Chapter 72. Trust

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everything was perfect. for a few days everything felt amazing like nothing could be better. then i got home and it's felt the complete opposite since, i forgave Jade while i was there but now my mind can't stop thinking about it, wondering if it's possible if it could happen again or if it could happen with someone else. it's okay when i'm with her because i'm reassured she won't do that again, but being in a completely different country it's nerve wrecking. i want to know her every move just to be sure but at the same time something in my mind is not wanting to talk to her and the only time we have talked is when she's been on the phone to the kids, i've ignored her texts, avoided talking to her on my own and i have no idea why.

"daddy" Aria exclaims taking me out of my train of thought as her and Charlie run from the back end of the garden to me "what's up baby" i force a smile as she comes and sits next to me on the couch, Roman sat in front of us on his bouncer, "when do i get to see mummy?" she asks a huge pout on her face i sigh looking down at the floor, they haven't seen her since she left and it's nearly been a month now, i don't have any work planned for a week or two and it would help me a lot mentally "i guess we could go tonight and surprise her?" i ask Aria a huge smile lightning up her face, Jades only a two hour plane ride away it wouldn't be too hard "can we please" she exclaims dragging on the 'e' and grabbing hold of my arm i just nod laughing slightly as she jumps off the couch running inside, Charlie quick behind her.

i pick Roman up following them inside of the house, i firstly order plane tickets for later tonight and then go into our room placing Roman in his cot and pulling down my suit case throwing in random outfits and shoes to do for a week, i pick Roman back up and then go into his room putting all of his things into a carry on bag. i then go into Arias room where she is sat with her little disney princess suitcase throwing some of her toys and things in there i just shake my head, picking out some of her clothes and then putting them in my suitcase. god i hope this is the right decision



"thank you madrid you've been amazing" Jesy screams as we come down from the stage, i grab Perries hand as soon as we get off she gives me a reassuring smile before leading me through the arena. i thought me and Niall were okay but now we've hardly spoke and i'm frightened that he doesn't want to be with me anymore and he's only stayed for the kids sake, i love him so much and i can't help but hate myself for putting our whole relationship at risk.

we quickly get changed before going to the vans and as we get to the hotel room a rush of anxiety comes over me as it has since Niall left, i don't like being on my own it terrifies me because i'm left with my own mind to just hurt my own feelings. i follow everyone into the elevators and into the hall ways saying goodbye to everyone "Jade" Harry shouts as i go to walk off my eyes widening as he does i turn around to him, a really awkward smile on his face as it's now just us left in the corridor "is everything okay?" he asks i just sigh shaking my head "want me to walk you to your room?" he asks i just nod, i still wanna be friends with Harry and i know Niall would want the same


"i can't wait to see mummy" Aria squeals as we walk into the hotel i just smile watching her looking around in amazement "hi" i hear Perrie exclaim a huge smile forming on my face as she appears, these past few hours of travelling have been a complete struggle but it's worth it because i'm about to see my favourite person "here's a spare key, she's gonna be so shocked" Perrie laughs as she hands me the card "i hope so" i smile she takes Roman off me as i grab Arias hand my other one pulling the suitcase we go up the elevator and to Jades hotel door.

i can't help but be anxious because the last time i did this i found out something awful but surely it can't be that way this time. i open the door with the card Aria instantly running in "mummy" she screams Jade gasping coming in from the balcony bending down and hugging Aria, i guess there wasn't anything to worry about i am an idiot. Perrie goes over to Jade handing her Roman as i put everything inside shutting the door behind me. i walk over to them, going to pull her into a hug when i see a shadow on the balcony floor

"who's that?" i ask her, Jades eyes instantly widening "i swear it's nothing" she mumbles her whole body freezing as Harry comes out the door. i just laugh rubbing my face, so maybe i was right "wow" i mutter as Perrie takes Roman back from Jade "come on Ari let's go see auntie Jes" she exclaims grabbing Arias hand and taking them both out. Jade still just stands there frozen in the same position, Harry staring at the both of us with no idea what to do "you know what i thought i could but your giving me every reason not to trust you"


jesynelson forever our happy place🥰perrieedwards: no better feeling😍leighannepinnock: yassssss😍🥰

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jesynelson forever our happy place🥰
perrieedwards: no better feeling😍
leighannepinnock: yassssss😍🥰

"you can take this heart heal it or break it all apart"

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