Chapter 38. Negative

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i sigh as i walk out the bathroom, it's been two weeks since we got back and as much as we've had a really happy two weeks i've also been really frustrated, we've tried every night but failed every time. i know these things don't just happen overnight but it's just a really weird feeling because when we had Aria it happened overnight so for it to be taking longer this time not only is it frustrating but it's also worrying me slightly "negative?" Niall asks as i walk into the kitchen i just nod sitting down at the island i cross my arms on the island in front of me resting my chin against my hands Niall copying me sitting opposite me

"it's gonna happen you know" he slightly smiles at me i just nod sighing a little he puts his hand behind my head just messing with my hair i shut my eyes for a second while he massages my head "where's Aria?" i mutter rubbing my eyes he looks at the back door before looking back at me "Perrie brought the dogs over" he tells me i just nod pouting a little at him "remember the night we had Aria" i mutter he nods coming and sitting next to me "it was the best feeling ever" he smiles grabbing my hand and starting to mess with it. it was the best feeling i guess that's why i'm so desperate to have another for that feeling again being able to hold this tiny new person in your arms that's half you and half the love of your life no feeling can top it.

"it'll happen again" Niall whispers his eyes concentrated on me i just nod messing with his wedding ring trying my best not to let any tears out, i just worry somethings wrong i worry that it won't happen again and i'm really desperate for it to happen but i also know that i'm completely overthinking because if it's happened once it can only happen again. "i love you bub" Niall mutters a tear falling from his eye breaking my heart as i watch it "i love you more" i whisper wiping the tear from his face i stand up wrapping my arms around his neck shutting my eyes and just supporting him as much as i can.

"sorry" he mutters sniffling and wiping away his tears i shake my head as he turns around to me "don't apologise" i slightly smile at him he wraps his arms around my waist just pulling me in close to him "i just feel bad" he mutters resting his forehead against mine i just give him a confused look as he sighs "i only ever wanna make you happy and i know this isn't making you happy" he mutters pulling me in closer to him i just rest my head against his shoulder just shaking my head a little

"it's not your fault silly"i whisper he just holds me closer to him as the back door slides open "dadda" Aria screams as she runs through the door all the dogs following behind her as she runs up to us "what's wrong baby" Niall smiles picking her up as Perrie walks in gesturing for me to follow her i follow her through the house and into the living room "so?" she asks as we sit down i just shake my head as she sighs pulling me into a hug "i'm so worried" i mutter she just gives me a confused look rubbing my shoulder


"we'll see baby" i try not to laugh as the 5 dogs all play about her "charlie ant ore puppy's too"Aria laughs i just shake my head picking her up out of the middle of the dogs "mamma doesn't though" i tell her tickling her she just squeals as we walk out the kitchen with the army of dogs behind us "i just wonder if this is a sign"i hear Jade cry making me stop i walk over to the living room door making sure we can't be seen "he's so close to Aria what if he abandons our next one" she sighs Perrie just nods holding her close "i don't wanna tell him this but" Jade just mutters i roll my eyes walking up the stairs and straight into the bed room

"what wrong?"Aria asks me as i put her down on the bed i just shake my head sitting down next to her. what does Jade mean? does she think i'm a bad dad? "go get your pyjamas baby while i get changed" i mutter to Aria she just nods jumping off the bed and running out the door, i walk over to my wardrobe just leaning on the side putting my hands through my hair, i just want to be the best for Jade and Aria and our future children i want to give them the best life i possibly can but being doubted makes that ten times harder

i throw my t shirt off and replace my jeans for short joggers Jade walking in the bedroom her face dropping when she sees me "Arias in bed" she mutters giving me a confused look i just nod getting into bed making her even more confused "what are you doing?" she mutters just standing at the door i just shrug grabbing my phone off the side and going onto instagram "Niall"she exclaims shutting the door behind her i lean my phone down just looking at her.

if she can say things like that to Perrie what else does she think? and what else does she say to everyone? she just looks at me her face half confused half pissed off "not in the mood"i shrug going back onto my phone i just watch her as she shakes her head going into her wardrobe i throw my phone on the side laying down just waiting "so we're trying to have a child but your not in the mood" she shouts coming back into the room now dressed in a pyjama top and shorts i just look at her before shutting my eyes "answer me" she shouts in frustration crossing her arms and standing at the end of the bed "your worried i'm gonna be a shit dad to another child so why would i"


niallhoran puppy loveee💗🐶perrieedwards: my heart!!!!🥺🥺liampayne: shes so adorable

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niallhoran puppy loveee💗🐶
perrieedwards: my heart!!!!🥺🥺
liampayne: shes so adorable

"making up excuses when it hurts"

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