Chapter 56. Boo

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i chew my lip focusing on Nialls body as he lays there, his hair is all messy and his skin is a lot more paler than usual too and I'm desperate to see them big blue eyes again, i grab onto his hand just rubbing my thumb back and forth against it, its been around 12 hours since it happened and I've slept for around an hour of that, everyone else slept most of it and are currently out to get some food "come on Ni just wake up" i mutter letting my tears fall onto his hand as i hold it against my face, the doctors have no idea when he'll wake up but I'm desperate to hear his voice, hear his laugh, cuddle him properly because i can't even do that with all of these wires on him.

the door opens Perrie,Alex, Liam,Louis, Harry and Jesy all walking into the room, the others are all looking after kids and things but are messaging by the minutes "we got you some nuggets if you wanna try and eat something"Jesy says coming and sitting down next to me holding the box of nuggets out at me i just shake my head keeping my eyes on Niall "please Jade, Niall would kill you if he seen you refusing food" she says i look down at the floor swallowing the lump in my throat, i cant speak because every time i try to the lump in my throat helps form tears in my eyes.

she is right he'd kill me for not eating Niall and the girls know a lot about my past before i meet any of them and how i developed anorexia, once i shared it with each of them they always check to see what ive ate and how much I've ate, especially Niall, so if he was conscious now he'd have the nuggets shoved down my throat by now. "try and eat some for his sake hey?" Jesy asks wrapping her arm around my back i just nod gently putting down his hand against the bed and taking the box from Jesy, i slowly open the box picking one out and slowly picking at it trying my best to eat it

"hey Jade" Harry says turning my attention to him Jesys hand meeting her forehead "carry on eating but" he says trying to please Jesy i just nod picking at my food "are you gonna let Aria come and see him?" Harry asks and i nearly choke as i look up at him my whole face just blank, i kinda forgot about Aria not like completely forgot but forgot that she probably should be here at some point but how do i explain to her what's happened? she's going to instantly cry her eyes out and just want her daddy would it even be good for her to come?

"all she did was ask for and about him last night"Alex tells me i just nod putting my food to the side and grabbing Nialls hand again, he would want her to be here of course he would because Aria means everything to him but she won't understand and what if it just makes her panic and ten times more upset than she most likely already is. "just think about it and if you think she should i'll go get her" Liam says i just nod then looking up at him

"go get her" i mutter all of their eyes widening, she should be here with me because if Niall can't I'm the best thing to settle and comfort her "are you sure baba?" Perrie asks i just nod, it'll be hard explaining it to her but it gives me something else to concentrate on as well as Niall, we should be here together because we both need each other more than anything right now. "ill go get her then"Liam says pulling Louis up with him both of them walking out the door



we drive into Niall and Jades drive way my heart starting to race as Liam parks up, i didn't really think much of this at first but now that were here I've over thinking every part of this, were here to take a two year old to something that will probably stick in her memory for the rest of her life, this is going to be incredibly hard for her especially because of how close she is to Niall anyway

i take a deep breath opening the door "dadda, mamma" Aria squeals running over to the living room door her face dropping when she sees its just me and Liam "sorry boo" i try and smile at her as tears fill her eyes "i ant dadda lou" she mutters i sigh running over to her picking her up and holding her close to my chest as she cries into my neck "ill go get her some stuff"Liam sighs running up the stairs



"ring us when you want us back okay?" Perrie says i just nod as Louis and Liam approach us with Aria in-between them holding both their hands but looking more worried than her usual happy self, usually she'd be skipping and laughing her little head off at nothing "hi baby"i try my best to smile bending down to her she instantly wraps her arms around me crying into my chest "is dadda onna be otay?" she cries i just nod trying my best to hold my own tears back "of course he is baby" i whisper standing up and putting her on my hip

i wave goodbye to everyone each of them hugging me quickly before leaving. i take a deep breath as i open the room door my heart becoming more rapid as i look at Niall "you've got to be careful now okay?" i ask her as she turns her head around she nods as her tears build up more and more i walk over to his bed placing her down next to his stomach "dadda" she cries wrapping her little arms around his chest "otta ake up now dadda" she says shutting her eyes and breaking my heart i rub my eyes fighting my hardest not to let my tears escape my eyes i place my hand against Nialls face rubbing my thumb against his cheek looking down at Aria as she looks up at me "mamma ook"


niallhoran hi guys it's Perrie, i thought i'd give you guys a little update on Niall as i've seen your all worried

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niallhoran hi guys it's Perrie, i thought i'd give you guys a little update on Niall as i've seen your all worried. he's doing okay and will be fine in the long run, he's making a speedy recovery and i'm sure he'll be on here to talk to you all soon and Jade (and Niall will be) is very thankful for all the lovely messages you guys have been sending ❤️
louist91: ❤️
liampayne: ❤️
harrystyles: ❤️

"i tried to eat today, but a lump in my throat got in the way"

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