Chapter 23. Here We Go

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today all of us are performing at summertime ball, it's been the most stressful morning of my life and i'm definitely not as excited as i should be. "Aria it's half an hour and dadda will be here you'll be okay" i try to reassure her as she cries clinging onto me, the one day she decides to cling to me of all days "and daddy's gonna take you to watch" i tell her looking at Niall who just shrugs we're literally due on in 5 minutes and he's not exactly helping me here

"come on princess" Niall sighs as he slowly but surely takes her off me just making her scream more "i'm sorry" i whisper to her wiping her tears from her eyes "Jade come on" Sam shouts at me i just sigh quickly kissing Arias cheek and running over i squat down on my platform turning back to them Niall pointing over to me trying to make her smile, i wave to her as she cries into his shoulder


"would you rather stay back here or go out to the crowd baby?" i ask Aria as we watch Jade go up to the stage she grabs onto my shirt her head resting against my shoulder as her cries slow down "watch mamma" she cries i just nod walking out of the building and into the separated space for celebrities joining Louis and Harry, Arias whole face lighting up as Jade starts to sing. i put her down Harry grabbing her hand and dancing with her i just laugh as she goes crazy someone then tapping my shoulder

"Niall it's so great to see you again" Selena (gomez i couldnt think of anyone else lol) smiles at me as i turn around "oh hi you too" i smile turning back around she comes and stands next to me putting her hand on my shoulder Louis eyes widening as he notices "so how have you been since we last met" she smiles winking at me, oh if Jade could see us now Selena would be dead. "oh you know had my daughter got a fiancé" i shrug looking at anything but her Louis trying his hardest not to laugh at me

i cross my arms watching Aria as Harry spins her around "aww she's adorable, she really has your eyes doesn't she" Selena smiles putting her second hand on my shoulder staring at me i just nod looking down completely unsure of what to do "what have you done Selena?" Louis asks just to make himself laugh more, if anything is ever awkward you can always trust Louis to try and make it ten times worse for his own enjoyment but i quite enjoy it too

Aria runs up to me with Harry quick behind her "usual single life things, i've missed you though Niall" she laughs my eyes widening, what does she not understand about a child and a fiancé meaning i'm completely not who i was the last time i seen her, literally the totally opposite. i pick Aria up while she stares at Selena looking at her really confused "who tha dadda?" she whispers in my ear wrapping her arms around my neck "just an old friend baby" i whisper back she nods giving Selena her very annoyed look i'm guessing Jade has taught her well because she looks like her mini version right now.

we all stand there awkwardly watching the girls Selena still trying to be all over me the three of us trying our best not to laugh while i try to push her off, usually i'd leave but i don't have that option because Aria will just cry for Jade "thank you" Jesy shouts as the four of them run off "Jades about to kill" Harry whispers making us laugh i try my best to push her off before Jade comes but she doesn't give up

"what's going on?" Jade gives me the biggest confused look wrapping her arms around me pushing Selena out the way "old friends catching up" Selena laughs putting her hand back on my shoulder Jades grip on my shirt getting tighter and Harry taking Aria from me "old friends my ass" Jade scoffs as she buries her head into my chest Selenas jaw dropping, oh god here we go. "we are old friends aren't we Niall?" she asks me i just shut my eyes wrapping my arms around Jade so she can't move and praying she doesn't kill her

"more like you tried to have a fling constantly" Jade laughs with Louis my eyes widening as he high fives her i put my head down chewing my lip so i don't laugh "he flirted with me too" Selena shrugs flicking her hair behind her, she's not entirely wrong but i was also very drunk most of the time "Niall Louis Harry come on your on next" Paul shouts my heart dropping and my eyes widening as Perrie Leigh and Jesy come and join us

i kiss Jade quickly "try your best not to kill her" i whisper to her she just nods slightly laughing to herself i quickly kiss Aria following Louis and Harry already knowing i'm not gonna enjoy any part of this performance because all i'm going to be thinking about is them two.


 jadethirlwall following in mummy and daddy's footsteps🎤💗niallhoran: popstar in the garden everyday😂perrieedwards: popstar in the making!!lovelittledirection: we already stan Aria Horan❤️

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jadethirlwall following in mummy and daddy's footsteps🎤💗
niallhoran: popstar in the garden everyday😂
perrieedwards: popstar in the making!!
lovelittledirection: we already stan Aria Horan❤️

"she's on the loose"

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