Chapter 36. Honeymoon

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(this is what the maldives are like👆🏻)

we've officially been on our honeymoon for a week and to say it been the most perfect time well would be a huge understatement, ive felt nothing but happiness and done nothing but smile bc of how happy and lucky i am, we choose to come to the maldives and it is the most beautiful place that i have ever been in my life, the water is crystal blue and then sky is always a perfect blue colour when the sun sets it's a gorgeous pink and purple combination and to top it off i have Niall as my perfect view.

"looking gorgeous bubs" Niall smiles as he comes and joins me on the net that sits over the ocean i just smile cuddling into him instantly "so i was thinking maybe we could have a movie night, you know sit out here put some movies on the laptop and order food?" he asks me i just nod shutting my eyes and resting my head against his chest the only sound that can be heard is the ocean "i love you" i whisper to him looking up at him his hair all messy and wet still from when we went swimming "i love you more bub" he smiles pecking my lips giving me so many butterflies he rubs his nose against mine making me giggle as he just smiles

"your the cutest person in the world" he gushes making me blush "i'm not even lying you are" he smiles making me laugh "i'm not" i giggle putting my hands over my face as he laughs with me "don't get all embarrassed" he laughs grabbing my hands and pulling them away from my face and onto his neck "i just can't believe that your mi-" he's cut off before he can even finish his sentence by the laptop that he'd just placed on the decking starting to ring i groan as he jumps up checking it "come on it's the baby" he smiles looking back at me i just smile joining him as he answers the facetime Aria Alex and Perrie instantly popping up on the screen

"mamma dadda" Aria squeals making Perrie and Alex's faces both scrunch up from how loud she is "hi baby what's up" Niall smiles at her wrapping his arms around my shoulders and pulling me in front of him "i miss you" she pouts Perrie wrapping her arms around her as i notice little tears falling from her eyes. as much as we've had a great time here so far we both have felt guilty about Aria everyone agreed that we should have these two weeks to ourselves but part of me does wish we had of brought her because i know we both miss her so much

"baby don't cry" i sigh as Aria bursts out in tears i look up at Niall resting my hands against his arms he just sighs hugging me tighter, i watch as Alex picks up the phone standing up and walking out of the room "listen guys don't feel bad she is okay she just gets a little upset from time to time" he sighs looking back into the living room i shake my head covering my mouth with my hand as her sobs fill up the empty noise of the house "how much does she get upset?" Niall asks resting his chin on the top of my head Alex sighs looking down like he's unsure of wether he should answer this truthfully or not "tell us the truth" i mutter he bites his lip before sighing

"literally 99% of the time if i'm completely honest" he sighs Niall just nods "Alex i'll ring you back in five minutes" he says Alex nodding as Niall ends the call turning me around to face him he sits me down on the net again grabbing my hands and looking up at the sky "this week has been perfect hasn't it" he mutters i just nod knowing exactly what he's about to say "but it hasn't for Aria" he sighs looking down at the ocean below us playing with my wedding and engagement rings on my hand "i don't wanna cut this short i really don't but do you think maybe we should for Arias sake?" he asks looking up and into my eyes i can tell deep down he doesn't want to and neither do i, but when we had Aria we both promised to put her before anyone including ourselves and it broke my heart to see and hear the way she was

"it's the right thing to do isn't it" i sigh falling forward and resting my head on his shoulder his arms wrapping around me. i do wonder what our life would be like if we had of had Aria a little later on, because she's been with us the whole time we've been together and our lives have been dedicated to her, we never really got to experience the parts where we could go on date nights every week and be complete idiots in the house as much as i wouldn't change any part of my life ever i just can't help but wonder sometimes but i adore Aria and i really wouldn't want it any differently "well we best enjoy our last night properly go get ready" Niall whispers rubbing my back i look up at him confused as he just smiles

"i'm gonna make sure we have the best night possible to put our honeymoon on hold for a little while" he smiles i just smile quickly pecking his lips before jumping up and walking inside our cabin i quickly throw on a white dress and quickly dry my hair i go into the bed room putting a little bit of makeup on and slipping on my flip flops when Niall enters with a bunch of roses in his hands "this was went to be for a weeks time but" he smiles passing me the flowers making my heart melt "now i have a romantic meal planned for in 10 minutes so let's go" he smiles pecking my lips before grabbing my hand and dragging me out


niallhoran wifey❤️jadehoran: i love you❤️jesynelson: we miss you guys🥺louistomlinson: will you please hurry up home, it's no fun without you guys☹️

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niallhoran wifey❤️
jadehoran: i love you❤️
jesynelson: we miss you guys🥺
louistomlinson: will you please hurry up home, it's no fun without you guys☹️

"times never been on our side"

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