Chapter 35. Morning

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the feeling of knowing your going to be with the love of your life for the rest of your life, that your love is never going to die because you don't even have words to describe how much you love them, it has to be the most amazing feeling ever it's indescribable. i slowly open my eyes to be meet with Jades face right next to mine completely sulking, i guess we didn't wake up with the same thought then "what's wrong?" i slightly laugh wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her close as possible to me i then push her hair out of her face and behind her ears

"i'm never gonna be a bride again" she moans i try not to laugh as she sulks more "yeah but now you have the guarantee that i'm never gonna stop loving you" i tell her kissing her forehead she just smiles wrapping her arms around my bare chest "i knew that anyway though" she whispers slowly shutting her eyes i just smile holding her as close to my chest  as possible wanting this to never end she looks up at me with the biggest smile on her face "it was so perfect wasnt it" she mutters i nod running my hands through her hair "the perfect start to a perfect life" i whisper making her smile grow even further

her phone then starting to ring ruining the perfect moment we were having "it'll be about Aria" she mutters as she answers the phone i just shake my head getting up out of bed and walking into the bathroom and turning on the shower, then standing at the door way Jade giving me a confused look "well you getting in with me or what?" i ask her making her laugh as she throws her phone down on the bed i walk over to her picking her up so her legs are wrapped around my waist "it has to be quick though" i tell her as we walk into the bathroom "why?" she asks pulling off her underwear "well i love you but i also don't want to miss breakfast my love" i laugh making her crack up


"mamma dadda" Aria squeals running up to us as we walk into the dining room i bend down letting go of Jades hand and picking her up as she reaches us "i missed you" she pouts cuddling into me "we missed you too" Jade smiles kissing her forehead i pass her over to Jade both of them giving me a confused look "i love you both but i really want breakfast" i shrug Jades head instantly shaking as i walk over to the self service meeting up with Leigh "aww Leigh congratulations" i whisper pulling her into a hug she nervously laughs hugging me back

"what's wrong?" i ask her starting to get some food she sighs playing with her hands "i don't know how to tell Harry" she mutters i just sigh pulling her into another hug i get completely why she's nervous i mean it's something huge to tell and it's going to shock Harry when she does tell him "it'll be okay trust me, just tell him i'm sure he'll be happy, he'll be shocked but he'll be so happy" i tell her she just nods sniffling a little "just be like i'm having your baby i'm sure he'll be happy kiwi reference lol" i laugh she just nods laughing slightly

"i'm sorry i shouldn't be crying to you this is meant to be a happy time for you" she exclaims quickly rubbing the tears from her eyes i just laugh "you can talk to me anytime stupid" i tell her she just nods pulling me into another hug "i'm so happy you picked Jade" she smiles before walking away i just smile, it's nice that they all approve of me. i quickly grab my food walking over to Jade and Aria but watching Leigh and Harry as best as i can "dadda do you an mamma ave to go on oliay?" Aria asks me climbing onto my knee

i think this is the part of me and Jade getting married that everyone is dreading because leaving Aria for two weeks is not only going to be hard for us but for everyone else as everyone has offered to take turns of minding her "yeah baby but your gonna have fun with everyone and we'll facetime everyday" i smile at her she pouts wrapping her arms around my neck i look at Jade who just sighs, as much as time away from Aria is gonna be hard i know we're still going to have the most amazing time and she'll be okay once she gets used to it as much as i feel bad about leaving her it's all gonna turn out okay.

"what?" we hear Harry shout everyone's attention turning to them at the end of the table Leigh's face full of anxiety "we're gonna have a baby?" Harry mutters a huge smile on his face as Leigh just nods "we're gonna have a baby" Harry exclaims the whole room cheering and clapping for them i look down at Aria wrapping my arms around her as tight as possible as we both clap, the fact that she's two really scares me because it was only around three years ago we found out we were going to have her and she's growing up far too quick i wish she could stay this little forever because as much as i think Jade is dramatic saying she'll be 18 before we know it she's really not wrong.

"that'll be Jade and Niall in a couple weeks after last night" Louis exclaims everyone cracking up my eyes widening and instantly covering Arias ears before he could finish his sentence i look over at Jade her face all red from embarrassment "nah more after their honeymoon" Jesy exclaims raising her eyebrows my head just dropping as i try my best not to laugh "do you mind my daughters sitting right there" Jade exclaims slightly snickering as everyone tries there best not to laugh, honestly we're literal children sometimes but i wouldn't have it any other way


niallhoran luckiest man in the world❤️ @/jadehoranperrieedwards: honestly melts my heart!🥺jadehoran: i love you🥺❤️liampayne: congrats man❤️

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niallhoran luckiest man in the world❤️ @/jadehoran
perrieedwards: honestly melts my heart!🥺
jadehoran: i love you🥺❤️
liampayne: congrats man❤️

"no one else in the world could ever come close to you baby"

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