Chapter 13. Would You Rather

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"and fans speculate more that Niall Horan and Jade Thirlwall have split after there is no contact between them for 5 days now"
the tv says making me groan as a picture of Jade and Aria come up on the screen both of them smiling and looking happier than ever while i sit here unsure of what to even do with myself, i'm happy it's doing them good but it couldn't be doing me worse. "Mr Horan we're here" Perrie exclaims as the back door slams shut her Jesy and Harry walking into the living room "Niall no watching that programme" Jesy exclaims taking the remote out of my hand and switching over the channel "sorry" i mutter crossing my arms

Perrie comes and sits next to me pulling me straight into a hug "just two more days" Harry tells me sitting down on the opposite couch. it may be two days but it feels like an eternity everyone's been so great constantly visiting me i've never had many minutes alone since they left i've really appreciated it because if i was alone i feel like i would feel a lot worse. "has Aria called today?" Jesy asks me as i rest my head on Perries shoulder "nope" i mutter raising my eyebrows "losing her now too" i mutter all there eyes widening as i do

"don't you be so silly she idolises you" Perrie exclaims hugging me tighter i just scoff hugging Perrie back "she'll probably hate me now" i say staring at the tv that's when Jesy stands up coming and bending down in front of me, i swear everyday since they've gone i've had a lecture off at least one person a day "Niall James Horan you've gone crazy"


i laugh at Aria as she poses on the balcony, she's only really just started to be her little self again, since we got on the plane and she realised that she wouldn't be seeing Niall for a week all she did was cry but now she seems to be happier now maybe because we're gonna see him again soon "sow dadda" she exclaims grabbing my phone off me and clicking on Nialls contact and sending them all to him "aww he'll love that baby" i smile sitting down and pulling her onto my knee

"i iss dadda" she pouts at me i just nod wrapping my arms around her resting my chin on her head "i miss him too" i whisper looking out at the sun, as much as it's been nice to get away i do miss him i miss everything about him and his phone has been off since he left the house.

to be completely honest i regret even getting on the plane we should have just stayed and sorted this but at the same time i do think it was good to have a few days apart "baby" i whisper she looks up at me her huge blue eyes shining from the sun she's literally the mini female version of Niall and i adore it "would you rather stay here for two more days or go home now and see dadda?"



"right i'm gonna go Leigh will be back any minute" Harry sighs standing up "alright lad see you soon?" i ask him he nods tapping my shoulder "first thing tomorrow" he smiles at me i just nod switching the tv off as he walks out "well Charlie were another day closer" i sigh stroking the dog as the door slams shut "off to bed we go" i sigh standing up and walking up the stairs i go into the bedroom throwing my t-shirt off and jumping into bed with just my joggers on Charlie jumping in next to me when the door opens again "Harry?"


jesynelson gotta love a good lazy dayyy @/perrieedwards @/niallhoran @/harrystyles 🤪niallhoran: 🤪perrieedwards: i love you guys!!!leighannepinnock: i'm definitely there next time☹️

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jesynelson gotta love a good lazy dayyy @/perrieedwards @/niallhoran @/harrystyles 🤪
niallhoran: 🤪
perrieedwards: i love you guys!!!
leighannepinnock: i'm definitely there next time☹️

"if your not here to turn the lights off i can't sleep"

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