Chapter 69. Why

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"are you sure you don't mind?" i ask Louis as i get my suitcase out of the back of his car, Jade didn't answer my calls for the past two days so i decided to do something about it and i'm flying out on my own to see her "of course just let me know how it goes" he tells me shutting the boot i just nod "see ya" i shout walking away he just waves getting back into the car, i'm so nervous to do this for some reason i'm scared that i may have really hurt her and she may be questioning wether we're meant to be together or not, i didn't mean what i said though i really just said it completely out of anger and frustration i've been so stressed out with having the kids on my own and balancing work too that i guess i just snapped but it's still wrong and i'm going to make it right no matter what it takes i'm going to fix this



the only time i've moved in the past two days is to go on stage, because the guilt is eating me alive, me and Harry kissed it lasted maybe thirty seconds and then i realised what i was actually doing and i've felt the most horrible feeling since, i haven't been able to bring myself to answer Niall because i just can't face the guilt i know i'm gonna have to tell him to i just can't bring myself to. i flick through instagram trying to distract myself from my mind but it's incredibly difficult to do, i just want to avoid the world but avoid my mind at the same time, i can't bring myself to do anything because i can't stop telling myself how bad this is, i could have just potentially given up my whole family and for what because i was a little jealous of a friendship?

a knock on the door then somehow sends me out of my thoughts, i just take a deep breath before standing up quickly wiping my eyes and trying my best to mentally prepare myself, i hope this is only one of the girls i can't face anyone else right now. i get to the door resting my hand against the door knob taking one last deep breath and then opening it my jaw dropping from the person on the other side "surprise" Niall slightly smiles looking a little confused probably from the shocked look on my face "i'm guessing it's the shock for that reaction?" he asks to which i just slightly nod, the guilt already eating me alive quicker just from him being in front of me but i'm also so glad he's here

he just puts his arms out making my heart melt slightly, i wrap my arms around him just holding him as tightly as i can, his hugs have always been able to cure me always been able to make me feel better always made me feel safe and i guess i should make the most of them before he finds out. he lets go of me grabbing my hand and coming inside shutting the door behind him and leading me over to the couch we just sit down and i instantly snuggle into him, his hands just running through my hair "i missed you" he whispers placing a kiss on my forehead "i missed you too" i mutter still in complete shock more than anything and i guess i'm gonna have to tell him sooner or later. his phone vibrates making us both jump, he pulls it out of his pocket my face dropping when i see who the message is from

Ashe: gutted you cancelled the upcoming performances was looking forward to spending time with you😕 see you soon!! xx

i sit up crossing my arms to which he instantly groans "don't be like that Jade" he sighs putting his phone back i move myself over to the other side of the couch just looking at anything but him "i don't like that" i tell him trying to hold back my anger because in my head i'm the biggest hypocrite right now but i can't help it "well what do you want me to do? i've told you i have to be civil with her" he says keeping his eyes on me, i roll my eyes standing up "don't just walk away" he groans as i walk into the bedroom with him quickly behind me, i fix the bed trying to ignore him and turn off the tv

"i don't wanna talk about it" i tell him he just sighs sitting down on the edge of the bed "don't let her ruin us" he mutters staring at the floor i shut my eyes for a second desperately trying to stop myself from crying because i know i've already let her. "i want her out of our lives Niall so i'll act this way until she's gone" i tell him picking out a tracksuit to throw on for when i have to leave for the show when Niall snaps "well i can't do that Jade so why can't we just be mature adults and not let her bother us, i'm starting to think you don't trust me and i have no idea why you wouldn't because i've never once been disloyal to you" he shouts standing up i don't think i've ever seen him so frustrated and angry but he's completely right "i trust you but i don't trust her" i shout back at him to which he just sniggers putting his hands over his face "aww Jade i can't believe we're having this conversation, we're married with two kids for fuck sake" he says trying not to laugh "why would i ever cheat or be disloyal" he asks looking like he genuinely wants an answer

"because i've been"


danipeazer little bestfriends❤️ @liampayne @niallhoran @jadehoranniallhoran: ❤️❤️liampayne: love this❤️

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danipeazer little bestfriends❤️ @liampayne @niallhoran @jadehoran
niallhoran: ❤️❤️
liampayne: love this❤️

"i'm half a heart without you"

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