Chapter 49. Christmas

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"appy irthay to you" Aria screams down my ear as everyone else sings to Louis he blows out his candles everyone cheering "26 baby" Louis exclaims at the end of the table everyone laughing at him, i wrap my arms around Aria as she sits down properly on my knee "Ni we need to go soon" Jade whispers to me i just nod checking the time on my watch "right we best get going" Liam says standing up as if on queue "us too" Jade sighs standing up i quickly pull on my coat picking up Aria and putting her coat over her saying goodbye to everyone then following Jade, Liam and Dani out the restaurant doors

"dadda is anta comin" she asks me snuggling her head into my neck i nod covering her eyes from the paparazzi flashes, you think they'd have better things to do than this on Christmas Eve, everywhere is starting to fill with the little bits of snow that has been falling down all day and i hope it starts to get heavier so Aria will remember this Christmas when she's older. "once we get home though baby you have to have a quick bath and then we'll put food out for Santa and the reindeers and then go straight to bed" i tell her strapping her into her car seat her little eyes starting to slowly shut i put her coat over her shutting the door and getting in myself

"this is our last Christmas as a three" Jade smiles at me grabbing my hand as i start to drive, her other hand on her little bump, it's crazy to think that this is already Arias 3rd Christmas and it was only 4 years ago that we were celebrating our first Christmas as a couple, so much has happened since and it's crazy how much has. "crazy to think this time next year we'll have two little ones in the back" i smile at her keeping my eyes on the road as we get to the house she nods as i park up "how is it already her third Christmas?" Jade mouths to me shaking her head i just smile shrugging, it really is unbelievable.

i jump out the car grabbing Aria and following Jade to the front door following her inside "shall we wake her or put her straight to bed?" i ask noticing it's already half an hour past her bed time "put her to bed gives us more time" Jade says i nod following her up the stairs and into Arias room i place her down on her bed Jade carefully changing her into her Christmas pyjamas and tucking her in. "so what jobs do we have?" i whisper as we walk out the room she grabs my hand slightly swinging it as we go down stairs "wrap a couple more presents, get a bath and bed" she smiles i nod following her into the living room she goes over to the garage door passing me tons of presents some wrapped in bright pink paper some half wrapped

"wow we bought her a lot" Jade mutters as she puts the last present down i just nod as she flops down in front of me resting against my chest i wrap my arms around her kissing her forehead "at least most of it's wrapped" i mutter grabbing one that isn't wrapped Jade groaning she sits opposite me as i cut out the wrapping paper, after about 20 minutes with a lot of us feeling like it's lasting forever we finally finish. i weakly smile at Jade as she finishes putting them out properly "bath together and bed?" i ask her she nods grabbing my hand and leading me up the stairs



"erry istmas" Aria screams as she runs into our room Charlie quick behind both of them jumping on the bed "merry christmas baby" Niall smiles as she falls down in between us "merry christmas" i smile as she kisses my cheek then kissing Nialls "id anta come?" she asks slightly squealing i look at Niall as he pushes his hair out of his face "why don't we go find out?" he smiles at her she nods jumping up and running out the room "how does she have so much energy it's 6am" he quietly exclaims as we get out of bed i just laugh as he grabs my hand leading me out the room we go down where Aria and Charlie are patiently waiting at the living room door

"ready?" i ask her putting my hand out to her she nods grabbing my hand as Niall slowly opens the door Charlie runs in while Aria just stands there for a second her little jaw dropping "he came" she squeals letting go of my hand and running right in
to the middle of all her presents "that's because you was so good this year" i exclaims as she squeals picking up a random one i sit down opposite her Niall sitting behind her helping her unwrap it while i take some pictures of her "look" she exclaims holding it up to show us both "wow" Niall exclaims rubbing his eyes, she rips through all her presents till the floor is full of wrapping paper, her and Niall starting to play with the things that don't need to built. this is gonna be a magical christmas


niallhoran last christmas as a three💗jadehoran: 🥺 i love you and ari and our baba so much💗perrieedwards: the cutest🥺louist91: aria generally makes every christmas the best shes a little legend❤️

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niallhoran last christmas as a three💗
jadehoran: 🥺 i love you and ari and our baba so much💗
perrieedwards: the cutest🥺
louist91: aria generally makes every christmas the best shes a little legend❤️

"i need to show you how much i love you this christmas"

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