gonna get Jade" i tell her a smile growing on her face "where?" she asks i tap my wrist she giggles getting all excited. since i got with Jade i've always had an idea of what we'd get, she'd get Niall and i'd get Jade but underneath would be either the date we got together or the date we got married in roman numerals

i also really want to get Arias name somewhere but i'm going to wait for that one till baby number 2 is born and named. "you get Niall and we both get 21st of the 8th in roman numerals underneath" i tell her she squeals jumping up slightly quickly pecking my lips "we have to wait though" i tell her making her pout "well your not getting one while your pregnant" i shrug she groans but smiles wrapping her arms around my neck



"that's everything" i smile at Leigh zipping up her last suitcase and putting it in the wardrobe she slightly smiles as she sits on the bed her hands resting against her little bump as she looks around the room "how did this happen" she mumbles looking at me with tears in her eyes i sigh sitting down next to her and wrapping my arm around her shoulders as she cries into my neck "Harry weren't the one, and just because your going to have a baby it doesn't mean your never gonna find the one" i tell her running my hands through her hair while she quietly sobs

"and your gonna have the best thing that's ever happened to you, there going to make you feel so loved and so happy" i whisper to her kissing her forehead she sniffles nodding slightly and wiping her eyes "i just don't want to feel lonely forever" she whispers messing with the rings on her fingers i shake my head "your never alone, you have your baba, but you also have all of us" i tell her grabbing her hand

she nods sniffling and wiping her eyes with her spare hand "if it's okay with Niall will you stay with me tonight" she mumbles i nod "even if it wouldn't be okay with him i would" i exclaim she giggles as i stand her up pulling the sheets back on the bed both of us climbing in i switch on the tv wrapping my arms around her as she rests her head against my chest.


jadehoran cuddle buddies for life💗💗leighannepinnock: i love you🥺niallhoran: @/leighannepinnock i love you but can i have my cuddle buddy back asap🙁(whenever your ready tho)jesynelson: cuties💗💗

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jadehoran cuddle buddies for life💗💗
leighannepinnock: i love you🥺
niallhoran: @/leighannepinnock i love you but can i have my cuddle buddy back asap🙁(whenever your ready tho)
jesynelson: cuties💗💗

"i'll hold you i'll hold you, we can put the kettle on talk about how he's not the one"

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