Chapter 78. 1 Year

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Jade (back from tour)

today marks one year since me and Niall got married, i truly cannot believe it's already been that long already. i woke up to my favourite breakfast and told we was child free for the day but i was gonna have to spend some time alone, which he then led me down to the living room where my favourite snacks and movies all were there was also a box which had the most beautiful necklace inside that has the same diamond as my wedding ring, he'd also got a ton of balloons to decorate the room some had pictures of us on the string and one had a huge letter hanging down from it which made me cry with happiness, and i've spent the day locked in the living room with him coming in every now and again with cups of tea or snacks for me it's been so chill and so nice.

but when that was over he took me straight upstairs every window was covered and i wasn't allowed to go onto the balcony either all's he told me was to get ready so that's exactly what i'm doing. i've done really simple and natural make up and curled my hair so it's wavy, i decided to wear a short lacy red dress, the dress i wore on our first date, matched with black ankle boots, i'm kinda anxious to see what Niall is actually up to my minds been on overdrive trying to think of it all day but i'm guessing it's happening anytime soon because Nialls currently in his wardrobe getting dressed.

i've only been back home from the last leg of tour for two weeks and the last leg was alot easier but because Niall wasn't able to join me i was really gutted at first but then Aria decided to stay with me so it made it so much more fun and easier although Niall found it really hard to be away for her. "ready?" Niall smiles coming out of his wardrobe dressed in a shirt and black pants, i lick my lips with the biggest smile on my face nodding at him as he laughs, he comes over to me grabbing my hand and helping me up he leads me down the stairs and to the kitchen door.

"i really hope you love this because god have we worked hard" he slightly laughs i just laugh as he opens the kitchen door leading me over to the back door we step outside and my heart instantly melts. i put my hand over my mouth trying my best not to cry, there's a table with two chairs in the middle of the garden the trees and fences are decorated with fairy lights and lanterns and the decking,pool and grass have candles scattered around, there's also a huge bouquet of red roses sat on the table with two plates currently covered either side and a bottle of champagne in an ice bucket with two glasses "i'm the luckiest woman ever" i mutter holding Nialls hand as tightly as i can he just smiles leading me over to the table pulling out my chair for me and then sitting opposite me. he moves the flowers down to the floor so we can actually see each other

"i also want to say this is Louis' cooking if we get food poisoning it's all on him" he says making me crack up, i think Louis' has cooked maybe a total of three things in the time i've known him and one of them was toast. he lifts the covers up revealing lasagna a huge smile growing on my face "remember that first time i cooked for you when really i just microwaved a lasagna" he laughs i laugh with him nodding, i only learnt that he'd actually microwaved it years later and he'd made me a few after it because i thought he was an amazing cook seeing as he also said he'd done it from scratch. "i love you" i smile as we stop laughing he stares into my eyes a huge smile on his face "i love you so much more" he smiles biting his lip

i don't really know why we always respond with more instead of too when we say i love you, i guess it just happened and became tradition but i like to think it's because we just love each other that much that it's just a secret reminder of how much we love each other. "do you remember when we actually confessed to each other how we felt?" i ask him he instantly nods as he starts to eat "i don't think my hearts ever beat so fast before" he says making me laugh, it crazy to think how far we've come from there "i was convinced you was gonna reject me you know?" he says my eyes widening as he laughs at me "imagine" i laugh at him

i think we've both changed since then but in the most beautiful way, we've both become so much more confident, so much happier because i was stuck in a toxic relationship and Niall was finding happiness through going and getting drunk every day he wasn't working, we truly helped each other grow when we were friends but getting together was not only the best thing to happen to us because of how much we love each other but the best thing to happen because we became our true selves

"now we have two kids, a dog, we're married, in that moment i would never have thought i'd of been so lucky to even be with you" Niall smiles intertwining our hands his thumb rubbing my hand making me blush bright red "i love how we was convinced we hid it from Perrie for them few days when you went away when we really didn't" i laugh making him crack up his eyes then widening slightly "oh my god i forgot me and Perrie used to be room mates" he mutter just making me laugh more, to be fair we have come a very long way since then "it's weird though i thought i adored you then but somehow i love you more and more every day" he smiles a huge smile on my face that i know i'm not gonna be able to wipe off tonight, i'll always be convinced that i'm the luckiest girl in the world


niallhoran 1 year since i married my bestfriend❤️jadehoran: I LOVE YOUUUUU❤️🥺perrieedwards: you guyssss🥺louist91: i hope you didn't get food poisoning i apologise if you did🙂

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niallhoran 1 year since i married my bestfriend❤️
jadehoran: I LOVE YOUUUUU❤️🥺
perrieedwards: you guyssss🥺
louist91: i hope you didn't get food poisoning i apologise if you did🙂

"your too good to be all mine"

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