Chapter 64. 6.6.17

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"Ni" Jade screams gripping onto my hands crushing my bones, i think this has been the most chaotic time in my whole life, firstly we realised that we didn't drive to Louis' and that he was gonna have to take us, then Aria got upset seeing Jade in so much pain and she screamed in Alexs arms as we left, then Louis was the most crazy driver possible trying to get their as quick as possible, then it was a whole mess getting a room and it's been a very long process so to say it's been eventful isn't really describing it "your doing so well bab, he's nearly here" i try and smile at her kissing her forehead as she screams i look up at Perrie as she tries not to smile at her

"one more push baba" Perrie exclaims Jades grip getting even tighter as she screams which then turns into her heavy breathing and the room being filled with a baby's scream instead, my heart instantly being filled with happiness Jades tears turning into happy ones as the nurse passes him over to her "he's beautiful" she whispers looking up at me with the biggest smile on her face i just nod looking down at him tears forming in my eyes as i place my hand under his head "he really is" i whisper kissing her temple wrapping my other arm around her shoulders. i watch as Jade rubs her thumb against his tiny cheek his eyes slowly blinking open revealing huge bright blue ones

"he's got your eyes" Jade quietly exclaims looking up at me i just nod wiping my tears before pecking her lips "i love you and him and Aria so much" i whisper as she passes him over to me "i love you all more" she mumbles i hold onto him tightly just watching him as his eyes slowly look around the room. it's an indescribable feeling but it's also the most wonderful feeling i have ever felt in my whole life, it's the most emotional but most happy feeling knowing that this little person is half you and half the love of your life, and that it is going to be a love that can never die no matter what happens in either of your lives

"guys can everyone come in their dying too" Perrie laughs looking through the window i just look at Jade as she nods "let Aria come in first tho" she smiles i nod Perrie smiling and going out, i pass him back to Jade as Aria runs into the room "daddy,mummy" she quietly squeals running over to me i bend down to her height putting my pointer finger over my mouth, she copies me with the biggest grin on her face "we have to talk quietly and be gentle okay?" i whisper to her she nods as i pick her up placing her down next to Jade on the bed she looks at the baby in amazement with the biggest smile on her face

Jade looks up at me "RJ?" she whispers i just nod a huge smile forming on her face "Aria this is your little brother, Roman" Jade tells her Aria staring at him a huge smile on her face "can i hold him?" she asks Jade nodding and passing Roman over to me and putting her arms out for Aria to come and sit on her knee "be very careful okay baby?" i ask her she simply nods watching my every move as i place him in Jades and Arias arms "i love him" Aria whispers looking up at me her big blue eyes the brightest they've ever been i just smile as the door opens again

"can we please come in"Leigh pouts a huge smile on her face as she looks over at Jade "come on" i laugh as she runs to Jades bed side everyone quickly following in behind her and crowding around the bed Louis wrapping his arm around my shoulders while i try to control my tears. "oh my god he's so handsome"Jesy gushes covering her mouth with her hands everyone just nodding in agreement all eyes on him "what's his name?" Harry asks standing in the corner with the twins in a pram i look at Jade who just nods at me "everyone this is Roman James Horan" i tell them the girls all making 'aww' noises as i finish


i cover Aria up with my jacket as she falls asleep in the chair, her hair falling everywhere and she doesn't look the comfiest, we did try and get her to go and stay with Perrie and Alex but she didn't want to leave us and we couldn't really say no, i place a kiss on her forehead standing up and turning around to Jade who's also fast asleep i move her hair out of her face carefully tightening her ponytail and kissing her forehead too. i then walk over to Roman who's wide awake in his cot his eyes just observing the room, i carefully pick him up cradling him in my arms and walking over to the window

"i'm gonna tell you the same that i told your big sister" i whisper to him pulling up a chair to the window before sitting down, the whole of London is lit up so beautifully from here "this is London little man where your gonna grow up" i whisper to him his big blue eyes staring into mine "i promise you that i'm gonna give you the best life possible, you and your sister are gonna have the most amazing future, and me and your mummy already love you so so much and that's never gonna change no matter what happens"i whisper to him kissing his forehead as his eyes slowly flutter shut. i truly feel so blessed right now, i have the most beautiful family, the most amazing friends and the life i always dreamed of and i will forever be grateful for the life i have.


niallhoran 6

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niallhoran 6.6.17, Roman James Horan💙 @jadehoran i am so proud of you and i love our little family so much💙
alexoxladechamberlain: congratulations!!💙
louist91: he's the image of you!! congrats man💙
liampayne: so happy for you both!!💙💙
jake_roche: congrats!💙
harrystyles: he's amazing congratulations Ni!💙

"these arms are made for holding you"

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