Chapter 44. News

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"but what do you think it is?" i ask Niall as we walk down the road both of us holding Arias hands and swinging her every so often "it could be anything" he shrugs keeping his eyes on Aria, Leigh and Harry have asked us all to come over as they need to discuss something with us all, i really hope it's good news but i have a huge feeling it isn't. we also decided to walk there because it's a nice day but mainly because Niall can't be bothered to drive and just sometimes he doesn't trust my driving, i don't actually blame him though i'm not the best

we get to Harry's house Niall opening the security gates with his finger print and leading the both of us in stopping at the door and bending down to Aria "listen, you have to be on your best behaviour okay?" he tells her she just nods slightly putting her arms out to him he picks her up resting her on his hip i knock on the door shaking my head, he also didn't get any sleep last night so he shouldn't really be doing that but he can't say no to her "Jade, Ni, Ari come in" Leigh exclaims as the door swings open i give her a confused look as Niall walks in

"Leigh" i mouth giving her a concerned look she just shakes her head pulling me in and shutting the door "what's going on?" i whisper to her noticing the tears in her eyes she just shakes her head pulling me into a hug "your about to find out but i promise i'm okay"she whispers as i hold her tightly i just nod, i can't help but worry Leigh truly has a heart of gold and she doesn't deserve to be going through any type of pain she deserves the world. i follow her into the living room, everyone sat silent which is extremely unusual, everyone's usually chatting away and you can't even hear yourself think

i sit down next to Niall watching Leigh as she sits next to Harry giving him a weak smile before looking down at the floor. oh god. "listen guys we've come to a decision and we wanted to tell you all" Harry mutters breaking the silence in the room i look at Niall as he puts earphones in his phone his eyes staying on Harry and Leigh as he passes it to Aria who's sat on the floor in between his legs he grabs my hand squeezing it slightly

"we've decided to split up" Harry mutters his voice slightly cracking and making my head flip right back round to them, tears falling from Leigh's face as she just placed a hand on her tiny bump "obviously there's no bad feelings, nothings going to change, and we're both going to be there for the baby" Harry explains tears forming in his eyes. my heart just breaking for the pair of them, you can tell they don't want to do it because you can tell they love each other but they also know this is going to be the best thing for them and their baby, but it truly isn't fair.

"oh guys"Perrie sighs breaking the silence and that's when i notice all of us are in tears she jumps up running over to the both of them giving them both a huge hug all of us copying her and then sitting round them both "promise me this doesn't mean things are gonna change between us all" Leigh cries wiping her tears as much as she can all of us promising her. i generally didn't see this coming i thought the baby was gonna be the best thing for them and give them a new start together but i guess it just wasn't meant to be

"i love all you guys" she cries all of us just forming into one big group hug, i look over at Aria that hasn't even slightly moved her eyes focused on Nialls phone as she quietly giggles to herself with not one care in the world, it's crazy to think how all of us go from that, not having a single clue and the only problem is what your going to watch next and before you know it your in your twenties some getting their hearts broken while some marry the love of their life, some not even trying to find the person there meant to be with.


"crazy about them two isn't it"Niall mutters to me as we walk out of Arias room i just nod, he wraps his arm around my shoulders as we walk into our room dropping onto the bed "it's so scary isn't it" i whisper to him he gives me a confused look intwining my hand with his "which?" he whispers his eyes focused on mine "how like two people can love each other so much but sometimes it's just not enough" i whisper he nods holding onto my hand tighter, of course that's not us, but i know exactly how Niall thinks and sometimes he just panics even though what he's panicking about will never happen

"we're really lucky aren't we" he whispers pecking my lips i just nod smiling at him, we really are very lucky our relationship was tested right from the beginning and it's been tested tons of times but we've got through them all. some relationships can survive tons of tests and then all of a sudden it just can't get through one and it's scary to think of but as long as two people love each other and are devoted to each other they can get through anything.


leighannepinnock some very exciting news that unfortunately comes with some sad news too

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leighannepinnock some very exciting news that unfortunately comes with some sad news too. baby styles-pinnock is coming May 2017🤭💗💙 however me and Harry have also felt it is best to separate, we are still the best of friends and are both very excited to meet our little baby
harrystyles: cannot wait💗💙
jadehoran: i love you so much!! cannot wait to be auntie jadey💗💙 incredibly proud of you
perrieedwards: i can't wait to meet them🥺 so incredibly proud of you baba i love you both!!💗💙
jesynelson: i love you beyond words, baba is gonna be so beautiful💗💙

"but love isn't fair"

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