Chapter 71. Compose Yourself

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"that's it" i mutter standing up "Niall no" Perrie shouts grabbing my wrists before i can even go over to Harry and pulling me out the room i just groan as we get outside "i know it feels like the solution is to punch his head in, but trust me it's not" she slightly smiles pulling me into a hug i shut my eyes as tightly as i can trying my best not to cry anymore then i have already this is the worst pain i have ever felt in my life i just want it to go back to normal. "right" Perrie mumbles pulling away and wiping the tears away from my eyes "i want you to go compose yourself" she tells me fixing my hair "and then go have an adult conversation with your wife" she says i give her a confused look and she just sighs "for your kids sake if anything Ni" she says i groan rubbing the sides of my face.

she's right. and it's not like i've stopped loving Jade or anything i'm still madly in love with her and i still want to be with her for the rest of my life but she has hurt me, but i suppose it's best not to drag it out and just talk it out and get over it, i'd rather just be happy with her then angry with her. "fine i'll go now" i tell her she just slightly smiles nodding "i'm a phone call away if you need me" she smiles both of us walking separate ways. i get up to the hotel door taking the deepest breath i can i take out the hotel key slowly and quietly opening it, Jade being no where to be seen until i hear her nearly inaudible sobs, i slowly shut the door and walk over to the bedroom where Jade is laying in front of the bed curled up in a ball, her hair and hands completely covering her face, my heart instantly breaking in two. 

see to me it means a lot that she's also hurt over this, if she was okay about all this then i'd think more of it, as much as i hate seeing her like this, i don't say anything and pick her up off the floor sitting down in the bed and just holding her as close to me as possible. she looks up at me her face full of confusion as she wipes her eyes hesitatingly wrapping her legs around my waist "i wanna move past it, it's okay, i wanna leave it and forget it ever happened" i whisper to her resting my forehead against hers she looks at me in shock unsure of what to say, she carefully places her hands against  my face slightly sniffling

"your the most amazing person in the world" she whispers licking her lips, i just smile pulling her closer to me and burying my head into her neck. "i love you and nothing you do or say is ever gonna change that" i whisper slowly shutting my eyes "i love you more" she whispers gripping my shirt and holding it as tight as she can. i guess we all do crazy things we don't mean because we feel some crazy strong emotion that just makes us not think and do things we'd never even imagine too if we were feeling okay, and i think this is exactly what it is, being apart and then seeing me spending time with a girl she doesn't trust that must have been hard for her and she was probably feeling so low that she just reacted in a stupid way, Harry on the other hand i don't know but what's the point in holding grudges, i'll forgive him with time.

"just promise me that this will never happen again, no matter how hard or crazy things get" i mutter to her lifting my head up and locking my eyes with hers she nods putting her forehead against mine again "i swear on my life, your life and our kids lives" she whispers her hands messing with my hair, i just kiss her being incredibly grateful that the sparks are still exploding inside me just by her touch. i could never picture myself with anyone but Jade she's my perfect person and i will forever love her with all my heart no matter what happens


"that was fun" Jade giggles to me pulling our naked bodies closer together i smile pecking her lips "great fun" i whisper against her lips goosebumps forming on her arms "what about a ro-" she gets cut off by my phone ringing both of us slightly groaning. i reach over seeing a facetime call from Louis "shit it'll be Aria" i tell Jade her eyes widening she looks around the room grabbing the hoodie i was once wearing and throwing it over herself "keep that blanket over your chest" she warns me as she takes my phone answering the call "daddy... omg mummy" Aria exclaims her face so close to the screen you can just see her huge smile and big blue eyes.

"hi baby" Jade smiles i wrap my arms around her waist pulling her close to me again "i miss you mummy" Aria pouts moving away from the phone to show her full face now "i miss you more baby but i'm sure it won't be long till we can see eachother again" Jade says putting on her best fake smile to hide the fact that she wants to cry over how much she misses them and if it was up to her she'd have them right here. i kiss her neck making her jump "when can i come there?" Aria asks on the phone i bury my head at the back of Jades neck placing kisses on her making her flinch

"as soon as possible" Jade says playfully kicking me in the shin "ow" i whisper on her neck making her shiver slightly "aww baby i'm gonna have to go we have to go to the show but i'll ring you as soon as it's over okay?" Jade asks Aria completely lying to her she nods tiny tears in her eyes "i love you" Aria mutters "we love you more princess" Jade smiles as the phone then goes off. "i'm gonna kill you" she exclaims putting my phone on the side and then turning round to me i just cheekily smile at her as she shakes her head connecting our lips again.


niallhoran tb❤️jadehoran: 🥺 time flies ❤️niallanjade: the way you guys weren't even together on this yet you can tell you were already in love🥺

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niallhoran tb❤️
jadehoran: 🥺 time flies ❤️
niallanjade: the way you guys weren't even together on this yet you can tell you were already in love🥺

"caught up in my emotions"

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