Chapter 18. Need

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it's been a week since me and Niall talked, and every day since i've spotted him standing on the balcony just admiring the view at all ridiculous times of the night, because of it he falls asleep in the middle of the day, and he very nearly fell asleep in an interview the other day which management wasn't too happy over, he refuses to carry Aria or drive incase he randomly falls asleep, it's crazy what it's doing to him because he's tired all day then he goes to bed and can't sleep and i have no idea why.

"Jade a word?" Paul smiles at me an awkward smile on his face i just nod standing up and following him through the corridors, today we've been rehearsing for tour so i haven't really seen much of Niall because me and the girls haven't had a minute, we get to Simons office my heart dropping when i realise why. "Paul before we go in" i mutter stopping at the door he just stops nodding slightly "he's not in trouble is he?" i ask he sighs shaking his head "we're all just concerned" he tries to smile at me i just nod following him into the office Simon sat there his face half angry but half sympathetic.

"Jade take a seat" he smiles as i come and sit down i just chew my lip looking up at the ceiling, i don't know why they want to talk to me about this because it isn't me who's finding it difficult to sleep at night. "i need to know everything you know about what's going on with Niall" Simon says as Paul sits down next to me my eyes widening as i look down to him, that's my fiancé's own information why on earth would i share it with Simon "well what has he told you?" i ask him crossing my arms and raising my eyebrows he just sighs sitting back in his chair

"he told us that he just can't sleep at night no matter how hard he tries i'm sure you know the reason why" Paul tells me i instantly shake my head Simon groaning, simply because he isn't getting his own way. "he just told me he has too much going on" i shrug biting my lip to stop me from flipping at the fact Simon is generally more annoyed than concerned "hmm, like what?" he asks staring at me i just look at Paul who shrugs "i think you should as-" he cuts me off before i can finish "weve already tried that, we can't help unless we know" he says there's then a knock of the door i turn around on my chair Niall pocking his head in

"Jade?" he mutters i just smile at him as he walks in "Niall sit down" Simon says Niall pulling a chair over to sit in the middle of us. he gives me a confused look i roll my eyes grabbing his hand as he just sighs "Niall whats going on mate" Paul sympathetically smiles at him he just sighs looking up at the roof the grip on my hand getting tighter "everything's too much, the schedule is too busy, i don't get a minute to myself" he mumbles staring down at the floor, he really doesn't get a minute if he's not here working then he's at home with Aria being a dad, and not getting at least two days off is gonna kill him his heads on overdrive and it's not fair

"i just need a break" he mutters chewing his lip and pulling his hand away from me. Simon just shakes his head in disbelief i just shut my eyes for a second trying to process everything "there's more isn't there" Simon says Nialls head shooting up his eyes widened "you forgot we have access to your twitter don't you" Simon sighs his eye brows raising i just give Niall a confused look his whole face panicked what on earth is on his twitter "trust me these girls saying all these things, none of them are going to happen" Simon tells him he just nods his head falling into his hands while his elbows rest on his knees

"girls saying what?" i ask my hand rubbing Nialls back the door opening again "sorry to interrupt" Louis smiles a crying Aria in his arms "dadda" she sobs Nialls slowly lifts his head taking a deep breath and wiping his eyes putting on his smile for her and just stands up taking Aria from Louis and walking out i turn to Simon as he just sighs "Louis are your rehearsals pretty much done?" he asks Louis just nodding a little confused Simon looks at Paul who just nods at him "okay well then, we cancel the bits of promo, Louis you and the rest of the boys deserve a break"


jadethirlwall rehearsal tings✌🏻niallhoran: look at my baby tho😍😍perrieedwards: @/niallhoran she's my baby but she is stunning ❤️❤️❤️leighannepinnock: THAT FIGURE THO

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jadethirlwall rehearsal tings✌🏻
niallhoran: look at my baby tho😍😍
perrieedwards: @/niallhoran she's my baby but she is stunning ❤️❤️❤️
leighannepinnock: THAT FIGURE THO

"them haters be hatin"

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