Chapter 9. Tomorrow

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(day early incase i forget lol)

i watch Perrie come back out looking shocked just shaking her head in disbelief "hang on" i mutter to Louis and Harry standing up and going over to her "Per what's wrong?" i ask she just looks up at me her whole face in disbelief looking like she could cry "Jades just snapped at me for the first time ever" she mumbles grabbing onto my arms like she's about to fall over from the shock i bring her down to sit on the floor so she can wrap her head around it

"why did she snap?" i mutter starting to feel guilty because i already know this is my fault "apparently alcohol is more important to you right now" she mutters my eyes widening. wow. i'm not even drunk i've had one i know i have a huge responsibility with Aria but we could have easily went and put her on the couch to sleep until we were ready to go there's no harm in that. "well that's pissed me off" i mumble trying to process it myself

of course Jade and Aria are my main priority i put them before myself all the time nothing is more important than them so i can't believe she'd say that "i'll be back now" i mutter jumping up and walking through the house Perrie quick behind me as i get to the front door she grabs me "Ni promise me you won't argue with her" she sighs i just look at her shaking my head "i'll try" i mutter opening the door

i go to walk out when i notice my car is still sitting there i look at Perrie who just shrugs i walk to the car looking in Jades sat there quietly crying to herself while Aria is fast asleep in the back. i sigh opening the back door and grabbing Aria she groans a little wrapping her arms around me "Per go in the boot and grab her blanket for me please" i mutter she nods running to the back i go round to Jade who just looks at me more pissed off than before "what's going on bub?" i ask her as she wipes her tears she just shakes her head

"come have a drink we can get a taxi home" i tell her putting my arm out she just nods taking my hand and putting my keys back in my pocket. Perrie wraps Arias blanket around her and we go back inside Perrie going back outside while we go into the living room i place Aria down on the couch putting a pillow under her head and kissing her forehead. i grab Jades hand again leading her out of the living room and over to the stairs

"now again what's going on bub?" i ask her as we sit down she just shrugs staring at the door in front of her "i wanna help Jade so i need you to tell me" i tell her grabbing onto her hand she just sighs chewing her lip "remember we have to work together we're a team" i tell her she just looks at me shaking her head "it's just my own stupid head i don't wanna talk about it" she tells me letting go of my hand and standing up "i'm gonna stay in my mams for the night i'll see you tomorrow" she mutters i stand up tossing her my keys again and watching her walk to the door

"Jade" i slightly smile she stops turning around to me "i love you" i smile trying my best not to over react she just nods opening the door and leaving somehow shattering my heart like she's just walked out my life. i walk back out to the back garden everyone looking over all their faces confused when it's just me "where's Jade?" Leigh asks me i just shake my head sitting down next to Jesy who just wraps her arms around me i put my head on her shoulder as she rubs my arm "she's gone to her mums for the night but we all know that means longer" i sigh trying my best not to let any tears fall out my eyes everyone then surrounding me all hugging me best they can

(don't take this as a manip lol i just put danis face over as quick as possible)

niallhoran congratulations @/liampayne @/danipeazer i'm so happy for you both, welcome to parenthood❤️danipeazer: thank uu, from this it makes it look like we're having baby number 2!!😂❤️liampayne: #dadsquadlouistomlinson: it's terrifying that yo...

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niallhoran congratulations @/liampayne @/danipeazer i'm so happy for you both, welcome to parenthood❤️
danipeazer: thank uu, from this it makes it look like we're having baby number 2!!😂❤️
liampayne: #dadsquad
louistomlinson: it's terrifying that your both dads😂

"how i feel isn't what you see"

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