Chapter 70. Heartbreak

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"because i've been" my heart dropping as she mutters those words i just look at her confused unsure of what i could even say "what?" i mumble her face full of panic and her breathing becoming heavier with every breath "i'm sorry" she mumbles tears filling up in her eyes "who was it with Jade?" i ask her i don't know wether to feel angry, sad or just disappointed she stutters looking around with so much panic in her face that it seems she doesn't know what to do. "Jade the girls wanted me to come and g-" Harry stops himself as he walks into the bedroom my jaw dropping

"him?" i shout at her Harry's whole face dropping with the exact same look as Jades "how could you" i shout at her to which she just stutters again breathing so heavy she can't even seem to get her words out "i'" she cries out holding onto her chest i just shake my head turning to Harry he just looks at me lost for words "it was like thirty seconds Ni" he says making me laugh "and that makes it okay?" i exclaim to which he instantly shakes his head "what you just left your kids for a few minutes to see how far you could get with my wife?" i shout at him he just stares at me his hands on top of his head

i turn back to Jade who's sat on the bed trying to control her breathing. "i can't believe this" i exclaim turning to face the wall i can't even look at them right now how they could just do this and think it's okay. "how were you trying to question my loyalty knowing you'd kissed one of my bestfriends" i exclaim turning back round to Jade she looks at me in disbelief "i love you" she mutters i just shake my head "no you don't" i laugh i shove Harry out the door way walking out, i pull my phone out clicking Perries contact and pacing around the hotel corridor

"Hi" she exclaims down the phone "what's your room number" i ask trying to hold back every emotion "25 why?" she asks i let out a sigh of relief realising it's right next door "can i come in?" i ask her as her door opens she just gives me a completely confused look as she puts the phone down "what's going on?" she exclaims, Perrie knew i was coming here she was the only one who did but i guess i'm the first to learn what's happened "Jade kissed Harry" i tell her, her jaw dropping "oh my god let's go" she mutters grabbing her coat grabbing my hand and leading me out the back way of the hotel and into the back of a car wrapping her arms around me and just letting me sob


i watch as Niall just storms out my heart breaking even more, i just sit in shock trying to get my head around what just happened and try and control my breathing "Jade i'm so sor" i cut Harry off "get out" i shout a confused look on his face "you've ruined everything" i shout again staring at the floor for a second and then glancing at him "you've just broke my family up i hope your happy" i mutter he just shakes his head walking towards me "don't come near me Harry get out and stay away from me" i warn him he just sighs backing off "i'm truly sorry" he says before walking out the room, i quickly message Sam pulling out of the show, i rest my back against the wall and just let my tears fall down my back, my back sliding down the wall, it feels like a weight is just resting on top of my chest not only stopping my breathing but smashing my heart into trillions of little pieces, i'm a fool i've probably just lost the best thing that ever happened to me and i may never get it back and i'll forever hate myself for it



"Niall this is a terrible idea" Perrie pleads as we turn up to Leighs and Harry's hotel room, i have to say what i have to say to him after everything me and Harry have been through it has to happen because i just can't keep this in me "think of the babies" she sighs as i knock on the door "that's exactly what i'm doing" i tell her as she sighs the door swings open, Leigh opening it looking so happy and then a little shocked when she sees me, i hid in Perries dressing room for the whole show so no one else knows what's going on

"what are you doing here? why aren't you with Jade?" she asks giving me a confused look i look around the room checking Harry isn't there "Leigh sit down" i tell her she gives me a confused look but just nods leading us to the couch, Perrie on one side of her and me on the other, although Leigh and Harry aren't together this is still gonna hurt her because he's the father of her kids and it's one of her bestfriends. "i don't know how else to tell you this so i'm gonna come straight out and say it" i tell her wrapping an arm around her shoulder she gives me a confused and worried look chewing her lip

"basically" i get cut off "Niall don't" Harry shouts bursting into the room i just shake my head looking back at Leigh "Harry and Jade kissed" i tell her, her jaw dropping slightly and her hands going to the side of her face "wow" she mutters almost as if she can't believe what she's hearing "i can't believe you Niall" Harry shouts leaning against the wall with his arms folded "that's it" i mutter standing up

perrieedwards (nothing else to put here lol)

perrieedwards happy place🥰alexoxladechamberlain: miss your gorgeous face 😍jesynelson: you little beauty😍

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perrieedwards happy place🥰
alexoxladechamberlain: miss your gorgeous face 😍
jesynelson: you little beauty😍

"how many nights would it take to count the stars? that's the time it would take to fix my heart"

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