Chapter 4. Seperate

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"unc Lou say ther zoo" Aria tells me as we walk,Aria skipping, hand in hand down the corridor Charlie walking next to us "really bub,maybe if we have a free day we'll go" i smile at her she squeals letting go of my hand and running towards Jade "mamma zoo" she exclaims as Jade picks her up her eyes widening when she realises what she's said. "wow" she sarcastically smiles at her putting her on her hip "finished or?" i ask Jade she just shakes her head kissing Arias cheek "got a few more are you?" she asks i nod as she puts Aria down

"dinners gonna have to be without me unfortunately" Jade pouts stroking Charlie quickly i sigh as i walk over to her. we've been here for about a week now and we haven't had one meal as a family yet it's either Jades busy doing something or i am the only time we see each other is the couple of hours we get to sleep. i quickly hug Jade before she's rushed off Aria groaning as she does

"right, how does pizza sound?" i ask Aria as she grabs my hand again she quickly nods skipping as we walk off meeting the boys "ready to go?" Harry asks us all each of us nodding. we get into the van driving back to the hotel "right whats everyone's dinner plans" Liam asks us as we get to the hotel door "room service with my fiancé bye boys" Louis exclaims running off to the lift, he's been so happy since Eleanor said yes he hasn't stopped smiling.

"how about us four get room service and watch a movie?" Harry asks as he picks Aria up making her laugh "sounds good to me" i shrug the three of us walking over to the lift. as much as i love the boys company and constantly being around them i can't help but miss Jade, it's crazy because even though i still see her everyday i feel like we haven't seen each other for a week and it's a weird feeling i really just want ten minutes to ourselves just being able to catch up properly. we go into mine and Jades room Harry and Aria instantly picking up the menu and starting to pick stuff out, Liam joining me in the bedroom while i get stuff out for Aria to change into

"so how is everything?" i ask Liam as i open Arias case him sitting down on the bed he just sighs "can i be honest?" he asks me i sit on the floor with my legs crossed just nodding, it's not like Liam to be like this "i miss Dani" he says i sigh going and joining him on the bed "it must be hard lad but i'm sure you'll find someone soon" i tell him he puts his head in his hands i just rub his back trying to comfort him

"not that easy" he groans looking up he looks so angry with himself. i just give him a confused look as he bites his lip "guess i'm speaking to the best person but please don't tell anyone else" he mutters i just nod chewing my lip trying to think of what it could be. "she's pregnant ni" my jaw dropping as he tells me he looks at me slightly laughing at the face i'm pulling

"oh my god congratulations man" i exclaim hugging him he just laughs hugging me back "so what does it mean?" i ask him he just shrugs scratching his neck "well if i was you i'd 100 percent win her back especially because you miss her, i'm sure everything will turn out amazing" i smile at him he nods slightly smiling



i sigh as i walk to the hotel room, it's 2am it's been the longest day and we have to be up at 6, i don't think i've ever been so tired in my life. i walk into the hotel room shutting the door behind me and nearly falling to the floor from tiredness. i look over to the couches Niall peacefully sleeping with a bunch of flowers and biscuits next to him i just smile but then sigh. he tried to do a nice thing but i couldn't be here for it, i know it's our jobs and i love my job but i hate times like this when i don't get much time for my family.

i walk over to Niall bending down in front of him i take the flowers and biscuits from his hands putting them on the floor next to me "Ni" i whispers carefully shaking his shoulders he groans trying to turn over "babe please i wanna snuggle" i whisper to him he opens one eye a smile forming on his face he puts his arms out and i lay down next to him as he wraps his arms around me kissing my forehead and then falling back to sleep.


harrystyles Aria makes promo days so much better!!❤️niallhoran: so that's where she went🤔jadethirlwall: she loves her uncle harry🥺leighannepinnock: THIS IS GIVING ME IDEAS!!

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harrystyles Aria makes promo days so much better!!❤️
niallhoran: so that's where she went🤔
jadethirlwall: she loves her uncle harry🥺
leighannepinnock: THIS IS GIVING ME IDEAS!!

"all my favourite conversations always made in the am"

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