Chapter 16. Overworked

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"shh" i whisper to Aria as i pull her onto my knee, holding her close to my chest and letting her cuddle into me, we're currently sat on the floor watching Jade and Perrie be interviewed, all of us have been taking turns all day so we all don't get dragged into it for the whole day "so are you both going to be each other's maid of honours?" the interviewer asks them both of them laughing holding hands with each other "yeah of course we've always had that pact and Leigh and Jesy have it too" Perrie tells her she nods laughing with them

"who's going to be Nialls best man?" she asks Jade. oh shit. i havent decided. how do you even decide that? maybe i should just have all three of them? then no one gets hurt and everyone's happy. Jade looks over at me with the biggest confused look on her face the interviewer looking over her eyes widening when she realises i'm sat here "Louis Liam and Harry" i shout the three of them laughing "don't make me pick i love them all" i shout the interviewer making an aww noise while Jade and Perrie just crack up more.

i really couldn't just pick one of them all three of them are my best friends, i mean Liam is gonna be occupied because his son or daughter will only have just been born, Jades already asked Louis if he'll walk her down the aisle- the most emotional i've ever seen him get- and Harry will be walking down with Leigh so i guess there all preoccupied in a way. "do either of you know your first dance song yet?" the interviewer asks my eyes widening again, this is too much for near 11pm i look at Jade who's got the exact same expression on her face

we still have 4 more months till the wedding but it felt like we were a little bit more prepared than this "wow we need to plan more" Jade slightly laughs i just nod in disbelief. "right well that's all we have time for thanks so much girls and Niall" the interviewer laughs waving at me i wave back slightly laughing with them,both of them jump up pulling their mics off and walking straight over to us "finally home time" i exclaim standing up and putting Aria on my hip her little arms wrapped around my neck while she sleeps.

we walk out of the building and into the car, the only good thing about late finishes is that paps give up and go and find other celebrities to take pictures of leaving us in peace i strap Aria into her car seat Perrie jumping in the back with her while Jade gets in the front i get into the drivers seat and we all just sit in a peaceful silence because we're all exhausted, we got up at 5am so to be leaving so late isn't great. once we get to the house we all go straight in Perrie basically running through to the garden to get home

"how does she even have the energy to run" Jade quietly exclaims, she took all her make up off in the car and pulled her hair straight into a messy pony "god knows" i yawn going straight to Arias room and putting her into bed thankful that i got her changed into pyjamas before she fell asleep. i walk into mine and Jades room Jade just in her underwear "oi oi" i quietly exclaim coming and wrapping my arms around her she just shakes her head putting her head on my chest "i'm too tired bub" she pouts pecking my lips "can i be honest?" i ask her she nods a huge smile on her face "me too" i slightly laugh she giggles leaning over to get her pyjamas and quickly sliding them on i just groan falling back onto the bed

"if you sleep in jeans we won't get married cause that's psychopath behaviour" she laughs as she walks round to the other side of the bed "don't worry i won't" i laugh unbuckling the button and pulling them down throwing them on the floor along with my t-shirt "i feel so overworked" Jade yawns as she gets under the covers i get in with her wrapping my arms around her and pulling her as close as possible to me "me too" i sigh kissing the back of her neck she just looks up smiling at me turning around and cuddling into me i just play with her hair watching her slowly fall asleep. i feel just as tired but for some reason my brain never lets me sleep lately, i just lay and hold Jade in my arms, but as long as i get to do that i don't mind.


jadethirlwall Niall bringing all the energy to interview daysss❤️niallhoran: 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪

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jadethirlwall Niall bringing all the energy to interview daysss❤️
niallhoran: 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪

"darling no one else can fix me only you"

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