Chapter 59. Reveal

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"wha appens oday?" Aria asks me looking at her dresses, one blue one and one pink one, today were having a little gender reveal and for some reason I'm extremely anxious about what its going to be, plus Niall has been missing the whole morning so that's not helping "today baby, we find out if you'll have a little brother which is blue" i tell her pointing to her little blue dress she nods pulling her little thinking face "or if you'll have a little sister which is pink" i say picking up the pink dress she nods taking the pink dress off the hanger, i would love to have another little girl but i do think Aria would get a lot more jealous than if it is a boy, but then id love to have a little boy too so then we have one of each.

"so you think it'll be a girl?" i ask her as i help her get changed into her dress she nods a huge smile on her face "we ould pay prinesses" she squeals running over to her wardrobe and going to her shoe draw "these ones" she squeals picking up little pink flats with a bow on the strap she sits down on the floor pulling on her little white and frilly socks and slipping on her shoes i help her fasten them then grabbing her hand helping her up, we walk down the stairs going out to the garden where Perrie and Alex are running around like maniacs, its only a tiny gathering with our bandmates and parents but Perrie always makes sure every party she organises is done with 110% effort, i can't wait to see what her wedding will look like.

there is tons of pink and blue balloons all over the garden but mainly at the huge food table, the cloth is half pink and half blue and in the middle is a white cake with 'girl?' written in pink and 'boy?' written in blue, we decided that this time we'd cut a cake to find out what gender the baby is, there is also a huge flower wall which is also pink, blue and white. "do you like it?" Perrie asks grabbing my hands i just nod laughing at how stressed out she looks "pez its perfect thank you" i smile she sighs in relief a smile growing on her face

"everyones gonna be here in a minute" Alex says putting his phone in his pocket my eyes widening, Nialls not even back yet and i highly doubt he's dressed properly for the day "speaking of that" Perrie laughs as the door bell rings she runs inside Aria and Charlie quick behind her. everyone quickly coming in to the garden everyone hugging me, Eleanor comes over pulling me into a hug "is Niall and Louis still not back?" she asks i instantly shake my head, i woke up and he wasn't here i have no idea where either of them are


its now been two hours since everyone came, Niall and Louis are still nowhere to be seen and neither of them are answering their phones so its fair to say I'm extremely pissed off "where the fuck is he?" i groan throwing my phone down on the grass Perrie instantly wrapping her arms around me "how the fuck could he do this though he's meant to be a dad for gods sake" i groan resting my head on Perries shoulder Jesy coming and sitting next to me "we've found them" she whispers looking at me extremely concerned "oi oi" i then hear Louis shout making me jump out my skin i turn around to them both walking in, drunk.

"I'm gonna kill him" i mutter going to stand up Perrie and Jesy holding me down Niall comes over to us sitting down behind me, at least he's wearing blue, "ready to find out babe?" he asks kissing my cheek my nose scrunching up from his breath stinking like a brewery "i could kill you" i whisper to him his eyes widening and his jaw dropping slightly he just stands up coming and standing infront of me and putting his hands out for me to grab "Niall what's that?" i exclaim at the plastic on his wrist i grab it a smile slightly growing on my face as i read it "its the one we talked about, but i had to drink slightly to get the confidence, it was an impulse thing" he tells me helping me up i just shake my head trying my best not to laugh

"slightly my ass" Jesy exclaims walking past us i just laugh grabbing his other wrist and pulling him over to the table. he had awful timing but i have to say i find it really cute what he's done, Liam carefully hands Aria over to Niall as we stand in front of the cake, i pick up the knife Niall looking at me anxiously "baby grab hold" he tells Aria as he puts his hand over mine Aria placing hers on top of his "3" i whisper Aria squealing with excitement "2" Niall whispers a huge smile on his face "1" Aria squeals as we push the knife down pulling a piece out "its blue" Aria squeals my jaw dropping as we put the piece down "were having a boy"Niall cheers wrapping his spare arm around me quickly kissing me as everyone cheers "i love you" i smile at him kissing Arias cheek "i love you more" he smiles before doing the same. i can't wait for our little boy to be here.


jadehoran were having a boy!! i can't wait to meet you little man, we love you so much already💙niallhoran: can't wait!!💙jesynelson: he's going to be a little heartbreaker!!💙louist91: so happy for you guys!!💙

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jadehoran were having a boy!! i can't wait to meet you little man, we love you so much already💙
niallhoran: can't wait!!💙
jesynelson: he's going to be a little heartbreaker!!💙
louist91: so happy for you guys!!💙

"baby i'm perfect for you"

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