Chapter 17. No Sleep

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i wake up to the sun only just starting to rise, i look to my side only seeing Aria fast asleep i look to the en-suite door which has no light on and the house is too quiet for him to be downstairs because i can hear Charlie's footsteps. i look out the window seeing Niall stood at the balcony his arms crossed leaning on the side his hair all messy. this must be the 10th day in a row i've caught him like this but i always just figured he was up early for the day of work we had ahead but today is our day off so now i'm not sure why.

i slowly stand up out of the bed grabbing a fleecy blanket and putting it over me quietly opening the door so i don't frighten him, i walk over to him moving his arms from each other and putting them over me "bub what are you doing awake?" he whispers kissing my forehead i pull the blanket over his back and he wraps it around the both of us he's only wearing some short joggers so he must be freezing "i could ask you the same thing" i mutter holding onto his arms and slightly yawning he sighs resting his head on my shoulder his eyes look really heavy like he's going to fall asleep any minute yet there fighting not too.

"i haven't slept for a few days" he tells me i scrunch my nose up looking at him confused he just holds me tighter looking out at the sun, his eyes are sparkling from the reflection and his skin looks more tanned than usual, yet now i can notice the big black rings under his eyes and the tiredness in his voice "why?" i mutter feeling a little bad that i hadn't noticed sooner he just shrugs slightly yawning and shutting his eyes for a moment "my brain won't switch off" he mutters "i think i just have a lot going on, you know with work and stuff" he yawns rubbing his eyes with his hand.

i turn around wrapping my arms around his stomach my head resting against his chest so i can hear his heartbeat that's just slow and steady "what's wrong?" i whisper feeling like i could fall asleep any moment he just shakes his head as he rests it on top of mine the whole blanket basically covering me up "works just a lot isn't it, i just need a few days" he mutters but it just makes me sigh because he's never going to get those few days he gets one and then has to wait a few weeks to get the next one

this is always the way our schedules are a couple months before tour and because it starts half way through September and August its going to be full of huge live events our management are really making sure we get every last bit in "take a few days off say you've got a cold or something" i tell him he just shakes his head rubbing his eyes again "yeah your going to tomorrow and Aria won't wake you either so you'll be able to rest" i tell him but he just shakes his head again

"i'm only gonna become the same when i go back bub i'm okay i promise" he weakly smiles grabbing my hand and leading me inside i just sigh as he walks me to bed he lifts the covers up letting me in first and then he gets in next to me seeing as his side is completely taken by Aria. "i'll try to sleep now but please don't worry about me" he whispers on the back of my neck giving me goosebumps i just nod turning round and quickly pecking his lips "i love you" i whisper as his grip tightens on me "i love you more"


niallhoran @/jadethirlwall i love you so much❤️jadethirlwall: i adore you baby❤️jesynelson: you guys make my heart melt🙊

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niallhoran @/jadethirlwall i love you so much❤️
jadethirlwall: i adore you baby❤️
jesynelson: you guys make my heart melt🙊

"i paid the price and own the scars"

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