Chapter 37. Thinking

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"can we please go back one day?" Jade pouts putting her feet up on the car seat and rubbing her eyes i just smile concentrating on the road "of course do you really think your not gonna get the full honeymoon?" i ask her making her giggle, we made the most of the night before we left at 2am and after a 10 hour flight of mainly sleeping and worrying were extremely exhausted now "well i was worried i might never get it" Jade mutters yawning as she finishes her sentence i just shake my head driving down our driveway "well mrs horan you don't need to worry trust me" i smile she giggles pushing her glasses up and trying her best not to yawn

"it's still weird when people call me that" she smiles quickly stretching "i personally love it" i wink at her before jumping out of the car i go to the boot quickly grabbing our suitcases before getting to Jades side and helping her out the car, no one actually knows that we've come home early we thought it was best to leave it as a surprise for Aria. we open the front door as quietly as we can and quietly walk over to the living room door all our band family sat chatting away while Aria sits cuddled in Louis lap looking extremely sad breaking my heart

"i wish we could take Aria to them" Danielle sighs as they all focus on Aria "why were right here?" Jade questions making everyone jump i just watch as Arias eyes light up she quickly jumps out of Louis lap both of us bending down as she runs over to us "your home" she exclaims both of us hugging her as she tackles us "we missed you too much" i pout kissing her forehead as she giggles "i missed you too" she smiles i look up at Jade a huge smile on her face. we definitely did the right thing, because i know it was killing us both not being around Aria and i really do wish we had of just took her with us but then i guess we wouldn't have been able to do all the things we did with her there, i'm just extremely happy to be home now



"i just can't help but feel a little gutted it was cut short" i sigh to Perrie we decided to sit outside by the fire both of us with glasses of wine she sighs rubbing my hand slightly "i'm sure you'll be able to go again maybe just wait till Aris a little older" she sighs before taking a sip of her drink "but even if Aria gets a little older we're most likely going to have another one so we're never gonna get the chance" i sigh Perries eyes widening as i finish my sentence making me confused as she looks at me "your thinking about having another aren't you" she exclaims i just shrug but slightly nod

i would like to have another baby i really don't want to leave the age gap too long but i'm just not sure when it's the right time to and wether we should plan it or let it happen naturally "well why don't you speak to Ni about it?" she asks me pushing her hair out of her face before putting her drink down on the table in front of her "do you think now would be the right time?" i ask her she instantly nods squealing a little "of course it is, you wouldn't feel this way if it wasn't" she giggles i just nod slightly smiling it would be great to have another i mean Aria has brought us so much joy and we may as well double that

"id definitely speak to Niall about it if i was you" she whisper looking over at the back door i look over Niall walking up and down in the kitchen with a sleeping Aria in his arms while he talks on the phone. the thing i'd worry about is how Aria would react and if she'd get jealous of the baby because of how close her and Niall are and obviously he would have to split his attention between the two i'm just worried how she'd act about it not being able to get him to do everything she wants but maybe that would be a good thing too and she'd get used to it

"just promise me you'll talk to him about it because he could feel the same" Perrie says finishing her drink before standing up i just nod as she quickly hugs me "i'll speak to you in the morning" she exclaims going through the gate and into her own home. i grab both of the glasses and walk back into the house Niall giving me a huge smile as i walk in he puts his phone down on the side taking the glasses from me and putting them in the kitchen sink

"you okay bub?" he asks me as i sit at the island i just nod resting my chin in my hands "can i ask you something?" i ask him he instantly nods "of course you can, can i just put her to bed first?" he asks i nod standing up and following him upstairs and into Arias room i watch as he pulls the covers back on her bed and carefully placing her in before putting the covers over her he places a kiss on her temple and then switches her night light on "goodnight princess" he whispers as he walks out grabbing my hand and leading me out and into our room i sit down on the bed playing with my rings as i watch him replace his jeans for joggers

"so what's up?" he asks throwing his jeans into the wash basket and sitting down next to me "you can say no" i warn him he just nods grabbing my hand "but do you think we're ready to have baby number 2?" i ask him a huge smile growing on his face as i finish my sentence "i'm ready if you are" he smiles i just nod nervously laughing "well better start the fun part then" he exclaims pushing me down onto the bed making me crack up, i love this man more than anything in the whole world


jadehoran maldives dreaming☀️💗niallhoran: my wifeys the hottest😍leighannepinnock: BOOTY GOALS!!!jesynelson: damnnn jadey😍

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jadehoran maldives dreaming☀️💗
niallhoran: my wifeys the hottest😍
leighannepinnock: BOOTY GOALS!!!
jesynelson: damnnn jadey😍

"what a feeling to be right here beside you now"

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