Chapter 61. Twins

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"Jade where's Harry?" Leigh cries to me as we make it into the hospital she hasn't let go of my hands and her grip has only been getting tighter and tighter "I'm sure he'll be here soon babe Niall will make sure he is" i try to reassure her looking over at a frustrated Perrie who hasn't been able to get in touch with any of them and its already been half an hour, hopefully Dani and Eleanor have found them by now and that's why their not answering.

"i can't do this without him here"Leigh cries as Jesy pushes her in a wheelchair through the corridors, i look over at Perrie she instantly shakes her head looking like she's already planning to murder them all as soon as she sees them "i promise he'll be here" i mutter to Leigh as we get into the elevator, praying to god one of them answer the damn phone


i watch my blank phone unsure of wether to go against Louis' crazy rule and turn it back on just to make sure everything is okay, Louis decided today that we were going to live like it was the old days by switching off our phones and drinking to our hearts content, now back in 2010 i loved it because i had no responsibility's and not a care in the world, but now i have Jade and Aria to think about and i kinda have a bad feeling that somethings happening "Niall man come on leave the phone" Louis exclaims grabbing my wrist and pulling me back over to all the lads i look over at Liam as he just shrugs, somethings happening i just know it is

"Louis i need to know the time though because i have to pick Aria up" i tell him as we sit down he just gives me a look shaking his head "that's what clocks are for Horan" he exclaims i just groan sitting back in my chair, I'm incredibly anxious because anything could truly be happening and we'd have no idea, i look over at Harry who doesn't really seem like he's too bothered by it even though he really should be seeing as Leigh could literally have the twins at any minute, the front door then bangs open Dani, Aria and Eleanor rush in "finally.. we found you" Eleanor slightly exclaims trying to catch her breath

Aria runs over to me standing in-between my legs i look around the room everyone seems normal except for Louis who kinda looks like he feels bad, i mean he's kinda the reason his fiancé couldn't get hold of him so he kinda should be "Harry why have you not been answering" Dani exclaims taking Henry from Liam, Harry just shrugs taking a sip of his drink "well if you carry on like this your gonna miss the birth of your twins"Dani exclaims raising her eyebrows at him his eyes widening, so my feeling was right.

"well come on we gotta go" he exclaims jumping up everyone glances at each other as he runs out the room "guys" he exclaims everyone then jumping up and following him out the door "Niall and Dani well use your cars come on" he shouts everyone separating to the two cars i quickly put Aria into her car seat Harry getting incredibly impatient with me as i do, Louis and Alex getting in the back while i get in the drivers seat "Niall drive as fast as you can" Harry shouts as i drive out, this is gonna be eventful


"where is he?" Leigh screams holding onto mine and Jesys hands as tightly as she can "hell be here babe come on your doing so well" Jesy tries to reassure her moving her hair behind her ears "he needs to be here" she screams pulling us both as close to her as possible i look over at Perrie as she walks up and down the room trying her best to keep her anger in she looks over at us shoving her phone into her pocket "i hate them all" she mouths as she walks over to us making me laugh slightly as she comes and stands next to me "your husband may not be here for yours either because he'll have been murdered" she whispers to me i just hold in my laughter trying not to laugh and focus on Leigh the door then slamming open

"Harry thank god" Leigh cries as he runs to her bed side me and Perrie moving out the way "right could we just have the father and one friend in here" the doctors smiles at us all me and Perrie just nod as she grabs my hand leading me out into the corridor where everyone is waiting "I'm gonna kill every single one of you" Perrie exclaims everyone slightly laughing as Alex pulls her into a hug, i walk over to Niall wrapping my arms around him and Aria "you okay?" he whispers i just nod burying my head in his neck I'm just glad to be with him again. we all just stand quietly chatting for around half an hour when Jesy bursts through the door

"there here" she squeals running back inside everyone jumping up and running in, i stand by the door just watching Leigh and Harry as they cradle their babies my heart melting, I'm so glad to see them both happy even if their not together these two babies are going to have the most amazing life because they have the most amazing parents. "what are their names" Liam asks standing behind Harry everyones eyes focused on the little twins "well this is Addison Olivia Pinnock-Styles" Leigh smiles keeping her eyes on her beautiful baby girl, that's such a stunning name too

"and this is Aiden Lucas Pinnock-Styles" Harry smiles looking around at everyone. it has to be one of the most amazing feelings in the world when you hold your baby for the first time, a little version of you and the person you love, knowing that their yours for the rest of your life and you get that promise that they'll love you unconditionally for the rest of your life. i look over at Niall and Aria both whispering to each other as they look at the babies, the biggest smile forming on my face as i place my hands on my bump.


leighannepinnock i would like to introduce you all to Addison Olivia and Aiden Lucas Pinnock-Styles 💗💙20

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leighannepinnock i would like to introduce you all to Addison Olivia and Aiden Lucas Pinnock-Styles 💗💙20.4.17 @/harrystyles
harrystyles: so so proud of you, already insanely in love with them both💗💙
jadethirlwall: congratulations!! there both so beautiful🥺💗💙
perrieedwards: such beautiful babas 🥺so happy for you!! 💗💙
jesynelson: congratulations beautiful 🥺there stunning💗💙

"i'll be by your side anytime your needing me"

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