Chapter 43. Crazy Family

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"well maybe you should just go home then"i hear Niall shout from down stairs my eyes rolling as far to the back of my head as they can. i look around the bed noticing i'm on my own "no Niall your doing it all wrong" i hear Maura shout just taking a deep breath, shes a lovely women don't get me wrong but in her head she is always right and it's impossible to change her mind on that i grab my phone checking the time groaning when i see 6am "that's rich coming from you" Niall laughs my eyes widening

of course he can argue but when it comes to his parents he tries his best not to but i guess he's snapped. i stand up throwing my phone on the bed i quickly go into Nialls wardrobe grabbing the first hoodie i see and throwing it over my shoulders, it wasn't clever to wear short pyjamas in October, i walk out the room going straight to Arias room my heart dropping when i realise it's empty. "well she's definitely yours both spoilt brats" Maura shouts anger building up in me, it really doesn't take long for that to happen

anyone can say whatever they like about me but the minute they say something about people i love, especially Niall and Aria, i lose it. i run down the stairs going to go into the kitchen when Bobby grabs my wrist pulling my hoodie up and stopping me "Jade don't" he quietly exclaims i look at his face full of concern and panic, Bobby is a great person and he genuinely is he brought Niall up so well and it's a shame how Maura and Greg are because Bobby generally doesn't deserve it. "Arias in there though" i tell him he sighs letting go of my wrist

i can't imagine how much he goes through on a daily basis it must be incredibly difficult for him, he finally escaped Maura only from him to get dragged right back in that must have been so hard to do and he only did it because he thought it was best for his family "Maura found out that i'm seeing someone on the side, Niall congratulated me and she's taking it out on him" Bobby sighs, well i mean who would blame him if i was him i'd do the exact same. "so really she just knows she's lost everything now?" i ask him he nods his face full of worry "why are you even taking this out on me it's your own fault" i hear Niall scream at her, it is her own fault she drives everyone crazy and it's not fair on any of them and Bobby deserves a happy life with a happy family not being stuck with her for the rest of his life.

i quietly open the door seeing Aria stood behind Nialls legs holding onto him for dear life "go get Aria don't get involved" Bobby tells me, that's impossible but i guess i can try i fully open the door Maura instantly shooting me a death glare "oh what does little miss perfect want?" she shouts i just chew my lip walking over to Niall and bending down to Aria "wanna come watch frozen?" i whisper holding my arms out to her she nods jumping into my arms i put her on my hip then standing up "love you" i mutter to Niall pecking his lips and walking to the door i look Maura up and down before walking out



so many things happen in life that are just so unexpected it's unbelievable and no matter how much you think it'll never happen to you somehow most things do and no matter how many times it happens it always shocks you because we're all so naive in thinking it won't. "how you feeling" Jade smiles coming into the room, there's always been something about Jade that every time she walks into the room, even if i'm angry at her, she never fails to make me smile and all she has to do is enter the room.

"better" i mutter looking down at my hands tossing my phone she sits down on the bed next to me Charlie sitting at our feet she wraps her arms around my waist and resting her head against my chest "at least it'll get better from here" she whispers looking up at me i sigh just looking up at the ceiling. i'm glad my dads put himself first and he's found someone who makes him happy, he deserves it more than anyone in the world after everything's he's been through, but now i know that my mum is gonna try and break it up and ruin it for him all because she'll be extremely jealous of it, i just pray he doesn't let her

"i dunno" i mumble chewing my lip Jade just sighs slightly nodding and looking over at the tv. "he might not like this guys be sensible" we hear Liam shout as quietly as he possibly can tons of footsteps running up the stairs "here's the crazy crew" Jade slightly laughs i just nod laughing with her as they all barge in the room Perrie and Louis first with balloons in each hand, the rest of them with food and various other things in their hands, Aria then running through all of them and to my side a homemade card in her hands

"hi guys" i slightly laugh picking Aria up and sitting her on my knee "we thought this would make you feel a little better" Jesy laughs as everyone throws there things on the bed Perrie and Louis putting the balloons on each bed side. my blood family may be crazy and fucked up but my band family, my real family i'm the luckiest person in the world to have them and i hope i'm never without them.


niallhoran ✌🏻jadehoran: 😍😍😍

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niallhoran ✌🏻
jadehoran: 😍😍😍

"we could be the greatest team that the world has ever seen"

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