Chapter 73. Pretend

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"you know what i thought i could trust you but your giving me every reason not to" Niall says i just stand there trying to come up with anything i could possibly say, i just want the ground to swallow me and resolve all this "Niall trust me we were just chatting, she's been struggling" Harry says to which Niall just laughs his eyes staring at me like he's trying to burn a hole through me as he does. my stomach feels like there's a huge knot inside of it and my voice has disappeared "oh and you think your the one to help her do you" Niall says taking his eyes off me as Harry steps in the room just standing there

"because your not" Niall says the anger building up in him, my chest starting to feel extremely heavy and a flood of tears forming in my eyes "Ni please he just wanted to help" i mutter letting my tears fall as i go to grab his arm to which he just pushes me off "how can he help when he's the problem?" he asks me trying his best not to shout but his voice cracking and being a lot louder than before, all's i can do is look into his eyes lost for words "i'm sorry" i mutter trying to grab his hand but he only snatches it away. he has every right to as well, i see why he's annoyed and upset who wouldn't be

"just get out Harry" Niall mutters to which Harry basically races out the door slamming it behind him. "we're gonna spend this week with the kids, we're gonna make it a happy week for them, but then after that i'm not sure what's gonna happen from there" he mutters snapping my heart with every word my legs feeling as if they've turned to jelly "what do you mean" i mumble grabbing the couch behind me to keep myself up "i don't trust you" he says shaking his head as if he doesn't believe what's coming out of his mouth. i just let myself sink to the floor putting my head in my hands "i love you, with my whole heart, but i don't trust you especially not after this" he says his eyes looking at anything but me i look up at him as he leans on the wall rubbing his eyes

"i love you Ni i promise we can get through this" i cry he looks down at me licking his lips letting a tear fall down his face. "i never thought we'd get to this" he mutters his voice breaking at the end as his breathing becomes heavy i shake my head standing up and grabbing his hands "Ni i'll never go near him or anyone else you don't want me to ever again, i only love you" i cry our eyes staring into each other's for what feels like a life time but then he instantly looks away "i don't know about the future right now, but for now we're gonna make this a good week for our kids sakes" he mumbles pulling his hands away he looks around and then goes over to the cases at the door grabbing them and going into the bedroom with them just leaving me there.

i've ruined it. "Ni i love you so much" i say to which he just 'hmms' at breaking my heart he's never not responded with i love you more, never. i slide down the wall putting my head in my hands trying to think of ways i can reassure him that this will all be okay and that we can work through this because i will truly do anything to get that "the kids are on there way back" he mutters going and sitting on the couch and switching the tv on i sigh standing up and going over to the bathroom splashing my face to get rid of the tears and redness in my face and then putting on the biggest and fakest smile i can.

i walk back into the living room Niall looking over at me "while we're around the kids let's pretend nothings happened" he says putting his arm out to me i just nod going and sitting next to him and resting my head against his chest as he wraps his arm around my body, for some reason it feels like i should be making the most of this while i still can because soon enough he's going to break my heart because i already broke his. Aria runs into the room coming straight over to us instantly jumping on my knee "hi baby" i smile wrapping my arms around her, getting the biggest hug in return "can we stay with you forever now?" she asks i take a deep breath and chew my lip for a second "hopefully" i whisper holding her as tightly as possible


jadehoran finally reunited with my babies after a long month apart🥰niallhoran: my favourite people❤️perrieedwards: my heart🥺

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jadehoran finally reunited with my babies after a long month apart🥰
niallhoran: my favourite people❤️
perrieedwards: my heart🥺

"we used to never go to bed angry, but it's all we ever do lately"

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